Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back in Wyoming - Fun with Grands - Day 1

Several months ago Amanda had asked if Mister and I would come up to Cheyenne and watch the boys for a few days while they go to Cleveland for Trent's brothers wedding.  Naturally, we agreed, and the time is finally here.  Lookout Denver, we are about to land.

Amanda and Caleb pick us up at the airport and we are soon headed north into Wyoming.  As Amanda drives, I jot down notes on the boys schedules, homework, meals, etc.  I am excited for this time with them even though we will be very, very busy.  It's good for me -- gets me out of my chair and moving.

We make a pit stop along the way for gas and Mister takes Caleb out for a little walk.  It turns into a run for Mister as Caleb shifts into a higher gear.  Is this an indication of our next 5 days?

Once we get to the house, I try and get everything clear in my mind and Amanda and Trent get packed and out to the door to drive back to Denver for their flight.  Ugh -- she has to make that drive 3 times today.  It's official -- we are on our own now.  Caleb goes down for his nap after lunch and settle in for a little sofa rest as well.  A couple of hours later, the boys are coming in the door and the afternoon has begun.  Snacks are given, homework is completed, clothes is changed and we are on our way to soccer practice.

Ryan's practice starts first and we get him to the field which is next to a playground that Caleb is already heading for.  Mister follows him, Raef heads towards his field, and I watch play with Caleb while watching Ryan on the nearby field for awhile before going to check on Raef.

As I head over to check on Raef, Caleb starts to follow and I have to send him back to Grandpa as he wants to join in with Ryan's practice.  Pretty sure is he not happy with me.

I get over to Raef only to find him in the top of a tree.  Way to go Gammy!  I tell him to get down and head over to his field for practice.  The only problem is that no one is on his normal field.  We start wandering around and are soon met by other members of his team, none of which know where the practice is.  Lovely.  Finally, the coach shows up and leads the way to a different field.  Once Raef is settled in, I go back to check on Mister and Caleb - in case I haven't mentioned it before - they are absolute best buddies.  They have discovered a radio controlled plane being flown in the nearby parking lot and go to check it out.  Caleb LOVES planes.

Now THAT a smile of delight and I took this picture from a long way away -- Mister's cropping ability at work here.

Ryan's practice ends and he wants to play with Caleb for awhile so I leave the three of them and head back to Raefs practice to take some pictures.  It is almost dark out and I discover that the camera card is full.  Drat.  His practice ends with minimal light left as it is very cloudy out -- time for a late dinner and get these guys to bed as they have school tomorrow.  We survive the first day and give each other a high five.

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