Monday, November 15, 2010

Cheesemakers -- Seriously? or Seriously Cheesemakers

I declared an all about me day!!! Shouldn't we all do that now and then?  I had already gotten tickets for the Trace Adkins concert a month ago for that evening and so was trying to figure out what to do for the day.  Of course, let's make cheese.  Isn't that the first thing that comes to YOUR mind?  Well, fortunately for us, the Mozzarella Company is located here in Dallas and amazingly enough they had a class for that day and had  two openings left.  I snatched those up and off we went.

We were not even in the building yet (which is located down in Deep Ellum) when  Paula Lambert came walking down the sidewalk towards us.  She is terrific!!!  Everyone there made us feel so welcome and actually seemed excited for us to be there.  Paula, herself, taught the class and was busy cracking jokes and taking pictures all during the event.  The place is incredible and the cheese is dang tasty as well.

We started out the class by donning aprons and ever so attractive hair nets and washing hands.  Then we were ready to get started and did so by getting the milk steaming for a ricotta.  A quick tour of the factory while the milk heated (pretty amazing -- 1,000 lbs of cheese a day!) and then to juice a big pile of lemons.  We then added the juice to the hot milk and voila --- ricotta cheese.  It was so simple and so very delicious.

Here we are scooping out the ricotta cheese from the whey and placing it in strainers to set up.  Then we moved onto working with mozzarella.  Since the curd takes 8 hours to make, we started with the mozzarella curd and chopped it up and put it in a bowl to which we then added hot water and stirred until the cheese was stringy and ready to be shaped.  First up, balls!

Mister was a natural at these -- mine were not near so nice.  Second, Queso Oaxaca -- a long strip of mozzarella rolled up like a ball of yarn.  Last was a olive roll in which the cheese was rolled out like dough and covered with an olive spread and then rolled up like cinnamon rolls.  All very yummy.

For some reason, I was unable to keep my mouth shut during photos.  Oh well, that won't surprise anyone.

The class ended with a wine and cheese party and some social time getting to know Paula, Mitchell (the manager) and classmates.  All in all a good time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fall at the Arboretum

It is a gorgeous fall day and I am in the mood to take some pictures and get some exercise at the same time.  Obviously, a day at the Dallas Arboretum is what is needed.  At this time of the year, the arboretum is filled with mums and pumpkins.  The colors are "my colors" and so I feel right at home here.

As we wander through the paths, the color is everywhere and it is actually putting me in the right frame of mind for Thanksgiving.

Everywhere we look -- mums of all colors and sizes.  I never even dreamed that this flower came in so many colors.  So much for thinking I knew plants and flowers.  The test gardens are truly resplendent in color and make one just stop and stare in amazement while drinking in the beauty of it all.

As we continue through the park, the many nooks and crannies provide one great photo op after another and soon Mister is shooting up a storm.

We never tire of the view of White Rock Lake no matter where we are at around it.  This little peek through the foliage is lovely as is the view from the reflecting pool below.  It makes it look as though the water is continuous instead of about 1/2 mile away.  Cool way to fool the eyes.

Another great day in Dallas.  So glad to be here and loving life.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

View From the Porch

Married one month today -- amazing how time flies.  As I sat on the front porch enjoying this beautiful fall day, I couldn't help but notice the way the purple fountain grass was picking up the light.  Ah fall -- my favorite season no matter where I live.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Friends Over

We had several friends who were unable to make the wedding and with that thought in mind, Mister and I decided to have a "friends who missed" reception at the house -- minus gifts of course.  We made several types of soup, baked fresh bread for our guests and topped it all off with fancy panna cottas.  Such fun and it was so great to spend time with Bert and David, Gigi and Richard, and Lisa and Eric.  Life is good.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Halloween - Off To Temple

Halloween!  I love this holiday, don't you?  We don't have many children come to our door in Dallas so we decide to go down to Temple and share the day with Jen and the grands.  As usual, the costumes are great and everyone is excited.  Mister decides to walk with everyone while out treating and I opt to stay and hand out candy.  I am pretty sure I got the harder job --- After opening the door at least 20 times in 10 minutes, I set up a chair on the porch and have a steady stream of kids for at least an hour.  Oh my.  I am starting to worry about running out of candy.

As it starts to get dark, we light the candles in the pumpkins and turn on all the decorative lights -- the house looks so cool.  I especially love the way Jen has turned the upstairs windows into "eyes" and made the whole front of the house look like a face.  So creative and cool.

Once everyone returns -- let the dividing of the spoils begin.  This is such a time honored tradition in our family.  Dang -- we still have a 2 hour drive home.  Time to get going.  Thanks fam -- we had so much fun.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday Time Again -- Jacob is 8

Another birthday?? My goodness they do pop up ever so often don't they?  This time we are down in Temple for Jacob's 8th.  Family tradition dictates that the honoree is allowed to choose whatever they would like for dinner.  Jacob's choice:  Grilled Cheese sandwiches and Tomato Soup.  Easy Peasy for Mom.

Time to open gifts and he is all smiles as he receives each one.  We have helped out with his main gift by giving him money for some accessories.  

He has been asking for a guitar for awhile now and both he and Mom are going to take lessons.  It should make for some great time together.  As soon as he had it in his hands, he busted into song.  Love it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon just visiting with family and relaxing by playing games and various other activities.

Jared is always one to stick around and be part of the festivities.  He and Bekah always seem to enjoy being around the adults and want to take part in whatever we are doing.  I love that they do that because it makes my time there so much more special.

After awhile, I started doing Bekah's hair -- which seems to be a habit of mine anytime we are sitting around and she is nearby.  After a short time, we had it all in braids and contained.  Old person in me -- apparently I am like my grandfather and hate to see hair in people's eyes.

Finally it was time for cake -- we had to darken the house a bit, but overall it looks great.  A DQ Ice Cream Cake.  Oh the hours I used to spend making those, ha ha.  What a fun year he has ahead.  Happy Birthday Jacob.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dr. Pepper

It is the end of an era --- Dublin Dr. Pepper is no longer being made.  I have to say that since moving to Texas -- Dr. Pepper has become the soda of choice IF I order a soda.  I have also started saying soda instead of pop.  Too funny.