Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday Time Again -- Jacob is 8

Another birthday?? My goodness they do pop up ever so often don't they?  This time we are down in Temple for Jacob's 8th.  Family tradition dictates that the honoree is allowed to choose whatever they would like for dinner.  Jacob's choice:  Grilled Cheese sandwiches and Tomato Soup.  Easy Peasy for Mom.

Time to open gifts and he is all smiles as he receives each one.  We have helped out with his main gift by giving him money for some accessories.  

He has been asking for a guitar for awhile now and both he and Mom are going to take lessons.  It should make for some great time together.  As soon as he had it in his hands, he busted into song.  Love it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon just visiting with family and relaxing by playing games and various other activities.

Jared is always one to stick around and be part of the festivities.  He and Bekah always seem to enjoy being around the adults and want to take part in whatever we are doing.  I love that they do that because it makes my time there so much more special.

After awhile, I started doing Bekah's hair -- which seems to be a habit of mine anytime we are sitting around and she is nearby.  After a short time, we had it all in braids and contained.  Old person in me -- apparently I am like my grandfather and hate to see hair in people's eyes.

Finally it was time for cake -- we had to darken the house a bit, but overall it looks great.  A DQ Ice Cream Cake.  Oh the hours I used to spend making those, ha ha.  What a fun year he has ahead.  Happy Birthday Jacob.

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