Sunday, October 10, 2010

We Did It -- Married

The day has finally arrived!  I'm a wee bit scared if truth be told.  I have Amanda and the boys staying with me and waking up to their cute faces is truly wonderful for me.  They are already dressed and ready to go, now it is my turn.  Amanda has asked to do my make-up and I'm happy to give that up.  Since I have basically given make-up up, it's a rare moment to wear it.

Out in the backroom, Scott has taken up the ironing process for Doug and I.  He is getting the groom's shirt all ready to go.  The help is amazing today as my sweet Mister is just a bit scatterbrained.  He is likely scared out of his mind and asking himself, "What the hell am I doing?"

Cassie has hair duty and has managed to take these humidity challenged curls into something fairly manageable.  Of course, we will be on a boat with wind blowing all around, so it's not likely to stay for long.  I do like it though --- maybe we can glue it down enough.

Well, what do ya'll think?  Okay, okay -- we gotta get going.  It's a bit of a drive out to Lewisville Lake and we need to set up still upon arrival.

We send Scott and Cass back to the hotel to gather everyone up and the rest of us are off to the lake.  Please let the weather stay  nice today.  We're off to a beautiful sunshiny start.

The cupcakes and flowers have been picked up and somehow I remember the stand so Amanda and I start setting everything up and trying to make the table look good.  I am so glad that we opted for cupcakes instead of a big old cake.  This will work so much better on a boat with kids.  Our guests start arriving and the boat fills up quickly.  I really need to stop calling it a boat -- it is a catamaran.  If all goes well today, we will even be able to put the sails up.

A lot of the pictures in here are just memories for me.  No commentary required.  So just enjoy as I will also from time to time when I come in here for a memory boost.  

Doug's brother, Rick, Louis, and Amanda are the photographers for us as I just really want candid shots.  Mister is a bit busy this go round.

My son, Matt, is spot on as usual and wherever his happy face is, I find smiles on other people as well.  Hello Bert.  So very glad you could be here with us today.  Matt also takes time to meet Doug's mom and have a little chat with her.  Thank you Son.  It made an impression on her for sure.

Jonathan -

Rhiana and the Buttars boys

Mister's family

Jennie and Gigi along with Matt, Becca, Hyrum and Josh.

Scott and Cassie

This kids have discovered the bar - drinks for everyone.

Jason and Tina with Bert

Scott, Cassie, and my sister, Denise

My sweet Mister has found the newest granddaughter and is taking some time to get acquainted.  Yes, he's a keeper for sure to take on this entire tribe.  I think it is remarkable that he is indeed doing this.  We are a rather large group and are still growing in numbers.  It can be daunting to someone not used to a big family and I admire him more than words can express for his willingness to dive into crazy chaos.  Hello there Zyra.

A few minutes alone with Rhiana --- ah, my heart.

I LOVE how every time I turned around, my granddaughter, Bekah, was right there.  I do so love her and wish to be a good example for her.

Mister and his tribe.

It's time --- come along

Yes, I'm incredibly happy.

And about to cry

Mister looks pretty happy too.  Must remember this feeling at all times.

"Well, we did it."

Yep, sure did.  Enjoy the moment to the hilt.  I officially have a redheaded husband.  Who would have ever thought it?


Hugs all around

Making it official

Family shot - The new Hayter tribe

Mom and us

The Hayters and the Ashtons

Happy couple

Mom H. and us

Jason and Tina and the sails are up.

Mia familia - with Jill too

Cassie and the most wonderful toast ever.  I wish I had a copy of it.

Jon and I --- Jen





My new brother-in-law, Rick


Rhiana, Elena, and Jared

My dear friend Jason

Time to lounge

"Please don't kill yourself."

Sails up -

Such love

Cake time

The water has waited long enough -- Matt and Kyle take flight

In goes Bekah

And Jon

Grandpa gets in on the action too --- yes, he is just that fun.

What a fun time we have all had.  It's dinner time and we are off to a Brazilian restaurant for Becca as she doesn't have this chance very often.

Not everyone is along, but there are enough of us that the family feels dang complete.  The food is exceptional and it is the perfect way to end the evening.

Well, our big day has come and gone.  It was absolutely perfect.  I know all brides wish for that, but it actually came true for me.  Thank you to all of my family for making the supreme effort to be here.  It just would not have been the same without you.  I love you all so very much and to my sweet Mister --- you're stuck with me now.  I'll love ya til the end of time.  Lady

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