Thursday, June 17, 2010

Grand Canyon Bound - Sunset

Ah - sleep makes everything better.  We are refreshed and back cruising down the highway towards Arizona.  As we drive along, the landscape changes so often and I love each and every change of it.  It is fairly cool out still -- but I know this won't last and it will be cooking later today.  We are hoping to be at our destination by then though.

Our journey brings us to a deep, narrow canyon.  It is Glen Canyon and we stop in a visitor area just before the bridge to take a look.  Is this beautiful or what?  Check out the color of that water.  Oh, and the two little dots down there -- well those are rafters working their way down the river.  From our vantage point on the "new" navajo bridge, we are able to see the "old" one.  It it no longer in use but it's replacement is almost identical.

As we stand on the bridge watching the rafts below, I suddenly wish we could join them.  It looks like so much fun.  This has been a nice break and a chance to stretch our feet, but we need to continue on.  We are almost there.  I love the red cliffs along the way -- beautiful.

Ah yes, we have arrived.  Mister has reserved us a cabin at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  We get checked in and I cannot wait any longer.  It is time to see this amazing creation and I am not disappointed.  How impressive it is.

This is the view in front of me -- Wow.

This is the view behind.

 The visitor center sits in an incredible location and not only fits in with the surroundings perfectly, but has a a wonderful history and the decor inside is so rustic and perfect.  I love it all.  We walk around the rim for several hours soaking in the majesty of it all.  I am so glad we came here.  I get a chance for some photography instruction and take the camera for awhile.  Learning to frame the picture is on the list for today.

Forgot the rule of thirds here, but it's a great perspective shot.

We walk the trails for several hours before returning back up to the lodge for a meal and some relaxation.

There's a great little pub and cafe delightfully air conditioned with a friendly bartender to visit with as we enjoy our fare.  Perfect.

The sun is starting to set so we go out onto the viewing patio, grab some chairs and sit back to enjoy the view.

Watching the shadows creep through the canyon and up the side is a new beauty all of its own.  I love the way the colors play out and each moment is a new piece of eye candy.  This is exactly why we came here -- the timing is perfect and there are not many people around either so it is quiet and we are able to just be at peace.

Well that's it --- time to call it a day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Let's Go - Gallup, NM or Bust - via Albuquerque

It is reunion time again and since it is in Utah, we have made the decision to do a road trip and spend a few extra days on each end of the gathering.  Our bags are packed and we are on our way bright and early as the trip through Texas takes forever and we have a desire to see something new today as well.

Once we pass into New Mexico, the terrain starts to change and I begin to spot these beautiful pink flowers in the fields.  After about 100 miles of this, I ask Mister to stop at some that are closer to the road so that I can check them out.

They are brilliant in color and I would love to get close enough to smell one, but the cactus is a wee bit scary to me.

A little further down the road we stop to check out some bright yellow flowers as well.  I love the desert flora -- I think there is great beauty in it.  Great yucca plants everywhere as well.  In Dallas, one of my favorite plants in the summer is the Red Yucca.  The bloom is beautiful.

We arrive in Albuquerque in the afternoon and although my childhood memories of it are pretty vague, I want to check it out.  We make a stop and wander the older area a bit.  I absolutely am in love with the architecture and the adobe walls.  I would love to someday have an adobe home with an interior courtyard.  They have the right idea here.

The San Felipe de Neri church in Old Town is such a shining example of keeping history alive.  It was started in 1706 and is still operating today.  Incredible.

It still has the old archway entrance and it's courtyard.

As we walk through the grounds, one can almost feel the history.  I sit back and try to picture what it would have been like in that era.  I know that I cannot even begin to comprehend it, but there are times when I feel as though I would like to give it a try (for an experiment of course, I have not gone totally nuts).

There is a wonderful, thriving town square that is bustling with activity.  This just gives the feel of "community", something that is lacking in most modern cities.

We discover many little nooks and crannies - all immaculate.  The people here obviously love their home as much as we do.  The straight lines, gravel, and occasional bursts of color from the flower decor makes it picture perfect and fits in completely with how I picture the southwest.

After a stop at Turtle Mountain Brewing (yes, it does sit in the shadow of a mountain that has a turtle shape and a legend to go along with it) for a meal and something to drink, it is late and we still have a long way to go.  I try and take a picture from a moving vehicle on the highway as we watch the sun go down.  It was beautiful -- the picture, not so much.

A couple of hours later, we arrive and crash.  Long day, but fun one.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bekah Bday - TDY Living

Jen is living in temporary quarters while waiting for their furniture to arrive from South Dakota.  We decide to add a couple more bodies to the mix and drive down to Kileen for Bekah's birthday.  With grandchildren this close to me, I want to make sure that I don't miss any major events if it is at all possible.  Off we go.

Jen starts out the evening with dinner -- wonderful spaghetti -- and since I am starving, it is absolutely perfect.  We have limited seating, so I get to share the sofa with my lovely daughter.  Dang, I am so glad that she is going to be just a couple of hours away.

Jen is letting Bekah design her own room and she has chosen grey walls with black, white and red/burgundy accessories.  So . . . guess what most of her gifts are?  Yes, we played along as well.

I LOVE that she is wrapped in the baby quilt I made her as she sits and opens her gifts and cards.  It is really thin and very well worn which makes me wonder if it should be replaced.  Hmmm.

Are holey jeans going to out of style again sometime in the near future?  Ugh.

She has commented several times about the lamps in our office so Mister gets her one for her new room.  Yay him!
As each item is opened, the smiles just get bigger and bigger.  She is truly loving this whole decorating thing.  Perhaps this is a glimpse into her future?  If so, she is showing a wonderful color palette ability.

See the dimple?  Love it.

Cake and ice cream?  In one of course.  Happy Birthday Bekah!  We have had a great time today!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Zyra Blessing

Time -- where does it keep going?  I am up in Billings for Miss Zyra's blessing.  Tonight is being spent with Rhiana and Miss Elena.  We spend the early evening being entertained by my sweet little granddaughter and in leau of writing, I am just going to share the videos that I took.  Enjoy.

She had received a fun new toy and watch what she does.  I love it!  AND am impressed.

Rhiana, Kyle, and I have a wonderful dinner together and just visit.  I crash on the sofa and head to Matt's first thing in the morning.  It is blessing day!  I have brought my laptop and it only takes Hyrum a few minutes to find it and want to play.  We find a Nickelodeon program for him and he is soon immersed in it.  Happily, I might add.  He is part of a new generation that will grow up with computers and have them be second nature to him.  I am a bit jealous as it takes me forever to learn new programs.

These are the stars of the day though -- not sure they are excited enough.  What do you think?  I wonder if this is a throwback to when Matt was younger.  He would always fall asleep when he got nervous about something.  It used to crack me up all the time.  They only sleep for a short time and then Dad is off to the shower while I get to love and hold my granddaughter. 
It doesn't take long and I have her on camera.  Isn't that why I brought it?  To make memories that will last - otherwise this old brain of mine will lose these moments.

Soon it is time to dress for church and I have brought new clothes with me for both Hyrum and Zyra.  I am pretty excited to see how things fit and how dashing my grandson will look.  Oh goodness, is this not the best?  Look at this smile.  And how very "gentlemanly".  My heart is happy.

Now for Miss Zyra.  Look at the wonderful blessing dress that Mister and I found for her.  Oh my gosh.  It fits perfectly and she just looks like a little angel.

What a sweet family.  I am so very proud to call them my own.

Yep, I remembered the blanket too.  Complete with name and birthdate.

Okay, I'll even put a shot of me in here.  It doesn't look like my granddaughter is too sure of this though.

The blessing goes well, although there is one "slippery" moment where I think Matt is going to drop Zyra.  Her blanket is a bit slick as it is tricot but he makes a good recovery and all is well.  A collective sigh from our row can be heard.  Then soft giggles.  The deed is done.

I am heading home tomorrow morning.  It has been a good visit, but I am missing Mister and wish he could have been here as well.  Next time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Orchids & Squirrels -- Beautiful June Day

Spring is all around and it is oh so pretty.  The orchids in the office are blooming and I am so impressed with Mister's green thumb.  I know that these flowers are anything but easy to work with and he has done a great job.

Out in the back we have many visitors.  Mister caught this little guy with the camera as he sat under one of the patio chairs munching on an acorn.  We are sure to have hundreds of little oak trees soon with all the acorns that these little guys have buried in the yard.