Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bekah Bday - TDY Living

Jen is living in temporary quarters while waiting for their furniture to arrive from South Dakota.  We decide to add a couple more bodies to the mix and drive down to Kileen for Bekah's birthday.  With grandchildren this close to me, I want to make sure that I don't miss any major events if it is at all possible.  Off we go.

Jen starts out the evening with dinner -- wonderful spaghetti -- and since I am starving, it is absolutely perfect.  We have limited seating, so I get to share the sofa with my lovely daughter.  Dang, I am so glad that she is going to be just a couple of hours away.

Jen is letting Bekah design her own room and she has chosen grey walls with black, white and red/burgundy accessories.  So . . . guess what most of her gifts are?  Yes, we played along as well.

I LOVE that she is wrapped in the baby quilt I made her as she sits and opens her gifts and cards.  It is really thin and very well worn which makes me wonder if it should be replaced.  Hmmm.

Are holey jeans going to out of style again sometime in the near future?  Ugh.

She has commented several times about the lamps in our office so Mister gets her one for her new room.  Yay him!
As each item is opened, the smiles just get bigger and bigger.  She is truly loving this whole decorating thing.  Perhaps this is a glimpse into her future?  If so, she is showing a wonderful color palette ability.

See the dimple?  Love it.

Cake and ice cream?  In one of course.  Happy Birthday Bekah!  We have had a great time today!

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