Thursday, June 29, 2017

Welcome Back Colorado Boys - Days 5 & 6

With Grandpa working from home today, we have a car and are gonna use it.  Caleb REALLY wants to go to the aquarium and so we shall.  Quick - before it gets too hot out.

They choose to do the tanks first and spend quite a bit of time laughing at the various fish.  I have to agree that some of them are just pretty bizarre to look at.  The nautilus, for example.

Caleb takes a few minutes to color a picture while the "brothers" and I walk and talk - aiming for a bit of an educational experience.

The touch tank is the last thing to do in the tank area and with someone on hand to show them the animals and teach a bit, their attention is held for at least a few minutes.  Well, maybe.

Caleb enjoys the touch tank the most but the other two are chomping at the bit to get back to the stingray tank.

Their obvious joy is easy to catch and we are soon all smiling and enjoying the water and fish.

With a quick purchase at the counter, everyone gets to feed the rays.

Now to find the turtle.


And a group shot to boot.

The aquarium has been done.  Now, onto the lagoon.  These three love to run and jump and play and I adore watching them do just that.

Ah, my little adventurer.  I informed him that I was NOT jumping in to save him.  What did that get me?  Well --- another adventurer.

Meanwhile, older brother is content to just sit and watch too.  I think perhaps he was wishing for something to create some excitement.

Great shot of curiosity at work.

We finish at the lagoon, stop for lunch and then --- Nickelrama!!!  The boys heard about their cousins going there and want to do it as well.  I'm getting pretty used to the place now.

Aren't smiles wonderful?  This is a motion ride that is actually pretty sweet for the price of 20 cents a person.

Now to get the older two on the motion ride.

Raef's look is "Okaaaaay."  Ryan -- lovin' it.

When the nickels are gone, they are gone.  We don't get more.  I'm thirsty, so a stop at the Boba Tea shop and get smoothies (no boba adventurers - so sad) for the boys and coffee for me.  Okay, I'm revived and ready to go again.

Quiet time at home is Pirates of the Caribbean #2 followed by tacos for dinner.  It's been a great day and we'll catch up with you again tomorrow.

29th -  It's another home day.  We have pants to cut out and cookies to bake.  In some delusional world I have considered getting the pants made today as well, but soon throw that out the window.

 Again, we are cutting from largest to smallest as we are using the same pattern and I'm just too dang lazy to trace it onto another paper and cut it out.  Seriously, I paid $1 for the pattern on a sale.  No point.  I'll just buy another one next year if I need to.  After three years, I'll have all the sizes - hahahaha.  Caleb actually makes a cut or two himself this time, although the pins are really beckoning.

The boys take some time to run off some steam -- in the house.  Oh Grandpa would be going crazy but it doesn't bother me one bit.  This house has a loop in it and they make good use by playing tag with a stuffy.

Now for some cookies.  Yes, we are marking off the list today.  Chocolate chip cookies are on the agenda.  Didn't I just make these recently?

I do some dividing and have the two older boys adding all the sugars and wet ingredients over at the mixer, while Caleb gets to put all the other dry ingredients together.  Oh, I hope these turn out.

When everything is mixed in, Caleb gets to add most of the chocolate chips with the others putting in a few as well.

Now for the best part --- licking the beater.  The biggest question is how to divvy it up.  I let them handle it but in a rare moment of weakness, have to get a taste myself.

And, of course, Grandpa chooses this moment to snap a picture.  Yes, it's getting late and he is home.

Okay, let's get these baked.  It's almost dinner time and where oh where has this day gone?

It's leftovers for dinner and some fun time with Grandpa discussing his skull.

We end the night with the family watching Pirates of the Caribbean #3 together and then off to bed.  It's be a lazy, but fun day.

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