Monday, June 12, 2017

Utah Fun Day 3

Good morning!  We are up and moving.  Ophelia has a tumbling class starting today and that means the day is already underway.  We arrive at the rec center on time and discover that she doesn't have a class today - it starts next week.  A Mommy oops.  Oh well, quick stops at the games and climbing wall before we depart for our planned second activity today.

When asked what she wanted to do today, Oph requested the aquarium.  Requests must be honored when Gammy is around and as we arrive, we discover that the place is not packed yet.  Score one for us.  The first thing we come to is a touch tank that has starfish.  This is a new one for me and I can't resist.

I can tell that O knows her way around the aquarium.  She runs from one place to the next, showing me everything she loves from tanks to giant turtles.  Yes, I have to admit that I love this one too.

Meanwhile, Miss Ava is hanging in the stroller, checking out everything at her eye level.  That is way more than one would think.  I have to tell you, I adore the way she works her feet all the time.  Movement is continuous and I think she could pick things up with them if she wanted to.

The lobsters simply fascinate this little one and Oph has absolutely no time for them.

Onto the shark tank.  Yes, I love it here too.  The overhead waterway is super cool and I wish our children's aquarium had one.

There is even a turtle cruising by.  Just one -- that is reflection.

Memory making.

An attempt to get a sister picture -  I did say, attempt.

Okay - how about solo?

As we continue on, there is an exhibit that fascinates me.  It is a Binturong.  Yep, new to me too.  Look it up -- very cool.

I stay for awhile watching and walk away having the excursion totally made for me.  Between the starfish and the binturong, I have been enriched today.

Let's add a jag to the mix.

And of course a couple of really fun birds.  Are we still at the aquarium?

The next area has Ophelia so super excited.  It is a rope bridge and she is about jumping out of her skin to get to it.

One trip through with mom and then the declaration that she can do it herself starts the process of oh so many trips across.  Cass spends her time standing in line so that Oph can just go and and go and go.

I even give it a try once.  Once is enough as I am not wanting to twist my ankle in any manner, but I can definitely see why Oph loves it.


and coming

Alright -- I don't know about the kids, but my tummy is grumbling.  Lunchtime and then that's it for today.  It's time for naps all around.

Before the day ends, I get Oph to wear her slippers for me.  Trouble is that they are a bit too small and she has to pull the insole out.  I guess I'll be making a second pair for her.

Some play time after naps, dinner, more play time and that's it --- the day is a wrap.  Bedtime.

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