Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Joshua's Turn - Days 3 & 4

Day 3 with Josh and since he won't be here on Sunday, I take him down to the coffee shop all by myself.  We are having a stay in the neighborhood morning and will go meet Grandpa tonight.  For now, though, let's walk.  Hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel syrup along with a cinnamon roll.  He should be revved up.

Once back home, we are into cookie mode.  Chocolate chip is the order, and sso chocolate chip it shall be.

Aprons on, let's get this going.

I swear there is nothing better than licking the beaters, not matter what age you are.

While the cookies bake, and we have a mutant for some reason,

we make quesadilla's with the "yummy" cheese that Josh bought on his first day.  He proclaims this the 'best cheese ever."

And cookies for dessert, of course.

We take the camera outside to see what the caterpillars are up to.  Last night we could only find two of them and so assume that the birds located the other two.  How sad.  This morning, we can only find one and it has already encased itself in it's chrysalis.  You'll have to look super close to locate it for it greatly resembles a curled up leaf.

We have enough time to watch a movie and he has requested Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.  I'm always up for that one so - absolutely yes.

It's now time for the bus to pick us up and head for the train.  We are meeting up with Grandpa and going to the water park that we discovered the last time Josh visited.  He likes it there and I'm always up for a sit in the shade and watch evening.

We arrive in Irving a bit before Grandpa and Josh discovers another fountain.  I, too, have played in this one while waiting.  Perhaps he has the same love for them that I do.

Finally, Grandpa arrives and whisks us off to the park.

And he's off

Again, he makes friends and is soon having a great time.  Just sitting and visiting while watching until it is pretty late is really nice but we still need dinner.  We make it until almost closing time and then Grandpa makes the call to come in.

21st -  This is pretty much our last morning together as Jen is picking up Josh this afternoon.  I told him last night that if we get up super early and are at the zoo by the time it opens, we can get most everything seen before we have to meet his mom.  He agreed and here we are.

Our first stop is at the hippos and YAY they are where we can see them.  Lucky, lucky, lucky.

Last night, online said all the babies would be out today, so we are hopeful.  From the hippos to the lions, we try oh so hard to get a glimpse of the cub.  Josh does better than me as I'm running from window to window hoping for the best shot.  I just barely catch her as she's leaving our view.  I did see her face though and dang, she is super cute.

A quick stop to see the cheetahs and he is thrilled that one comes right up to him to say howdy.  Next up - our first glimpse at the new baby giraffe.  It is his debut this morning.

Ahhh, my heart

Two super cute shots with mom

We try one more time with the lion cub, but really -- no good luck.

Out in the savannah, we spot the baby elephant.  It's the first time I've see him in the main habitat.

Josh stops in the center to learn a bit more about elephants before we are off to the Gorilla Trail.

They ARE out and about so we are hoping for some opportunities to get closer.  As I zoom in on the picture above, I'm pretty sure he is watching me as much as I'm watching him.  Nice pose, thank you.

And now you know why they are called silver backs.

Down at the viewing window, one is busy eating and hanging out while Josh is able to watch up close.  Score.

We keep  moving down the path and soon the chimpanzees come into view.  The little one here is quite active today and puts on a decent show for everyone.

The family unit here fascinates me.  Again, I should just visit and sit for awhile watching.  I've never been to the zoo alone, perhaps it's time.

The klipspringer is out and I always feel lucky when that happens.

As we exit the Gorilla Trail, we are back at the hippos and one more chance to see them.  Have they moved?  Not a bit..  Drat.  Someday I'll catch them on land, but today is not that day.

The encounter is going when we arrive and a quick stop nets some information about a constrictor snake.  Yep, she just has it down on the ground.

Okay, if we are going to see anything on the other side of the zoo, we need to get over there.  Our time today is rapidly diminishing.

We strike it lucky again with the otters as they are right at the window.  Yes, it's fun to watch them swim, but up close like this is pretty cool too.

We do a pretty rapid walk through this side and are soon ready to go.  I put the camera away until our last stop as he finds a picture of a sloth and must have his taken with it.  That's it, this zoo trip is a wrap and we need to go meet mom.

The new roads on the way home confuse me and I wind up missing my turn and take FOREVER to get home.  Fortunately, Jen is running late too and so we still have time for lunch and to get packed.

It's been great to have Josh and we are hoping he can come back for another couple of days this summer.  Fingers are crossed.

Until then --- thanks for spending this time with us Josh -- we loved it.

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