Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Utah Fun Day 4

Wow, the saying that "time flies when you are having fun" definitely holds true this week.  It's my last day here and I want to make some more memories.  Farm Country is our destination for the day and it's a new one for me.  Woohoo.

The first thing we see when we enter the doors is a container full of baby chicks.  Well, not really baby, more like juvenile but fun all the same.

Our path takes us into a nearby barn filled with wonders of all kinds.  A foal resting -

Baby goats in their water dish -

And a mama chicken with her babies roaming through the place.  Do you see them?  They blend in really well.

Blurry, but look close.

And another foal with mama -

Remember that mama chicken, well she roams out into the walkway with her babies and Cass attempts to herd her back into the corrals so those little ones don't get stepped on.  Silly mama.

Pony rides are next.

Even Ava is up for this.  Out of the stroller and onto a pony she goes.  I try super hard to get a shot of her dead pan face but she is having no part of looking at me.

Ophelia does a great job though and I simply adore this picture.  The rainboots make it even better.

A quick stop in the play area gives us time to sit for a few and decide what to do next.

Ava is happy to just play.

We head for the fowl pens next and I spot these turkeys.  Crazy looking aren't they?

And a peacock is strutting his stuff right next door.  Oh please look my way.  No - not that way.


We make a stop to feed the horses, but Oph is not all that fascinated and Cass winds up finishing the job.

Why isn't O interested?  Well, dang it anyway.  There are nearby muddy puddles that must be walked in.

After all, it's why she wore the rainboots.  You knew that though, right?

Goats are next and they are so little that little people must be able to relate to them better.

Our time is about at an end.  We need lunch and naps.  While we wait for O and Cass, a quick stop int he gift shops nets me this cute pic.  What a darling little cowgirl.

After Ava wakes from her nap, we decide to have some backyard fun.  These are always good camera moments for me.

O joins us when she wakes

and she tries to use my camera, taking this picture of her mama.  Good job O.

Now for a quick "girls" shot.  What fun is this?  And that's it.  Dinner, ice cream at Farr's and I need to pack.  I fly in the morning but have loved my visit as always.  See ya'll next month when I return for Ava's birthday.

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