Friday, June 9, 2017

Jared's in Town

When Jen arrived yesterday to pick up Jacob, she dropped off Jared to spend a few days with us.  These teenage boys are just so independent and sleeper inners that it's hard to find much to write about or take pictures of.  However, today we actually have a fun story.

Jared's request for the day is Jumpstreet. It is not a car day for us so that means DART and I arrange for our pickup in time to get to the train and connect to the bus correctly.  Our pickup is late, thus missing the first train.  When we grab the next one, our connecting bus has already left when we arrive at our stop.  Great.  It's about a 25 minute wait for the bus and Jumpstreet is about a mile away so I ask Jared if he is up to a walk.  He gives me a big smile and says, "Yes."  Let's go then.  We set off and I am instantly regretting my decision as I did not wear sneakers and as much as I love these sandals, they are not wonderful for walking a long ways as they always seems to rub the bottom of my feet.  Oh well, no turning back now.  We get about 1/4 of a mile when I notice the sky really getting dark and it appears to be moving straight at us.  Great.  Suggesting that we get up on the Central Expressway so that there are businesses to dart into in case of a downpour, we alter our route a bit and continue on.  As we near the 3/4 of a mile mark, it starts to sprinkle and I'm okay with that as we just kick it up a gear.  As soon as we cross Royal and enter the parking lot (of which Jumpstreet is clear on the other side), it lets loose and we are running like crazy.  Two soaked rats enter the trampoline park, but - hey - it is a memory, right?  A quick phone call to Grandpa for a 5 p.m. pickup and off he goes while I settle in to work on a project.  (Yes, I'm still soaked when Mister arrives 2 hours later.)

6th - We are once again carless today but want to go to the movies.  That means it's another DART day but by the time we have made up our minds to get to the movie, we can't get a pickup at the house so walk down to the highway to catch a bus.  We have a few minutes before the mall shuttle picks us up and somehow that is just way to long to stand.

As I wait patiently for the shuttle, I notice all the blue around me and figure I'll kill some time taking pictures.  A gentleman sees me and asks if I'll take his picture to send to his mother.  Okay.

King Arthur is on the screen today and I love it.  The funny part is that I find out later that Jared has had no idea what is going on throughout the entire movie.  What?  Apparently, unbeknownst to me, he doesn't know the story of King Arthur and got lost in the very beginning.  Bummer.

I did splurge though -- and bought a large popcorn and drinks.  We NEVER do this but it was just so yummy today.  At least this time, we are not leaving the theater into a downpour.  As we wait for the shuttle, Jared again finds it just to taxing to stand.  Hahahahaha.  Teenagers - well almost -- he's 12.

7th - We have a car today and are off to play.  Jared's first request is to go to Waffle House.  What?  I am so not a fan but a request is a request and I will honor it.  The food is decent, but the atmosphere is just not there for me, once again.

When Jared found out that Jacob went to Nickelrama to play the pinball machines, he put this on his list as well so that is where we are off to today.

I used all my nickels at the first trip here, so this time we have to buy them.  A cup later and when they are gone, they are gone.

I play on the machines for awhile and then wander over and manage to win on the Candy Crush game -- 100 tickets for Jared.  Then I move onto the 21 game and dang if I don't strike it right again -- 180 tickets.

A couple of hours later, the nickels are gone and he has about 1600 tickets to play with.  Yes, it's silly but the kids think it's fun.  He takes a punching ball and some candy out the door with him as we leave.

Since Grandpa found that cool boba tea place last week, I am on track to stop in there again.  We settle in on the sofa with our drinks and play some Connect Four and a few games of Go Fish.  It's really a nice time and perhaps my favorite time all week with him.

8th - It's our last day together and Jared wants to make some brownies so we try my new cookbook by Mary Berry.  These brownies test us both a bit as everything is measured by weight -- a first for me.  While they are baking, I make another run to the doctor as my leg has had a repeat outbreak and I am flying tomorrow.  A quick trip back and they brownies are out of the oven and looking oh so yummy.  We cut into them right away -- before I can even get a decent picture.

Now, what to do for dinner.  Oh my goodness -- we toss around all kinds of ideas and finally settle on going to check out the new Costco and get our membership cards.  A pup and a pop is on the agenda and I am absolutely in shock that these are STILL $1.50.  They have been this price for at least the last 10 years.  Wow.  There is some comfort in all of that.  With a yummy dinner in our bellies -- we scope out the store, get Jared some Goldfish, pick up a few sale items and make plans to return when we have more time.  It's a great evening and tomorrow morning is laundry and packing.  Jared is being picked up and I'm off to Utah.  I've enjoyed our time together and hope he got enough sleep -- it seemed like it was about 12 hours a day.  Love ya tons, Jared.

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