Monday, June 19, 2017

Joshua's Turn - Days 1 & 2

A Sunday morning walk to the coffee shop with Mister and upon our return, Josh arrives for his days with us.  First up:  grocery shopping at Central Market and then back home to cook dinner.  While I work on that, he and Grandpa take some time to photograph our herbal visitors.

I love it when Grandpa works with the kids to learn his love for photography.  They start seeing things differently and the whole world becomes a much more interesting place.  Oh -- we have a total of four visitors.

19th -  Grandpa is working from home today so we have a car -- woot woot.  It's a beautiful day out and we are going to the Children's Aquarium per request.  Come along and see the wonders and fun we get to have.

Josh starts out by checking out the tanks and claims himself "lucky" because the larger animals are POSING for him.  Perhaps he is right - many times they are just sleeping in the back of the tanks and one doesn't really get to enjoy them  up close.  Today is not like that at all.  First things are the snapping turtle and the albino alligator.

Making a stop at my favorite tank, the jawfish are busy building, as always.

I'm not sure if I've shared this before or not but EVERY time that we come here (Josh and I, that is), the grouper thinks he is his best friend.  I have not seen this reaction to any of the other grands.  However, when it is Josh, he swims and follows my grandson back and forth through the window.  It's actually kind of crazy to watch.

He makes a stop at a coloring station and then the touch tank to try some new experiences.

And then it is off to the shark tank.  No one seems to be able to find the turtle right now and they are even feeding to do so.  I wonder where it is hiding.  It's time for the stingrays.  This is the all-around favorite here by all, including me.

After the rays, we are outta here.  A run around the lagoon area is  next up and always good to get the wiggles out.

It has definitely warmed up outside and I'm in awe of the fact that Josh is able to keep his jacket on.  What is up  with him?


He is really  having a good time just hanging out and after a few seconds here, he yells at me to come and see his view.

It IS pretty cool.

I love these moments of just watching my grands.  A lady has some extra bread and gives Josh a big hunk of it to feed the fish.

Upon deciding to walk around the lagoon, he takes the bread with him and stops along the way whenever we see a fish or turtle that "looks hungry."
I, also, love this area.  I often wonder why I don't just come down here and sit to enjoy it.  The city is crazy not to use it more and it is something I will NEVER understand.

After the loop around the lagoon, we make a last minute decision to go to the butterfly house while we are down here.  He has not been before and, well, why not?

It is even warmer inside the house, but the butterflies are active as well as the bees.  I've never really taken the time to understand the hive in here but I think I finally have it all figured out.  The bees exit outside through a special opening and can work the area and then return to this hive.  With beautiful flowers just outside, they likely don't have to travel too far as well.  It's a great set up.

Along the way, a butterfly makes friends with me and I am unable to shake him all the way back up to the exit.  He just flutters all around me, in my face and landing on me numerous times.  As we prepare to leave, I twirl around real quick and make a mad dash for the door.  Josh does a check on my back to make sure I left him behind and we are ready to depart.

The butterfly house is at the Discovery Gardens and we have been told that they have a snake house that Josh wants to check out so off through the gardens we go.

The snake house is not the amazing, but he does love the fountain just outside.  Me too.  I'm such a sucker for fountains.  I will go out of my way to see one and sit around it.

That's it.  Time to head home.   Grandpa and Josh spend some time photographing the caterpillars.  I think they do a great job.  How about you?

This is Josh's final picture.  See ya tomorrow.

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