Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall is in the Air -- Let's Walk at the Arboretum

A lovely fall morning greets us and we are ready to walk.  It has been awhile since our weekly visits to the Arboretum and I am hoping that today will be the start of returning to that pattern.  Well, at least to the start of walking again.

The Arboretum is in full swing installing two separate events at once.  There are pumpkins everywhere as the fall festival starts to take shape and additionally there are gazebos being erected all over for the new Twelve Days of Christmas display.  I am looking forward to seeing both of them in their completed state this year.

The test gardens are in transition but our eyes are still drawn there as I spot the webs of funnel spiders glistening in the morning dew.  I am constantly amazed by the beauty nature provides to us as well as the awe I have for creatures and their own abilities.

The pumpkin houses are starting to take shape and I love these new "flowers" made from a metal stand and a pumpkin.  Very cool

Isn't this absolutely beautiful?  I LOVE the delicacy of it.  I still say I am going to do a green/white/purple quilt.

Mister finds the peppers he wants.  He had these a few years ago and wants to locate one again.  Thus, a picture of the name.

And a shot of the plant

It has been a great year for mandevillas and so, naturally, we didn't plant one.  Ugh.  We went with the hibiscus duo this year.

Check out this bloom.  I adore the purple seeds.  Very fun.

It's been fun --- see you here next time.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Meet Miss Ophelia! Utah Time - Finally.

Oh is it really another day already?  I didn't get home from picking Mister up at the airport last night until around 11 p.m. and now I am Boston bound at 6:30 a.m.  I am flying JetBlue and it is by far the top of my list on domestic airlines to travel with.  Excellent.  Time to sit back, watch television and enjoy my flight.  I feel as though I have waited forever for this trip.  My granddaughter is now almost 3 months old.  How on earth has time gone by so fast?

When I arrive in Boston, it is a quick connection and I am off to JFK.  I know - makes all kinds of sense doesn't it?  I have an eight hour layover in New York so I find a corner of peace in the terminal and settle in.  With my laptop streaming Netflix, I am content to watch Breaking Bad and crochet away.  Today's project are spool doilies for an upcoming retreat gift.  I get quite a few finished during my stay.  I would get more accomplished if I could just listen to the show and not stop and focus entirely on it.  Ha ha.

I arrive in Salt Lake at midnight.  Yes, you read that right.  It took me 18 hours to go from Dallas to Salt Lake.  Ugh BUT it was free and you can't beat that and since Cass and I were not able to settle on a date within the 2 week airline time span, this works.  I get to meet Miss Ophelia while she is up for her middle of the night feeding and visit with Cass for a few minutes before my body screams at me to sleep.  I listen.

As tired as I am, I wander upstairs to see what's up.  Everyone is moving around getting ready for church and I am opting to stay home and sleep.  I'll just sleep in church anyway, that's how heavy my eyelids are.  What is it about traveling that is so dang exhausting?  All you do is sit.  Ugh.  Here is Miss Ophelia all ready for church.

Well not quite ready.  Must eat a little more first and then she gets swaddled and put to sleep.  Best way to take little ones to church?  Sleeping.  Back to bed for me.

After church, we walk over to Scott's parents for a brunch and then back to the house for naps.  Yep, this is a good day for resting.  Sometime in the afternoon, I am slept out --- I find my laptop and watch some Netflix while waiting for everyone else to wake.  Then it is back to the Ashton's for dinner.  Cassie is holding Ophie (yep, that's what I am going to call her) so I cut her meat for her.  I absolutely cannot remember the last time I did this.  Too funny.

Today is Labor Day and as a result Scott is off work.  After he and his father help out a brother, we load everything up and head for the cabin for the afternoon.  I do love it up here.  It's quiet and peaceful and we get a chance to just visit and enjoy each other.  We settle in and watch Mobsters and Mormons -- which is good for many laughs.  I manage to get my hands on Ophie as often as possible and still share with others.  It's hard.  When we return home - everyone is tired and off to bed.  What a nice day.  Tomorrow we are running errands.


First thing today is a weight check for Ophie.  She is still pretty dang small so this is a weekly occurrence.

It doesn't go well and her regular doctor is not there so another steps in.  He proceeds to scare the crap out of everyone and suggests hospitalizing Ophie.  Nothing is making sense.

Scott decides to wait and get some answers from their own doctor before doing anything and so we return home to wait it out.  Everyone is on edge and worried to death about this little sweetheart.

Cassie starts playing with her and she delivers her first real long string of giggles.  I believe the word her Mama uses is "cathartic" when they are over.  Please watch and enjoy our moment of pure joy.

I spend the afternoon working on a project for an upcoming event.  Cassie has a sewing machine that has never been used -- yep, I gave it to her -- so out it comes.  How is that for irony?  I put together the patches/backs that will be used as pockets and then try to determine which one goes to which piece of fabric.

This is interrupted often and happily by any opportunity to help with Ophie.  Oh just to play and look at her does my heart good. I get her to hold toys and play with me.  What fun.


The regular doctor has been reached and is incredibly apologetic for what has happened.  Yes, the weight is an issue but hospitalization is not even on the radar at this time.  Too many other things to try and so Cass sets about using bottles to monitor exactly how much is going in.  Sucks for her incredibly to give up that time with her baby and spend it with a breast pump instead, but the information is needed.  I work on my project some more and soon have a stack that Ophie can lay on to watch.  What a doll.

It's bathtime and I try to grab a quick picture before her mama and daddy get her dressed.  This is a great time for the three of them and I give them that space quietly.  Oh, I remember the joy in those moments with these precious gifts.


It's a great day for a walk.  I do love this valley and being back around the mountains feels awesome.  I think what I miss the absolute most about living in the northwest is the ability to grow and wonderful garden and fruit trees.  That was the one thing that always allowed me to find happiness.  The trees here are laden with fruit and I wish so much that they were mine.  Seeing it just lay on the ground and rot on the trees is heartbreaking to me.  Putting food up --- that was never work for me.  I always felt better after having done so.

For now, my heart must settle for the fulfillment that comes from these precious little people.  I have tears in my eyes as I write this, simply because at one time I fantasized that my children and grands would always be nearby.  For a long time, I beat myself up over that since I left Montana but then I realized that even if I was still there, it would be no different.  They have lives and places they need to be.  My only wish now is that I am able to spend time with them as often as possible.  Moving on --- We finally get to the store so that I can pick up a new toy for Miss Ophie.  She is instantly all eyes and quickly reaches out for the toys, even connecting with one.  What fun.

Throughout the days, I get the blocks for a quilt finished and the sashings for another started.  It is good fill in time while baby is eating or sleeping.

We have decided that I will leave on Sunday evening to help Cassie out with transportation this next week.  She will have her hands full enough with her hubby gone and starting back to work.  A Momma is the last person she needs to worry about.

As a result, it is my last night and so I get to help bathe this little delight.  Scott and Cassie don't use a baby tub - they just fill the main tub and let her float around being supported by one of them.  Tonight it is me.  I am delighted with her and want to get a few pictures but knowing how bizarre everyone is now, we elect to push the bubbles all around her little body so no one gets offended and ready to turn us in.  In the process, she starts to suck on the bubbles that are on her little hands making us laugh all that much more and as a result get shaky pictures.  But, please enjoy with us.

Now THIS --- this is true love.  I absolutely could not be happier.

I get asked what I want for dinner and since it is the end of my stay --- I want fresh peach shakes again.  Isn't that a perfect dinner?  My suggestion is met with complete support and even Scott's parents jump on board with it.  These are fantastic and the taco and fries I had to go along were dang good as well.  Yum.

I'm bad, but Paul is worse.  He even cuts his cup open so that he can lick out every single drop.

It is after 11 by the time we get home and tomorrow is blessing and travel day.  I definitely need some sleep -- good night.

It is a beautiful Sunday morning and the movements upstairs tell me that preparations for today are in process.  Once I am dressed, I join everyone and we take a few minutes to take some pictures before Scott needs to head to the church.  So very sweet!  I grab these two while Mom and Dad finish dressing.

Next we have a few minutes for family ones:

I look good for a change, huh?  Yes, occasionally I fish.

The blessing goes wonderful and Ophie actually wakes up part way through but doesn't make a sound and just stares up.  All the people in the circle comment on it later.

After Sacrament, we cross the street to Paul and Kaylene's for a wonderful family gathering to celebrate this fun day.  The food is amazing and everyone settles in for a couple hours of visiting and eating.

Moments with Ophie become more precious to me as the day goes by.  I know it is ending way too soon and I fight the tears often.

She always has her hands like this.  LOVE LOVE LOVE

I finally take her away from everyone and hold her until she falls asleep and then walk all the way home with her sleeping.  I do not wish to give her up.  When she finally wakes, she gets changed and we have some time to play before we have to get in the car.  She accidentally kicks the posts making all the toys move and jingle.  A few minutes later, she repeats it.  It won't take long for her to learn that cause and effect.  Oh the amount they learn at this early stage.

It's time to go.  We are off to find a new suitcase for Scott as he is leaving on a business trip in the morning.  Cass has tomorrow to get everything situated for the changes taking place this week.  She has to go back to work and for 2 weeks must go to the office.  Then she will be back home, but these two weeks will be hard for her to leave this little one.  Lucky Kaylene!  I sure wish it was Dallas and I was the lucky one.  Oh well.  I say good-bye to this princess while she sleeps in the car.  I had a great time and some wonderful visits with Cassie.  I can't wait to return later this fall.

The tears have stopped -- it's time to fly.  I have a nightmare ahead of me.  I fly at 7 p.m. to Long Beach, California.  I arrive there, walk one gate and reboard for my redeye flight to Boston.  The televisions don't work and the man next to me wants to talk.  Oh please let him fall asleep soon.

In Boston, I have a small layover to grab some food and make the final leg home.  As I am walking through the Boston airport, I spot these chairs sitting in front of the windows.  Aren't they awesome?  Aw yes ---

I arrive in Dallas at 11:00 a.m. Monday, pick up my luggage and head for the shuttle.  I get a shuttle only to then be unceremoniously removed from it because another group comes up and can pay more.  Oh I am angry.  I walk down to the bus stop for the DART, go to terminal A, and walk down to the train.  It leaves at noon and after a short train change at City Center, I am soon at White Rock Station.  I grab the On Demand bus to take me home and am delivered to my doorstep for the price of $1.75.  Suck that Super Shuttle --- I was willing to pay $40.00.  However, I am fried.  I take a shower and head to bed at 2:30 p.m. for a quick nap before Mister gets home around 5.

He arrives with these:  (Oh, I have missed this man - it has been a long two weeks)