Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Arkansas Vacation - Day 3 - Part 3 - War Eagle Mill, Beaver Lake Dam, Blue Spring Heritage Center

 This is the day that just keeps on going and we are loving it.  After leaving Quigley's Castle, we are still en route to the War Eagle Mill.  When we arrive, the War Eagle Bridge catches our attention and I am drawn in instantly.  Up on the bridge I go.  It's not really a pedestrian bridge, so I need to be aware if a vehicle is approaching.

Arkansas Vacation - Day 3 - Part 2 - Quigley's Castle

 This is the second post for today.  The reason?  Well, it is picture laden!!!  Too many for just one post if I added them all in together.  This one stop alone provided over 25 pictures AFTER I threw a bunch out.  

We are on our way to War Eagle Mill and I spot a sign that says, "Quigley's Castle."  I had read about this before hand, but hadn't planned on the stop.  I would, however, love to just get a picture of the outside.  I mean -- it's a castle in Arkansas, right?

We take the exit and arrive only to discover that you cannot see anything beyond the line of trees out front.  Drat.  The attendant comes to the gate and Mister just shrugs and pay the fee.  In we go.

Arkansas Vacation - Day 3 - Part 1 Eureka Springs

 Good Morning Eureka Springs!!  WE are ready to explore you and your beautiful area.  The clouds have lifted a bit so hopefully we will have a nice day.  View from our front porch.  We are staying here again tonight, so no need to pack up.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Arkansas Vacation - Day 2

 Good Morning Greenwood -- well at least a farm near it.  It's a gorgeous morning and my sweetheart is moving much quicker than I.  I'm taking a few minutes to enjoy my time in bed.  Upon rising, apparently Mister is peeking through the windows at me --- such a peeping Doug.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Arkansas Vacation - Day 1

With October comes our anniversary and we typically try and take a trip during this time span (October/November/December).  It is just us -- not a family visit and we use it to reset our relationship and take time for each other.  With COVID all around, we are doing another road trip as we did in Louisiana last year.  (If you wish to peek in on that trip --- here is the LINK to Day 1)  

We have tossed around several ideas and at first the plan was to go further east and we came up with a loop that went as far as Pine Bluff.  It seemed doable and would show a lot of Arkansas plus a little more of Louisiana along the way.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Anniversary Weekend and LION CUBS at the Zoo

 We are up and out of the house for a fingers-crossed moment at the zoo.  There are three new baby lion cubs and we "think" they may be out in the habitat this morning.  It's cool out and if they are, I want to see them.  Upon our entry in, we make a beeline towards the Savanna and straight to the window.  WAAAAY up in back, one little cub is laying with mom.  I watch for awhile, but not much happens and he finally moves out of sight.  DRAT.

I'm kinda bummed, but there are also a couple of young giraffes to take my mind off the situation.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Happy Anniversary to Us!! We've Hit 10!!!

10-10-10 --- The date was chosen with care and I cannot believe it is now 10-10-20.  Ten years of marriage to my sweet Mister and I would not trade a single one of them for something else.  Perhaps a day or two, but that's marriage, right?

Due to work constraints, we had to back our anniversary trip up a week and are simply hanging around Dallas a bit today.  Deep Ellum and a new coffee shop start us out, but upon our arrival to the shop, it's packed and no place to sit.  Well, dang, that defeats the entire purpose.  If we have to take the coffee to go, we'll just go down the street for beignets and chicory coffee.  A little nostalgia for New Orleans.