Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ohio State Marching Band

I had received information on the neighborhood Facebook group that the Ohio State Marching Band would be at a local school to practice this morning.  They are getting ready for the big game tomorrow.  I called Jen when I found out to let Bekah know it was happening and told them to let me know if they were going to make it.  When I was driving back from taking Rhiana and the girls to the airport this morning, Jen sent me a text saying they were on their way.  I returned home and relaxed for a bit before sneaking out the door to go and meet them, thus letting Mister get a little more sleep.

It is a very cold morning, but still fun.  Obviously Bekah wouldn't get in a picture -- what's new?

After the rehearsal, Jen, Jon, and Bekah headed off to Temple for the day with the grands spending time with friends and Jen having a much needed spa day.  I'm kinda jealous.  

Mister called while I was at the practice and we decided to go and get some coffee and enjoy the morning together.  All in all --- busy morning, but fun.

Elena and Malea Visit -- Days 12 & 13 and Saying Good-bye

9th - Where is the time going?  We only have these lovelies for a couple more days.  Oh my and there are still so many things we want to do.  One of the requests that Elena had when she first arrived was to sew a skirt.  I get the fabric washed first thing so that she can cut out her skirt today and start sewing.  To appease Malea --- a new toy!!  As soon as Elena has her fabric cut, she starts ironing in her hem and casing for the elastic at the waist.  Then to the sewing machine to put both of those and the back seam in place.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Elena and Malea Visit -- Days 10 & 11

7th -  Grandpa is working from home today and has set up shop in the living room.  We must be quiet little angels during the conference calls and it is still blessed cold outside.  That's okay though as we have some fun things to do today but right now my tummy is growling and Malea is definitely interested in some breakfast.  What shall we make?  Fruit salad - yummy yummy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Elena and Malea Visit -- Days 8 & 9

5th - It is still oh so cold out.  I am so sad that the weather is not cooperating with the girls stay.  They didn't bring warm coats and stuff so it is hard to be out when it is freezing.  Drat.  I guess it's time for another craft and some games.  We will enjoy the day no matter what.  I gave Elena a modeling magic gift for Christmas and this is as good a time as any to make it.  She has to push the different colors into the spaces and make them fill the area.  It takes most of the morning but her finished product is amazing when we flip it over.  So pretty, yes?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Elena and Malea Visit -- Days 6 & 7

If you are wondering where days 3, 4, and 5 went ---well the girls were with Aunt Jenny in Abilene while Gammy had quilt school and I don't have any pictures of that time.  Yep --- you read that right.

3rd -  Today is Saturday and it is the last day of quilt school for more.  The girls are spending the day with Grandpa and after I get finished, I drive home to pick everyone up for a night at Jason and Tina's where the girls meet a new playmate and spend the evening enjoying some social time.  I think Grandpa must have misplaced his camera all day today for I cannot find a single picture of their day together.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dinner at Jason's

Yes!  After my class today, I drove home to pick up Mister and the girls (Elena and Malea) for some fun with friends.  We have been invited over to Jason and Tina's for dinner and we love these moments.

Upon arriving, we discover that there is another little girl for my treasures to play with and that makes everything run so much easier.  Tina has prepared a wonderful meal as usual with some help from another of her friends.  We are blessed to have a great meal, fantastic conversation, and memories once again made together.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of my amazing family and friends.  I hope that we get to have special moments together in 2015 that will be treasured always.  Be good to one another.