Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ohio State Marching Band

I had received information on the neighborhood Facebook group that the Ohio State Marching Band would be at a local school to practice this morning.  They are getting ready for the big game tomorrow.  I called Jen when I found out to let Bekah know it was happening and told them to let me know if they were going to make it.  When I was driving back from taking Rhiana and the girls to the airport this morning, Jen sent me a text saying they were on their way.  I returned home and relaxed for a bit before sneaking out the door to go and meet them, thus letting Mister get a little more sleep.

It is a very cold morning, but still fun.  Obviously Bekah wouldn't get in a picture -- what's new?

After the rehearsal, Jen, Jon, and Bekah headed off to Temple for the day with the grands spending time with friends and Jen having a much needed spa day.  I'm kinda jealous.  

Mister called while I was at the practice and we decided to go and get some coffee and enjoy the morning together.  All in all --- busy morning, but fun.

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