Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Week in Telluride with Amanda and ALL of Her Boys - Days 1 & 2

It is a beautiful day to travel!  I am off to Telluride, Colorado to visit Amanda and all her boys.  Mister has to work and my flight is in the afternoon so I am using public transportation as my mode of travel to the airport.  I start out with a bus picking me up at the driveway to my home and am delivered to the train station nearby where I catch the DART train, making one transfer and arriving at the airport with plenty of time to get checked in and through security.  This entire trip has cost me $1.75 -- We all need to use this type of travel more.  I am so glad this option is now available in Dallas.  For some reason this city didn't link the airport until this year -- bizarre, I know, but so glad we have it now.  And I am off.  Look at the beauty of this take-off.

After a quick stop in Denver, I am soon on my way to Montrose where Amanda will pick me up.  As we fly over the Black Canyon, our pilot is amazing.  He tips the plane first one direction and then the other to let everyone have a peek.  Pretty cool and interactive.  How hard is that to do a little something for your customers?  Pictures aren't the best, but hey -- it is through a window.

As Montrose comes into view, my heart loves all the pretty fall colors that I see.  The leaves in Dallas have not started to turn yet and I do so love this time of year.

First stop after I leave the plane is the lady's room where I discover just how much we are all creatures of habit.  As I reach for the toilet paper, I spot this.  The funny part is that I, along with an amazing number of others I guess, didn't even notice the holder on the right side of the stall.  Too funny.

It seems to take quite awhile to get my suitcase, which was taken from me in Dallas because it didn't fit in the little container at the gate.  I am flying United and Mister has used this suitcase for YEARS flying them and always carried it on.  What is up with that?  Anyway, they checked it for free all the way to Montrose and now I am fidgeting while waiting for it and hoping it has arrived with me.  THIS is why I don't like to check bags.

Finally, it arrives and I am soon reunited with Amanda who has been in Montrose all day running errands and has a car full to the brim with "stuff".  The drive to Telluride is about and hour and a half so we start that way, visiting the entire time.  It is so fun to have her all to myself for awhile before the busyness of children sets in.

Once we arrive at her "heaven on earth" of a home, I am greeted by grandsons who want first thing to show me their Halloween costumes.  How fun is this that I get to be a part of the holiday?  Ryan is off playing so I will see his costume later.

This is me trying to get a close of up Caleb's face and each time he drops his head just as I take the picture.  I guess he wants you to see the costume instead.

Trent has made dinner so we imbibe and then set about getting boys homework finished and off to bed.  I show Amanda the beanies I am working on for the boys and crochet away as we sit and visit until almost midnight.  Oh my, we need to go to bed.  Night.

Thursday - It's a busy morning and once the older boys are delivered to the bus stop, Caleb brings a LEGO to build and I crochet some more while mom makes his truck and manage to finish the beanies (except for the puffs on top).  It is a bit of relaxing time but soon we need to get moving.  Amanda has a software demo at the office that will last a couple of hours so Caleb and I are going to get something to eat and then visit the library.  At least that is the plan anyway.

Once I am dressed and before we leave, I peek outside and cannot help but grab the camera to save some of this beauty and take it home with me to share here.  Seriously.  Just look at these pictures taken right off Amanda's deck.

The aspens are just about finished with their autumn splendor but there is enough left that I can imagine what it must have been like a couple of weeks ago.  Oh my.

It's time to go.  Caleb is in the car and we are ready.  It takes about 25 minutes to get down into the town of Telluride and the drive is absolutely gorgeous.  Ah, what a great little town.  It kind of reminds me of the Bigfork that I grew up in only a bit larger.  A sleepy little village that is just waking up and loving life.  We drop Amanda off at the office, leaving Caleb and I in hot pursuit of the bakery as I am absolutely starving now.  I love the old brick building we pass along the way.  You can barely read "First National Bank" over the arched doorway on this one.

We find the bakery and as I am looking at the menu deciding on what to eat (it is lunch time now), Caleb selects the donut he wants.  Well, it IS Gammy time right?  So a donut is what he gets.  Using the designated paper to pick it up, he is soon one happy camper and walks up to pay for it only for us to discover that their debit/credit machine is down and they are taking cash only.  Well, that's a problem as I have not been to the cash machine yet.  I ask where the nearest ATM is and then tell the lady at the counter that she is just going to have to trust me that I will be back as there is no way I am taking the donut away from Caleb.  So, with his donut in hand, we walk the couple of blocks to the bank.

As we are walking back, I spot the ski runs and the gondola that runs right into town.  Normally, it operates for free and you can ride to the top and back for some incredible view.  However, it is shoulder season here and so it is closed for a couple of weeks for maintenance and cleaning.  Drat.

By the time we are back at the bakery, Caleb has finished his donut but wants some juice and I am really hungry now.  I order a greek salad and my little grandson just has to sit and wait while I eat.  He is amazing and just sits and talks to me the entire time, never once leaving his chair.  He is fascinated by the artwork on the walls and has something to say about each one of them.  My salad is finally here (yep it took a very long time) and it is huge.  Well, Caleb will just have to wait a little longer and talk a little more.  Yum.

Okay, I am finished and it is time to go to the library but I take "the scenic route" so that I can see a bit of the town on the way.  I manage to confuse Caleb with is directions, but he is so good and just walks along with me.  Well, that is not quite true.  He is usually full steam ahead one block before me.  We discover some beautiful purple leaves and stop to play for a few minutes.

We are now directly across the street from the library and Caleb comments that he just doesn't know where the library is.  I tell him to stand perfectly still and walk in a circle looking around.  He still doesn't see it and I giggle as I move his body to look across the way.  NOW, he is excited.  There is a bench out front and he climbs up and says, "take a picture Gammy", so naturally I do.  And, naturally, I move the camera a bit so it is blurry.  Standard Gammy.

This library is amazing and Caleb knows exactly where to go.  There are bins of toys and an area that already has several other children quietly playing in it.  Amanda says that this is the "hot spot" after school and that many children come here until their parents are off work.  Nice.  We play for awhile and then are informed that the area we are playing in will be occupied shortly by a class coming from the school for storytime.  Caleb helps me clean up his trains and I ask if he wants to stay for the story.  He says that he does and climbs up beside me on the bench when the children arrive.  He lays back against me, crosses his feet, and doesn't move until the story is over.  He is so good, in fact, that the teacher comes over and comments on how he wishes his students had been as well behaved as Caleb.  Yep, this little guy is a perfect angel when with me and I adore him.

It's been almost two hours so we walk back to Trent's new office and see if mom is ready to go yet.  She is, and we are soon on our way back to the house.  Before I go in, I grab a couple more pictures of just what you can see from her property.  This first one, she said you couldn't see the other house until the trees dropped their leaves.

This one shows the creek that runs right next to the house.

Since I was able to finish the basic beanies this morning, when the boys arrive home from school, I am able to give them and watch the smiles (well some smiles anyway) light up faces.  What a great feeling.  Also, Ryan now takes the time to show me his costume as well.  So fun for me.

Grandpa has included some toys from him in my suitcase so I choose now to share them.  Within no time the boys are playing and of course fighting with and over them.

It's been a great day but now is homework, dinner, and bedtime.  School again tomorrow and Amanda has to work all day as well.  Rest for everyone.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jacob and Jennifer's Birthdays/Jacob's Ordination

I asked Jen a week ago if we could combine Jacob's birthday with our trip to Abilene for his ordination to the Priesthood.  Upon approval, we made plans to drive over early this morning and arrive in time for brunch and a birthday party before church.

We arrive just a bit earlier than they expect us so the smart phone is put to use finding a local coffee shop for a drink and some down time from driving.  Now to move on towards the day.  We take off for the house (which is new and we have not been to yet) and promptly get lost due to my having one house number in my mind -- one that was not even close to the one we needed.  Yep -- my wonderful brain strikes again.  After a phone call we are soon back on track and discover that we are truly about 10 houses away.  OMG.  How crazy is this?

Hugs are soon given all the way around and we get a tour of the house.  I love it.  It is perfect for them and so many nooks and crannies for people and things.  Awesome.  Now, it is birthday time.  Jen has made cinnamon rolls for brunch and those along with some juice are enjoyed by all before it is time to light the candles on the cake.  It is time to blow them out once the song has been sung but wait -- he must leave one lit as apparently he has a girlfriend.  Goodness.

It's present time!!!  Do you sense my excitement?  Since this is the year of the quilt, I have been excited at each and every birthday.  It has been such a fun year for me.  I am so hoping that he likes this one as I totally changed plans for him once he told me about the colors of his new room.  The smile is a good sign.

Ah yes!

And the obligatory hug -- poor guy.

As Jacob continued to open gifts, the quilt never left his lap.  Yes, my heart felt good.  Mom and Dad got him a new bow but since he had picked it out, opening the gifts didn't seem to have the usual excitement.  Hmmm.

Now what to do, what to do?  We still have time to kill before church and --- oh yeah, Mister and I also brought along Jen's birthday gift so we gather the kids for another round of "Happy Birthday" and then she is presented with her gift as well.  Yes, I am truly taking advantage of this trip.

We have picked out a traveling case for her new sewing machine and some rulers and a small matching bag for scissors, etc.  Jen and I have retreat coming up in a few weeks and she will be able to put this all to good use right away.  Woot, woot.  I am truly looking forward to my time with her and love that we get to do things like this together every now and then.

Now, we definitely need to get ready for church so the big push is on.  Not only is Jacob being ordained today, but it is the Primary Presentation and both Jared and Josh have parts in it.  Oh my goodness, this is truly a perfect trip as we are getting to be a part of so many wonderful things.  Jacob soon comes out and asks for help with his tie and it is Grandpa to the rescue --- I think.  After fooling around, it becomes apparent that Grandpa has to pretend that he is putting it on himself.  Fun and giggles. (Terrible picture by me -- dang window in the background.) And the finished product:

While we are waiting for the others to finish dressing, I remember to ask Jacob about the quilt that he made from paper sacks for a school project so he goes and brings it to me.  Oh goodness, from the picture his Mom had sent, I thought it was much smaller.  How cool is this?

Everyone is finally ready to go and we load up two cars and caravan to the church.  After some shuffling around, we find seats and settle for the program.  The Bishop makes some announcements and then calls Jacob up to the podium.  Wait.  Where is Jacob?  Oh -- he has chosen now to use the restroom.  The Bishop continues to talk about him and when he returns, has him walk up, tells everyone who he is, and sends him back to his seat.  A little on the comical side.

Now for the program.  I am impressed that Jared sings each and every song from start to finish.  I am not completely sure that Josh is singing cos he seems to just be watching all of us.

Both boys AND Louis have speaking parts and although I didn't catch Dad, I did manage to sneak a couple more pictures of the boys.

After sacrament, we all go into the Bishop's office for the ordination and I honestly have to smile because at one point Mister is holding a smart phone with the proper wording on it so that Louis can read while he ordains.  He gets the job done, though, and we have a new Deacon in the family.  Congratulations Jacob.

Mister and I need to get on the road back to Dallas as he needs to work a bit this evening and it is a fairly long drive.  Bekah takes advantage of our leaving to skip out on Sunday School and hang with us as we talk to Jen.   Oh, any excuse.  I remember my girls doing the same thing whenever an opportunity presented itself.

As we are walking out to the cars, I remember that I want a 3-generation picture and this seems like a great time to get one.  Mister takes over the camera and soon I have my new picture and yep, I am pleased.  My gorgeous daughter and granddaughter with me.  What fun.

It is definitely time to go and we are soon on our way home.  By the time we reach Weatherford, we are starving and stop for some Mexican food and a bit of unwinding, then make the final leg home.  It was a great day and I cannot say this enough --- I so love these opportunities to be a part of their lives.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Girls Lunch

Lisa called and asked if she and Sierra could come over for some help on a baby quilt that Sierra is making for her new nephew.  Well, of course.  They arrived at the house and after we got the quilt sorted out, we were off to lunch.  I love these girls' days.  We went to the Latin Deli (again) and thoroughly enjoyed a visit as well as wonderful food.  It was good to see Sierra and I always love my time with Lisa.  What a great friend.  Thanks for a fun afternoon ladies.