Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wyoming Grands and Home - Days 6 & 7

25th - Good morning!  I wake early and work on my hats to put the finish touches on them.  I have four completed -- in three different patterns and today is gift day for Amanda so I am excited.  Malea climbs up on the bed with me to "help" so I give her a hook and some yarn.  Believe it or not -- this keeps her occupied and with me for at least half an hour.  Amazing.

We are being picked up for a picnic lunch at the park with Amanda and the boys.  ALL of us are really excited so we clean up the house, get dressed, and wait outside for her.  While waiting, I want a picture of the hollyhocks (I miss these so much living down south) and the girls want to be photographed as well.  I am not sure why though as they wouldn't look at the camera because of the sun.  Oh well.  The hollyhocks did not complain though.

Before long, Amanda arrives and we are off to the park for our adventure.  The kids fly out of the car and waste no time exploring the play area.  It is so fun to see all the cousins playing together.  This group will be separating next month and so it is especially nice to let them have this time together.

This gives Amanda and I a chance to sit and visit for awhile -- a treasured moment.  I take advantage of this time together to give her an early birthday present.  I let her see all three hat patterns and choose the one she likes best.  Which do you think it will be?

My money is on the beanie but I could be wrong.  Nope.

Malea and Caleb are either hot or cold together.  In this brief moment they are good and it is fun to watch.

Amanda has packed a wonderful lunch that includes fresh cherries.  With one look at the pictures --- who do you think east most of them?  I giggled away at his cherry face and he couldn't care less about it.  Yay Ryan.

When the equipment is no longer entertaining, it is time to go.  We round everyone up and head to Culver's where Gammy has promised ice cream for everyone before I have to leave tomorrow.  For some strange reason, no one complains at all about it.  Hmmmm.

Once the treats arrive, I just sit back and watch.  Trying to catch each person at a special moment is oh so tough to do but I think I score on 3 out of 5.  Perhaps next time I will catch the older boys better.

I love my frozen custard and find myself having to help the younger set make theirs disappear.  It is just oh so good.

This was a great day and I am sad that my time here is coming to an end.  The days go by so quickly and there are so many things still on my list that I wanted to do.  I will need to catch up with both of these families after their moves.  For now --- it is bed time.

26th -  It is a travel day for me so we are moving early today.  First things first though --- I give Rhiana the same choices in a gift that Amanda had and although it is a hard choice for her, she makes her decision and gives gives me a huge smile, saying that "this will be her new favorite hat."  Ah -- thanks for warming my heart.  I can't believe I didn't get a picture of her wearing it though.  Ugh.

It is time to get the girls dressed and Malea is rebelling.  She won't put on a single thing that her mother picks out for her and refuses to pick out anything herself.  Elena is not at all happy about driving to the airport again especially after her question of, "Do we get to go into the airport this time?", nets her an answer of no.  Poor thing -- I feel bad for them having to spend their morning in the car because of me.

I try and grab a picture of Rhiana and I since I am lacking pictures of me with my children.  That means that Miss Elena needs to be the photographer.  I must say that she does a pretty good job.

Of course then she wants one as well.  Naturally, I said yes and her mama helped us out.  Not sure what that spot on my chin is though --- ugh.

As we are driving, Elena is watching a movie and soon a song comes one that she just starts singing along to.  Had to record just a bit of it.  

All too soon I have to say good-bye to these lovely ladies.  It is time to fly.  My flights go well and I land at DFW to be met by my sweetie and then we go to Grapevine to meet up with Jen for a little while.  Bekah had ordered some soccer shoes and since they were in the process of moving she had them sent to us.  Mister had brought them along to deliver to Jen.  We had a nice lunch with time for visiting and walked down the street in the 100 degree weather.  Wow -- quite the change from Cheyenne where it was warm, but dry.  Really humid out today.  As we are saying good-bye we notice that the steam engine is out today.  They only take it out a couple of times a year and today is the day.  Must watch.  As Jen and Jacob drive away, Mister and I walk over to watch the train come in and be put away.  How fun is this?  He is like a little boy -- totally fascinated by the whole thing.

Watching the train as it goes into the turntable and then is lined up to go into it's garage.  Very cool.  We were just in the right spot at the right time.  Fun to watch.  Time to head home.  I'm ready to rest for awhile.  I had a great time in Wyoming though and am glad I was able to be there now.  With both families on the move -- it will have been my last trip there.  Time for new experiences back in Billings and in Telluride, Colorado.  Yay.  I also get to explore the Abilene area of Texas now that Jen is settled in.  What fun new adventures can I have?  Looking forward to them all.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wyoming Grands Days 4 & 5

23rd -  It's day 4 in Wyoming and I am in cabinet hell.  I know, I know --- you are all laughing but I truly cannot stand to have open cabinet doors and my daughter leaves them like this all the time.  I can do this -- I can control this -- nope -- sure can't.  Time to close the doors.

Rhiana is up making breakfast for the girls and then she is off to work for a double shift today.  Us three remaining girls are being picked up by Amanda this morning to go and see the Thunderbirds show.  I am really looking forward to it.  As soon as we are ready to go, we head out to the sidewalk for our ride.  Malea stands and watches each car saying, "Auntie?"

We get to the college where the airshow is being held and set up camp.  It literally turns into camp as the show is delayed due to weather.  We have a very cloudy sky and I think they are hoping it will clear up.  After about 2 hours, the natives start to get a little restless though.  There is only so much you can do sitting on the grass against a fence that  you cannot touch while surrounded by other people.

Finally, it is time to start.  Yay.  Oh, aren't they wonderful?  (Yes, it is still cloudy -- the weather never did change.)

I am just holding the camera up and snapping pictures.  I cannot even see if my aim is correct, but at least a few of them turn out decent.

As we are walking back to the car after the show, I notice that Raef is holding Elena's hand.   She must be in heaven.

Our next stop is for lunch.  Pizza and lemonade at the park.  While at the pizza shop, we are in two separate cars and Caleb plays peek a boo with me through the windows.  Apparently my camera went AWOL during the stop at the park as I can't find a single picture.  After lunch, it is a second trip to Frontier Days --- this time for the rodeo.  We find seats in the stadium and settle in for some fun and excitement.

The Thunderbird pilots make an appearance as well.  That's a surprise.

Within about half an hour of arriving at the rodeo, I can tell that Malea is done for.  A few minutes on my lap with my arms around her and rocking gently and she is out.  I lay her on a spare pair of pants that I brought along for myself and she is out for the count.

Raef spots the Dippin Dots vendor and gets me to agree to buying some if he comes back.  Well, now that is the only thing he is watching for.  Way to go Gammy --- he couldn't care less about the rodeo now.  Finally --- the vendor returns and everyone gets their treat.  Phew.

When attention spans waver and the rodeo is no longer appealing, it is time for the carnival.  I know --- we were there yesterday, but off we go again.

Again, the wheel has to be stopped.  I cannot stop giggling about that.

Malea wakes as we are leaving the carnival -- good timing.  We make a stop near the entrance to look at four-wheelers and snowmobiles.  Everyone gets a chance to climb in and play.

It's been a long day and is time to go.  As we leave the grounds to walk back to the car, a family is selling sodas and water.  Trent goes to get some for the boys and I tell Elena she can have a cold water but no soda.  OMG --meltdown all the way back to the car.  I am a terrible person but can justify my decision in that I promised her cotton candy at home and I don't think she needs both.

It's been a busy day and I am ready for some quiet and to just sit down.  The rest of the evening is spent doing just that and playing games with the girls.

24th -  I want to take the girls out today so we take Rhiana to work which allows us to have the car.  As soon as we drop her off,  I discover that there is a parade going on again and must wind my way back towards my destination.  We are going to the State Museum for a little fun.  It is a great place and we are given a scavenger hunt to do in order to receive a prize.  We fill them in as we walk through the different sections.  The children's area certainly grabs the girls interest and in no time they are off in pioneer time - including dressing up and cooking.

Malea finds some puzzles just as we are about to leave this area and absolutely does not wish to leave them, but with the promise that we will come back here before we go home, she agrees.  We check out all the different areas and displays and I am especially loving the quilts and old sewing/spinning machines.  So very cool to me.

The girls find a campfire area and are soon setting up camp -- rearranging everything in the display.

Well, we have been through the entire museum and I must now keep my promise --- back to the children's area we go.  More costumes and this time Elena plays storekeeper before heading back to the kitchen area.  When we finish here, we stop at the front desk to turn in our scavenger hunt and the girls receive a free lunch coupon at the Taco Johns right down the street.

As we are walking back towards the car, Elena asks if we can make a quick stop inside the Capitol so that she can see it.  Well of course.

I love the ceiling and floor in here.  Such a beautiful building.
We find Mr. Lincoln for a quick pic as well.  Do you think Malea is ready to get out of the stroller?  Trouble is you can't run or make noise in this building.  Not the perfect place to let her out.  Time to move along.

Just down the street is the Taco Johns and it is lunch time.  I guess our next stop is to put something in our tummies.

After lunch we go back to pick up Rhiana for her lunch break before going home.  Before long it is quiet time and a chance to play some games.  When Malea wakes, she comes and climbs up on the bed with me for snuggles and giggles.  I am not a selfie person, but this seemed like a good time to try one.  The entire time she would point at me and say "Tabby" -- yep that's what she calls me.  So I hit the video button but as expected she wouldn't say it again.  Ugh.  The video is cute though so thought I would share.

This has been a fun day but I am ready for bed.  Night all.