Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fresh Blackberry Jam

The blackberries just keep on coming.  While Zyra was here, she helped pick and we got several beautiful bowls of them.  I went out and picked again this morning and after putting all the berries together I am able to put together a quick batch of freezer jam.  Oh, dang it tastes so good.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Home Repairs and Moving Bedrooms

While I was trying to travel and Mister was cleaning, apparently he had a bit of a problem with the sink which resulted in a flooded kitchen.  I returned to no water and everything cleaned out of the cabinet.  After a shopping trip, Mister spent the morning putting things back together again.

While he is doing that, I get to work on moving bedrooms.  One has to create a huge mess before it can get better - right?

Cass and Scott are moving into our home in a couple of days and I have to have an empty bedroom for them.  That means I definitely have my work cut out for me.

I not only have clothing to clear out of the dressers and closet, but furniture to move, bedding to switch out, and dressers to clear the tops of.  Stop writing and get to it girl.

My old bedroom in transit:

Moving the clothing into the Master Bedroom:  Mister has already graciously gone through his stuff and emptied drawers and closet space for me.

Finished room for Cass and Scott:  Am I good or what?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Mister is Cleaning - EVERYTHING!

I returned home to find this in the dishwasher.  I had to laugh really hard.  While I was in Denver and before the decision to pick me up in Houston, Mister was de-diseasing the house.  Way too funny.

Yard In Bloom!

Our yard is blooming!  The white crepe myrtles, the mandevilla, decorative pepper, and purselane are doing beautiful.  I can't wait for the red crepes -- they are my favorite.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

We Have Hyrum & Zyra - Days 7&8

It is our last day with these wonderful little treasures that I call grandchildren.  Oh how I wish I didn't have to give them up.  Since I know it is necessary to return them, I cannot do so without a photo shoot at the Arboretum.  This entry will not have many words, but the eye candy will be great.  Enjoy.  Oh, I should warn you, Hyrum was the easy one today.

The gardens are the perfect backdrop for pictures.  Everyone is in a great mood and as we walk along, they come up with ideas for pictures along with us.

The best part is that these two truly like each other.  In 8 days, we have had maybe one little squabble.  They are best friends and always want to know where the other one is.  It is truly heart warming to watch and be a part of.
My super handsome grandson.

What a cutie!

Best friends!


Okay -- and this one too.

As we were walking, they discovered a bunny in the bushes and watched it as it worked it's way to an upper level in the garden.  Doesn't Mister look fine here?  Love the hat.

As we came to the ponds, they found the koi interesting and wanted to find each and every one of them.

It's nearing the end of our time here and between the heat and them tiring of doing what we ask, their patience is running out.  Not misbehaving, but starting to move a little slower.  We need to finish up and go get some food and drink.

They both want to see what the water is all about and I am on the hunt for a park bench to sit and rest for a few minutes.  Once I locate one, we take out snacks and water.

There is not any movement on the bench other than eating and drinking.  Not even any talking.  I think this break was indeed much needed.

As soon as we finish, I tell them that they can check out the little houses as we work our way back to the entrance.  There are about half a dozen little garden houses for them to wander through -- some finished in storybook fashion, such as the Mad Hatters Tea Party.

The last open area is literally raining blossoms from the trees and Hyrum watches closely.

We stop at the last house and there are some lion statues out front.  Hyrum climbs up on one to look around and as he does so, he has an itch on his leg and reaches down to scratch it.  He loses his balance and smacks his cheek on the head of the lion.  Dang - abrupt end to the day and definitely time to head out.

They have both been so good here though -- what a treat to have this time with them.

On the way home, we stop at White Rock Coffee for a treat or two.  A giant cookie is requested and split along with a strawberry smoothie.  Just a brief respite before heading home to lunch and naps.  Company coming over tonight and flights tomorrow.  Gotta get the laundry done as well.  Play time over.

Gogurt -- best thing in Zyra's mind.  She couldn't wait to have one at home.  While working on lunch, I noticed that the imprint from the lion was still on Hyrum's cheek.  Dang -- I hope it is not a permanent scar.

For the first time since they have been here, they are asking to use their games.  Mister decides to take Hyrum to the store while Zyra naps and pick up a new game.  Once they return and everyone is awake again, the two of them start to figure out the game.  The first technology this week -- can't really complain.

After awhile, Zyra goes looking for Grandpa for some one on one time.  Notice how she still has his koala with her almost all the time when she is at home.

Aunt Cassie and Uncle Scott are coming over again this evening to say good-bye to our two charges and we have decided not to cook.  An easy dinner out seems in order and no one seems to be complaining about it.  When we leave the restaurant, Uncle Scott wants to walk home with H&Z.  As we pass, Hyrum has had enough and climbs into the car with us.  It is HOT out there.

One last Lego build for the kids and then off to bed.  We have a VERY early day tomorrow and I need to finish up the suitcase.  This has been such a fun week --- cannot wait to do it again.

Once I have everything packed, kids bathed and in bed, and settle down to check flights.  Three legs look good tomorrow -- my return is iffy, but I am not anticipating any problems.

For some reason, I am unable to sleep and so get up to work on this blog for awhile.  Zyra keeps tossing and turning and moaning in her sleep.  After awhile, I ask her if she needs to go to the bathroom and she says yes.  Off we go and then she wants a drink so we go to the kitchen.  As we enter, she erupts and is incredibly sick.  Oh my --- back to the bathtub we go while Mister gets up and starts cleaning the kitchen.  There will not be anymore sleep tonight while we monitor her.

Gracious, the poor thing has it worse than the rest of us combined.  I call Matt and suggest we delay the switch but flights look terrible the rest of the week.  Oh poor Zyra.  At 3 a.m. we dress them and are off to the airport, with Zyra continuing to get sick several times in the car.

I have booked Mister as well even though he is not flying so that I have help at the gate.  It's a good thing cos her body is determined to rid itself of whatever is bothering her.

What a miserable looking group.  Fortunately for me, once we are on the flight, she falls asleep instantly and doesn't move the whole way.  Hyrum stays awake though and is happily playing his new game the entire flight.

Once we are in Denver, we locate the gate Mom and Dad will be coming in at and wait for their plane.  They arrive on time and only have a half an hour before departing back home.  It is with a very heavy heart that I say good-bye to all of them, even knowing I will see them again in 9 days.

It is now my turn to attempt to go home.  This is the leg that was questionable and guess what --- the one flight I thought I could get on was scheduled for 10:10 a.m. and is now delayed to 5 this afternoon.  That does not bode well.

As the day goes on, it gets worse and worse.  All flights to Houston have been delayed and as a result, any other flight to Texas is full from people trying to get back.  I am stuck.  I try at least 10 flights with no luck and finally receive seats on my original flight which is now at 7:45.  We board, only to have Denver hit with an electrical storm that causes us to sit at the gate for two hours before they then cancel the flight.  OMG.  It is not the only flight they cancel either.  At least 4 flights to Houston are cancelled, effectively killing any chance I have of getting home tomorrow either.

It is meltdown time.  After tears with Mister and my son, Matt scrambles to find me the few remaining options that I have.  Mister is already in Houston to pick me up.  I finally snag a flight to San Antonio and leave at midnight.  I have never been so glad to leave Denver and am not in a huge hurry to return to the airport here for awhile.  Once in San Antonio, it is only 2 hours before the first flight to Houston.  I nap for about an hour and am given a seat which makes me oh so happy.  Once I am in Houston, Mister picks me up and I literally pass out in the car since I have not slept in two days now.  Ugh -- what a nightmare.  This is one of the few times, it actually paid off to fly stand-by though.  If I had had a paid ticket to Houston, it might have taken me a couple days to get there.  I had options and am thankful for that.  Thanks Matt, not only for patiently helping me, but for allowing me 8 days with your beautiful children.