Saturday, October 9, 2010

Family Time - 1 Day to Go

We are one day away.  Really?  Wow.  Matt and Becca have arrived and we are all off to Cafe Brazil for breakfast.  Since most of the wedding preparations are complete, today is another family day and we are so blessed by it.  Mom and Sis are not in the picture for some reason -- it is so difficult to get everyone no matter how hard ya try.

After breakfast, Mom wants to take Sis and Jill down to Dealy Plaza so Mister and I drive them down for a nice walk around the area.

It is time to get Amanda and the boys from the airport and so Mister is off on another run.  I think the car knows the route by heart after all of my trips and now this.

Jen and family arrive as well and we are complete.  Everyone is here and meets back at the house for some great visiting, cousin playtime, and lunch.

It's a good thing we spent as much time stocking a toy cabinet this year as we did because they pull out one thing after another until the house is brightly colored and buzzing with activity.

Mister spends some time outside with the boys and Miss Elena needs to be right out there keeping up.  It is so very cute.


Uncle Matt and his never ending "magic" tricks.  He sure can keep everyone entertained.

"Now, how did he do that?"

Yep, everyone is paying attention now.

Is he escaping the crowd or enjoying a granddaughter?  I am pretty sure it is the latter.

I LOVE this picture.

All this time with the little ones is so special.  I love seeing them play with each other and watching them interact with their parents.  It is hard for me to believe sometimes that my own children are grown and taking care of a new generation.  Where did the time go?

Kissin' cousins.  Yes!

After a break to refresh, everyone gathers to form a caravan to Babes!  Oh yeah -- this visit would not be complete with everyone together for a meal and we could not think of anyplace more fun and appropriate for a crowd.

These two are stuck like glue.  Just seeing them together makes me smile.  There is only a month between them and they get along like champs.

Once we arrive at Babes -- we have about a 45 minute wait to get enough seats together.  So, everyone takes some time to visit and reconnect.  All in all, the time goes quickly.

There is a fire truck out front and it doesn't take long before the kids are climbing all over it.  Mister goes along to supervise.

At last it is time to go in -- they have set up two large tables for us and we have an entire end of the restaurant.  Truly a great place.

Oh my --- these ribs are amazing!

Oops - a small owie.  Dang.

Time for the "hokey pokey" in which the owner joins in with us and has everyone giggling by the end.

What a great evening.  Tomorrow promises to be a beautiful day --- yay.  Come cruise with us and enjoy the moment.  Time for an attempt to sleep.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Family Time - 2 days to go

Mom wants to take Sis and Jill to a few of the spots she had been the last time she was here.  That means a trip up to Grapevine.  It is such a cool little town with a neat downtown area.  It is a beautiful fall day and we have a great time just wandering and shopping.

Mister and I get a kick out of the new little frozen yogurt spot.  Obviously our daughter has been busy and didn't tell us anything about it.  Yeah right.

Back at the farm, things are filling up rapidly.  Rhiana and family have arrived and we are able to spend some time with them after Mister made the airport run.

This is what makes this week so special to me.  I am so excited to have all my children and their children here with us.  What a treat!

Miss Elena is pretty impressed with some watermelon and we sure enjoy each moment with her.

Times like this allow us to visit with those who are so far away and to show them a little glimpse of our own lives.  I am trying to breath slowly and enjoy these few days so that the memories last the rest of my life.

The days are passing quickly though -- I really, really wish it wasn't that way.  Are we really going to do this?  What are we thinking?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Daddy Jack's - 3 Days to Go

I guess it is time to truly start the countdown.  People are arriving and it is time to finish the preparations and get this event underway.  Scott and Cass arrived for a week together and Mom, Sis, and my niece Jill arrived this afternoon as well.  Let the airport trips begin.

After a chance to visit and catch up with each other, Mister made arrangements to go to dinner at Daddy Jacks and WOW -- it was wonderful.  I loved every bite of it even after being forced to wear a bib.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Special Drinks and Dessert

We have been trying something new around the house.  I am working my way through a cookbook, one page at a time and Mister has been using an old cocktail book of his father's to create a new drink each evening after work.  Gotta say --- I'm likin' it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Testing Recipes -- Panna Cotta

I LOVE trying new recipes.  I decided to give this panna cotta a try.  Also made the caramel sauce and the sugar decoration.  Not to bad if I do say so myself.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mister's Friend

Most of us cringe when spiders are around.  Not Mister.  This little guy lives near his computer and checks in every now and then.  Not at all sure how I feel about this.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hmmmm -- where to start?  Well, my ring has changed, the date is almost here (10-10-10 -- I know, we had to join the crowd, but hey its a pretty binary date for someone who works with puters, lol.), and we are up to our armpits in plans and stuff.  The whole family is coming (I say that and yet we will be short two people on my side and will miss both Trent and Joe) from both sides and things are falling into place.  Invitations have been sent, the boat is chartered (yep, a catamaran on Lake Lewisville), wedding bands designed and delivered, and the caterer booked.  Cupcakes have been selected, drinks determined, and all associated "stuff" to go with those two bought.  We are still working on the clothing, the ceremony (we are writing it ourselves), music, and any decoration we are using (mostly just for the cupcake tower, lol).  To jump in or not to jump in is still being determined.  12 days!!!! Oh my -- now for house cleaning and yard work to make the place sparkle.

Oh and yes, we have the marriage license --- although that was an experience in and of itself.  And speaking of experiences we want to remember and laugh about (although I wasn't laughing that day), there is a ring story never to be forgotten as well.  Hope those moments are behind us and the weather stays as beautiful as it is right now (the crepe myrtles are still blooming and its almost October -- amazing) so that we can truly enjoy this moment in time.

Oops -- almost forgot to mention --- the stress level is rapidly approaching heights unimagined before by human minds, lol.  Here we go.