Saturday, September 19, 2009

A night at the Monk

The Old Monk had a cool event for the opening of Oktoberfest and so we went to watch.  Even though I grew up in bars and attended several Oktoberfest events as a child, this was all new to me.  Franconia Brewery brought a cask that was 200 years old from Germany and filled it with their beer.  The brewmaster is 4th generation German and the owner of the pub is from Dublin, so Ireland and Germany combined to tap the keg the old fashioned way with a spigot and hammer.  It was all very fascinating and the smell of the old keg was pretty amazing -- nice oak smell, not at all like stale beer.  Mister was able to talk with the brewer for awhile and it seemed that we became the official photographers for the evening and some of Mister's shots will be posted on the website at the next update.  I enjoyed learning all about the process that is from my heritage --- oh to go to Germany sometime, what a thrill that would be.


The annual trek to Grapevine for the Friday People's Choice Wine Tasting event.  It's held in a huge tent and wineries from all over Texas come and participate.  It is the largest consumer judged competition in the United States and a ton of fun to attend.  Mister's sister and brother met us there and after the tasting, we wandered the festival grounds to see all the artists work and many activities that were also going on.  The weather was perfect --- nice and cool, unlike last year when we were dripping with sweat.  A good time was had by all and we look forward to next years event.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Birthday Time

We went to Arlington for the day to spend with family in celebration of Mister's sister getting another year older. Its always fun when it is someone else. I love getting together with family and catch up with everyone's busy lives and visit for awhile.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Six Days in MT/SD

WOW!  A whirlwind stay in South Dakota that was absolutely wonderful was my reward for flying stand-by once again.  My time with my daughter and the grands was so fun and we were on the go so much that I cannot believe how quickly the days went.  We started out with a picnic on the base for Labor Day that was delicious and the kids had a grand time on the inflatable slides as you can see by the shot of Jacob midair, lol.  It was a great way to start the time together.  From there we had a little bit of time and so we went and picked up the bikes that Mister had ordered for gifts for the young grandchildren, with Josh being the recipient of one of them.  Bekah then had soccer practice and so we hung out there for awhile (please check out the picture of Jon running ---- you can see the grasshoppers for they were EVERYWHERE) and then dropped off three at Tae Kwon Do class and headed to a Cub Scout Pack Meeting for Jon and a few minutes for Josh to play with the new Stryder Bike. 

The next day, we were off to the Badlands and oh my, they were so beautiful, as Jen said, "desolate, but gorgeous."  I was amazed with the vastness and yet the colors and formations were incredible.  The kids had a great time running around and climbing amongst the rocks and we even had the opportunity to listen to a park ranger sharing information about the fossils found in that area.  We also made a stop along the way back at a Minuteman missle silo and that was so fascinating -- hearing Jen describe the difference between those missles and the bombs that Daddy drops was pretty interesting as well.  Then, a stop at Wall Drug (its famous you know, lol) for fresh homemade ice cream and a romp on the fountain pad where even I managed to get sprayed and Bekah found it very funny.  Good times for all.

Saturday day was a trip to Spearfish and the fish hatchery where the kids had a great time with fish food that was both bought and found on the ground.  From there we went through the beautiful Black Hills -- so peaceful and delightful eye candy.  We stopped in Lead and checked out a pit gold mine and then headed to Deadwood for some fun and games.  The kids were able to participate in both a card game and a band playing "fruit" instruments as well as witnessing a reenactment in the streets of a famous gunfight.  We had a great time and headed home sooooo tired.  However, Super Gammy (or was it Stupid Gammy??) to the rescue and we went to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant where we sat on the patio (oh my gosh thank goodness for that) and for some reason the silliness in all that accompanies tiredness from 3 days on the go hit -- and it hit ALL -- I actually looked over and caught Jen trying to blow a corn dog stick out of a straw -- she was gone.  Such a good time and I can't wait to go back again as I had to pick up my car the next day and head to Montana to work.

After picking up my car and driving straight from SD to MT in 5 hours (with a few issues:  I missed the turn off for the cut-off and wound up taking the interstate the whole way leading to a little fuel scare as I noticed the gas gauge when I had 40 miles to go and not a single gas station in between, ugh) I arrived at Matt's house in time to give Hyrum his bike before the party started that evening.  He was so cute -- but no way in heck he was getting on that bike -- push it was okay.  The house was full for several hours and I took advantage to play with Hyrum and Elena as much as I could.  I spent the next few days working in the office and spending time with Kyle and Rhiana and Matt and Becca ---- so enjoyable for me and it will be hard to wait a month to see all again. 

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rhiana and Kyle's Turn

After a three day break to buy groceries, do laundry, clean, and sleep a little, we were lucky enough to have Rhiana, Kyle, and Miss Elena come to visit for 4 days. They had a bit of a rough go getting here after a broken plane and Mister switching their flights to another airline only to discover that the wonderfully refreshing and intense thunderstorm that we had early in the morning had put everything behind schedule at the airport and so they were now delayed because of that. Yuck. Four hours in Denver with a 3 month old is not the best start to a vacation but we were determined to make it all better when they got here -- of course that meant straight to fun and no chance to get settled.

So, a quick stop at Bass Pro and Uncle Bucks for lunch with wonderful sodas that they make themselves (3 root beer and a vanilla creme -- who could have been the individual???) and we took off for Carrollton as Mister had located an indoor rock climbing place located in an old grain silo and thought it would be interesting. The look on their faces tells all about it --- 120 feet up and they were thrilled. We let them go for about 2 1/2 hours and they were beat by then. Even Miss Elena got into the act and had her first "rock climb" -- too cute. Mister spent the entire time photographing them from every angle possible and I think he was having as much fun as they were. From there we headed back to the house via Central Market (yes, I think THIS grocery store should be a required tourist stop) to grab some fruit before changing for dinner -- went out to Italian and back to watch everyone fall into exhausted heaps. End of day one.

Up early (not much choice with a baby in the house, lol), breakfast of fresh made scones and fruit, and off to the Six Flags water park. It was the last weekend before school was starting and so even though we got there at opening -- it was already packed. We located a table under a large canopy so were out of the sun and sent Rhiana and Kyle off to play. They returned shortly and the call of the water got to me so we hit the wave pool for some fun and then a sled ride that Kyle drug me off to. Mister took baby duty and had her asleep when we returned. Then the kids just couldn't watch the slingshot ride any longer and went to see how much it was -- soon they were being strapped in and screaming.

We decided that we would let them go off and just be a couple for awhile with no worries and so made arrangements to meet them at 4 and headed off to visit Mister's mom and introduce her to Miss Elena. We had a nice visit and met two very tired people at the gate -- each having gotten some sun and lots of exercise. Headed back to the house for showers, etc. and made a nice appetizer tray to enjoy since dinner reservations were at 8 at Rafain -- a wonderful Brazilian Churrascaria. Kyle and Mister were in meat heaven. We had such a nice time and I think the cinnamon/sugar grilled pineapple was a huge hit. Back to the house -- with people not making it home without a little nap in the car and I'm not just talking about Elena. End of day two.

Up early again and I played lazy --- woke Mister and got everyone off to Cafe Brazil for breakfast --- yum, french toast with fresh fruit, my favorite. Then off to downtown for some sightseeing -- The Book Depository and where JFK was shot before a stop at the Farmers Market and a taste of an herbal sorbet at the local shed.

From there we went to the Aquarium again (only this time tried it in the right sequence - long story) and had a great time. Rhiana's face through the glass while feeding blueberries to a bird was exquisite. Managed to watch the Hawksbill turtles get fed again so I was happy too. This place is just so beautifully done -- probably my second favorite aquarium that I've been to (Chicago tops).

From there to Chuy's for a good old TexMex lunch. Mister ordered Jalapeno Poppers for an appetizer and Rhiana's face explains just why I don't go near them --- definitely worth a thousand words. She was stud though and finished before anyone else and avoided the quarts of milk that Kyle had to rapidly drink.

A trip home to make a fruit pizza for Rhiana since I missed doing that for her birthday and so we had dessert first and then tried to take advantage of a slight wind at the lake to do a little stunt kite flying -- good form there Kyle -- actually there were great pictures of him, but this one seemed fair after showing Rhiana's jalapeno face. Called it a night with a light dinner and I for one was beat. End of day three.

Once again all good things have to end -- Day four dawned and after a wonderful breakfast cooked and cleaned up by Mister (a true multi-tasker with Elena's help - I do believe she has stolen his heart), everyone packed up (while I took time for a dance with Missy)and headed to Fort Worth before their afternoon flight. First stop -- the Water Gardens (I told you this would be a regular stop for me) and I am still amazed at how wonderful they are. From there to the stockyards where Rhiana went to jail, we toured the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame, did lunch at H3 Ranch (where Missy had a saddle all her own), and stopped to buy Elena a western onesie at Finchers. I'm ending with pics of Elena because I just couldn't decide which one I liked best and because the one of her and mom is truly precious. Hope they come back soon because we truly treasured our time together.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Visit with Cass and Scott

After arriving back from our trip -- Mister was sick for a week and then we had much to do to get ready for visitors. Whew ---- but it was all done and we were excited for four days with Cass and Scott --- we'd see who outlasted who. Or is that whom?

Day one --- straight from the airport to lunch at Whole Foods (we weren't close enough to Central Market, oh well) and then off to the new Cowboy Stadium for a tour. Scott and Mister were all about the engineering -- guys. Next, The Texas Rangers vs. The Boston Red Sox. It was Cass' first professional game and she was so excited --- it was a thrilling game even if the Red Sox won -- although the Rangers did win 5 of the 6 games that the Red Sox played here -- just not the one I had tickets to, ugh.

Day two: I made a pear marscapone stuffed french toast for breakfast and started cinnamon rolls rising for the next day and then we were off to The Dallas World Aquarium, touring the city, and dinner at Adelmos for restaurant week. Another busy day. Scott and Cass were mesmerized watching an octopus and also loved the swordfish that we were able to watch from inside a glass tunnel. The highlight for me was the Hawksbill turtles and we were there for the feeding. Two beautiful creatures that had been injured and rescued. One posed quite nicely for me and I have added it to the sidebar on the blog.

At one point during the day, we stopped in at a Crate and Barrel shop and Cass took the opportunity to try out the furniture. She might have been a wee bit tired. After getting home at almost midnight, still had to finish the cinnamon rolls for the next day, but my mouth was already watering for them.

Day three: Cinnamon Rolls and a fresh fruit bowl started out the day. Yum. Then: Fort Worth. The Japanese Gardens were the first stop and they were absolutely beautiful. Scott and Cass had a great time feeding the fish in the ponds while Mister took pictures of the birds that were in abundance. Next was the Stockyards, of course. We wandered the shops (Scott found a new shirt), watched a mock gun fight and then the longhorns were herded down the main street. I was amazed at how large they were --- same size as the horses. Wow. We stopped in at the Love Shack (too funny) for a cool drink and then hit the road again. I thought we were leaving and heading back to Dallas when Mister pulled over and said for everyone to get out. We crossed the street and the Fort Worth Water Gardens came into view ---- Incredible. This will be a regular stop in the future. There were three different water areas and a climbing mountain which Cass and Scott took advantage of. Tex-Mex for dinner at Monicas.

Day Four: Dang, its over way too soon. Skipped breakfast, the kids packed and we headed to the most wonderful bbq -- Sonny Bryans. The picture says it all --- does he look satisfied or what? A quick run around Bass Pro Shops and then off to the airport --- it was a great time and can't wait for the next one. Miss you both already.