Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Visit with Cass and Scott

After arriving back from our trip -- Mister was sick for a week and then we had much to do to get ready for visitors. Whew ---- but it was all done and we were excited for four days with Cass and Scott --- we'd see who outlasted who. Or is that whom?

Day one --- straight from the airport to lunch at Whole Foods (we weren't close enough to Central Market, oh well) and then off to the new Cowboy Stadium for a tour. Scott and Mister were all about the engineering -- guys. Next, The Texas Rangers vs. The Boston Red Sox. It was Cass' first professional game and she was so excited --- it was a thrilling game even if the Red Sox won -- although the Rangers did win 5 of the 6 games that the Red Sox played here -- just not the one I had tickets to, ugh.

Day two: I made a pear marscapone stuffed french toast for breakfast and started cinnamon rolls rising for the next day and then we were off to The Dallas World Aquarium, touring the city, and dinner at Adelmos for restaurant week. Another busy day. Scott and Cass were mesmerized watching an octopus and also loved the swordfish that we were able to watch from inside a glass tunnel. The highlight for me was the Hawksbill turtles and we were there for the feeding. Two beautiful creatures that had been injured and rescued. One posed quite nicely for me and I have added it to the sidebar on the blog.

At one point during the day, we stopped in at a Crate and Barrel shop and Cass took the opportunity to try out the furniture. She might have been a wee bit tired. After getting home at almost midnight, still had to finish the cinnamon rolls for the next day, but my mouth was already watering for them.

Day three: Cinnamon Rolls and a fresh fruit bowl started out the day. Yum. Then: Fort Worth. The Japanese Gardens were the first stop and they were absolutely beautiful. Scott and Cass had a great time feeding the fish in the ponds while Mister took pictures of the birds that were in abundance. Next was the Stockyards, of course. We wandered the shops (Scott found a new shirt), watched a mock gun fight and then the longhorns were herded down the main street. I was amazed at how large they were --- same size as the horses. Wow. We stopped in at the Love Shack (too funny) for a cool drink and then hit the road again. I thought we were leaving and heading back to Dallas when Mister pulled over and said for everyone to get out. We crossed the street and the Fort Worth Water Gardens came into view ---- Incredible. This will be a regular stop in the future. There were three different water areas and a climbing mountain which Cass and Scott took advantage of. Tex-Mex for dinner at Monicas.

Day Four: Dang, its over way too soon. Skipped breakfast, the kids packed and we headed to the most wonderful bbq -- Sonny Bryans. The picture says it all --- does he look satisfied or what? A quick run around Bass Pro Shops and then off to the airport --- it was a great time and can't wait for the next one. Miss you both already.

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