Sunday, August 2, 2009

Montana Trip -- Hello Big Sky Country

Billings, Red Lodge, Beartooth Highway, Cooke City, Yellowstone National Park, Big Sky, Bozeman, Lewis and Clark Caverns, Phillipsburg, Skalkaho Highway, Hamilton, Stevensville, Missoula, Polson, Bigfork, Lakeside, Glacier National Park, Whitefish, Helena, Belgrade, Livingston, and back to Billings. WHEW! Eight days and 1500 miles later -- we have seen some of the most beautiful parts of Montana and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. After saying good-bye to kids and grands, we hit the road in our Subaru Outback (of which Mister declared every car on the road was one) and began to truly enjoy the Big Sky Country. One of the reasons for the trip was to do a review of microbreweries in Montana and so 20 stops were made to write about and apparently purchase glasses from(one was out of stock, ugh) each of them. We so enjoyed the time in these breweries meeting the brewers and taking tours although Mister commented that it was way too much like a job on vacation, which in a sense it was if the website he wants to do works out right.

As we drove the state, many great photo opportunites came and along and so thought we would share a few with you. This first shot is from the top of the Beartooth Highway -- elevation around 11,000 and the view down on the winding road we drove up is breathtaking. The wildflowers were absolutely beautiful as the second shot shows and Mister was amazed at the very top as it plateaued with grassy knolls instead of rocky mountain peaks as the third picture shows.

From there, we dropped down into Yellowstone Park for a quick trip across the upper road and were treated to views of bison. We talked about a return trip either in the fall or early spring when the roads were not quite so crowded and we would have some time for exploring.

Upon leaving Yellowstone, we headed up the Gallatin towards Big Sky and the view along the drive was picture perfect and we enjoyed the clean mountain air as we opened windows along the way. The water was rushing clear and cold --- so breathtaking. After Bozeman and along the way we spent some time at the Lewis and Clark Caverns where we started out with a 3/4 mile hike up a path with switchbacks and then into the cave we went. Down a total of 530 steps to the main rooms which were incredible and the tour guide was excellent. Back out 70 steps up and into the sunlight -- all in all a great stop with only one side effect. My calves killed me for two day while Mister only dealt with one day of discomfort -- a sign that one of us is in better shape than the other.

Several days and cities later, we arrived in the Flathead Valley for time with family. Mister said he wanted to pick cherries himself rather than buy from a stand and that he wanted to eat one fresh off the tree. He got his wish and we found a delightful small orchard that we could wander and pick. It overlooked the lake and was abundant with other fruits as well in the form of raspberries, currants, peaches, pears, and apples. I caught Mister looking around and soaking it all in and warned him that he best be careful before he fell in love with Montana and it got a grip on him like it has on me.

While staying with Mom, we spent one day driving up to Glacier Park and once again the scenery was incredible. This picture is at Lake McDonald just past West Glacier and the mist in the mountains caught Mister's eye as he walked down to the waters edge for this shot. It turned out absolutely beautiful. While in Glacier we were treated to watching a mama mountain goat with her kid, a columbian ground squirrel up close and personal as well as two hoary marmots keeping close tabs on the people having a picnic in front of us.

We so enjoyed being able to spend time with family while there and snapped this picture the night before we left. Two days later, my sister and Joe took Brock and Jill to college in Las Vegas and so I'm glad to have this pic since I'm not sure when we will all be together again.

The trip came to an end all too soon and Mister flew home while I stayed and worked for several days. Rhiana was in the middle of moving and so I was able to spend lots of time with Elena and some with Hyrum as well while Becca helped her. It made for short nights though as I still had work to do --- but wouldn't give up that time with little ones for anything. We are at work in the office in this pic --- Hyrum stopped watching Finding Nemo long enough to smile for the camera and then went back to watching one of the many computer screens on the desk. True multi-tasking going on here. My days with these little ones are so treasured -- I cannot wait for each trip to see how they grow and what's new with them. Miss Elena had just started giggling and each one delighted me beyond measure. I didn't get any of the laughs on camera, but her response to someone talking to her is also fun to watch. Oh the last thing I did before heading back home was to go and get a haircut -- these are the last pictures of me in long hair for quite awhile as I was able to donate 7" to Locks for Love -- one way to lose weight.

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