Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Week in Telluride with Amanda and ALL of Her Boys - Days 3 & 4

Friday - Good morning from the mountains.  How fun it is to say that again.  Oh my, I am in love and feel at home.  I could seriously move here.  Amanda has to work today and since she pays for preschool anyway, Caleb is going to go and as a result, I am on my own and have chosen to explore the town a bit.

Before we leave the house, I go hunting for the boys and discover that they have not only worn their hats to bed, but that they still have them on.  Oh my.  I cannot express how happy that makes me.

Before too long, we have everyone loaded up and are off to Telluride.  We make three stops dropping off a boy at each one and then park near the office.  Amanda goes to work and I am off to explore.  First things first though -- let's find a coffee shop.  Apparently there is one in the back of the bookstore (which is not open) and I make my way towards it.  It is a lovely little shop and the time is spent talking with locals about quilting.  Isn't that funny?  A lady brought it up after seeing my screen saver on my phone.  Several people love my idea of a shop here that would not only be a retail outlet, but would teach classes, do custom work, and include the youth.  Trouble is -- is there anyplace even affordable to set something like that up?

Now that my tummy is happy, I set off to explore for awhile.  Once again, my jaw drops from the beauty of the area and my desire to be here expands.  Look at the beauty of the courthouse.

As I wander the streets, I find the Town Hall and learn a bit of Telluride history at the same time.

I find one "thrift" shop in the town, but have to laugh at the prices.  Here I thought some thrift stores in Dallas were high priced.  I spotted a man's shirt that I thought would be great in a quilt but she wanted $15.00 for it.  Really?  Outside the thrift shop was a pretty cool bench though.  Betcha can't tell this is a ski town.

I come to another fascinating piece of history -- The Galloping Goose.  Even in the early 1900's people were designing hybrid means of transport.  This one ran until 1951.  Pretty cool.  I would love to see it on the rails today.

Apparently there are mines everywhere here.  I wish it wasn't off season and I could tour one.  Perhaps next trip.

Both electricity and transportation made significant forward progress in this sleepy little area.  Sorry about the tree shadows but it is more than I want to write.

I've been walking for awhile and am ready to sit and relax a bit.  I have discovered another local coffee shop and this place is definitely hopping.

Once I have my drink, I settle in outside on a bench to enjoy the view and the sunshine.  Another couple joins me and we once again have a lively conversation, joined by many others during the time I am there.  I will say this much -- everyone here is incredibly friendly, something about a small town that I definitely miss by living in a large city.

Yep -- had to take a picture of a legal marijuana shop.  I have to say that I approve and think many other states will follow Colorado and Washington's lead on this.

Another interesting thing that I run into is called the "free box."  This place is packed with people no matter what time of day I spot it.  It is across the street from the dental office and Amanda explained it to me.  People donate all types of things to the box and others come and get what they need.  I have seen every type of person at the box and there is absolutely no stigma attached to using it.  This is a very "green" area and this is recycling at it's best.  Once a week, it is emptied and donated to a local shelter nearby.  What a great concept.

After lunch with Trent and Amanda, I am off again to discover the other end of town.  At the end of one street, I run into the Town Park, which used to be a residential area for the working class.  Now, it is simply lovely and with a great view of the town.  Look at that reflection in the water.  I have a good time practicing some photography skills that Mister has worked on with me.

When I stopped in at the office for lunch, the previous owner had been there and we visited for a moment.  She asked if I had been up to the mine and my eyes lit up.  There is one nearby?  Yes, but not for tours.  However, you can also see a great waterfall from there.  Well, alrighty.  After the park, I walk back to the car and head south of town.  Lo and behold, by golly, there is an old mine.

AND a waterfall.  It is quite a ways off, but I get an okay picture.  No idea what the building up there is.

As I drive back into town, I make sure to look the other direction as well.  The beauty is everywhere.

I pick up the two older boys at school and ask if they want to 1) pick up Caleb and go to the park, or 2) go back to the house and walk to the waterfall nearby.  Choosing Caleb and the park, we are off to pick up their little brother.  When we arrive, we discover that he is still asleep and since I don't wish to wake him, we need to kill and hour or so.  What to do?  Oh, I know -- how about ice cream?  I get a resounding yes and we once again park the car and start walking.  The place Amanda took me to lunch had ice cream so we head there only to discover that they only have "big people flavors."  The boys take me to another spot passing this building on the way (Raef points it out to me as apparently he has had several history field trips at school).

We go into Telluride Truffles and discover the ice cream they like.  We have also just been served when the place erupts with business -- all looking for ice cream.

Several of the boys classmates arrive with their parents and the line continues out the door the entire time we sit and enjoy our treats.  I have to say -- my black raspberry was delicious.

Now -- it is time to pick up Caleb and get to the park.  The boys have it to themselves at first but, again, soon it is packed with kids and many are playing a game of tag.  I worry as most old people do, but no one gets hurt.  Caleb always wants to do whatever Raef or Ryan are doing and for the most part he is quite successful.

The sun is starting to set and the temperature is dropping.  It is time to go.   I have had a blast in town today and am full of fresh mountain air.

Once we are back at the house, we have homework and dinner but manage to find time to play a bit as well.  We start a game of hide and go seek and I find a great spot on the lower stairs to the basement apartment.  I can hear everything while the boys look for me and almost bust out laughing when I hear Ryan mention that he is trying to find me by smell.  Amanda asks what that means and he says I have an "old people" smell.  Is that bad?  Oh my goodness.  I sure wish I had found my travel perfume holder when I was packing.  Next thing I know it is Caleb's turn to hide and he says to me, "Find me Gammy.  I smell like a little boy."  Way too cute.

It is a tough night here and the boys have definite trouble settling down to go to sleep.  I settle in up in my room and let Amanda and Trent work through their issues and soon it is all quiet.  I go downstairs to get a drink before sleeping, and find Caleb in the hallway with a magnifying glass looking at a picture book but the light of a single hall light.  Really?  I mention that perhaps he should be in bed and he basically ignores me.  I cannot resist another picture and use the flash.  Oh my.  Off to bed I go.  Not my issue -- I am just a gammy.  Repeat that mantra over and over Lady.

Saturday -  I am sitting on the sofa working on spool doilies when Amanda comes in and mentions that Trent has gone running and she is going to go and pick him up about 5 miles away.  Caleb is in the shower and would I please get him out when he hollers.  Yep.  I'm on it.  I head upstairs and peek around the corner at him, but he wants me to stay out of the bathroom.  I settle in and wait for the water to shut off but it never does.  Pretty soon he comes out with his towel.  I wrap him up and go to shut off the water.  In the meantime he has taken off, buck naked.  I find him under the table.

Once I entice him out, I grab him and throw him on the sofa, burying him with pillows.  He loves this and asks me to do it over and over again.  Finally I am able to talk him into getting dressed.  Where is Amanda?  I thought she was only going 5 miles.

Caleb and I are dressed and ready for a walk by the time Amanda and Trent show up.  Apparently there was a time difference and neither was sure where the other was.  Caleb and I walk just down the road to the stream and back.  
When we get back to the house, Raef is making breakfast for him and Ryan.  He is scrambling eggs and hurting dad's ego in the process.  Apparently Ryan on likes "Raef's eggs" and refuses to eat the ones that his dad cooks.  Pretty funny.

Trent has decided he wants to go for a hike so Amanda puts together a picnic lunch and we are off.  After some directional discussion, we find the trail and start our hike.  Apparently we are heading up a mountain.

At a certain point, Caleb decides that he wants to play more than hike and I offer to stay back with him, but Amanda and Trent want him to hike along.  We keep going and although he has to learn lessons, we all make it to the ridge we were aiming for.  Well, in all fairness, I thought Trent wanted to go to the top, but apparently he was teasing.  One look here explains why -- it is covered in snow.  Ugh.

Caleb found this stick along the way - or maybe Ryan found it, not sure -- and look how it has a built in handle and appears to be "swordlike".  He does not let it out of his sight.

Yes, Ryan takes a picture of me to prove that I am indeed up here with everyone.  I do like that I can keep my hair down up here.  The temperature is just perfect for me.

Me and my buddy

I take my time going back down as my ankle is just too wonky and my knee is not totally happy either.  Strange how downhill is so very much harder on me.  I find my boys all having their lunch and visiting.

It is time to return home as the drive will take about an hour.  I am hoping to rest for awhile before we go to the carnival and haunted house tonight.  I am pretty sure I will sleep like a rock tonight.  This old gal is pretty tired.

The boys are dressed in their costumes and ready to go.  It is time for some fun.  The carnival and haunted house are in Placerville, about 10 miles away.  Let's go see what this little town has prepared for all.  The event is hosted by the fire department as their annual fundraiser and I am impressed from the moment we arrive.  This will be fun.  I try and get the boys together for a picture in their costumes, but Caleb wants no part of a group photo.  Hmmm.

The carnival is our first stop.  Wow.  Look at the effort put forth here.  This is incredible.  Children pay $15.00 at the door and adults are free.  This price includes the carnival, haunted house, and all food.  Dang good deal.

Within no time, the dentist's kids have cotton candy and cookies stuffed into their mouths.  Of course!  Why not?  It's Halloween.  Time for games and fun.  Many squirt guns and bats are won and pockets are bulging with those and the candy picked up along the way as well.  Even my pockets are full.

There is a fire pit outside by the maze and they are also serving hot dogs and chili out here.  Nice.  Warm. Yummy.

We go over to the haunted house and determine if everyone can go.  I have Raef, Amanda has Caleb and Trent takes Ryan, who is pretty dang sure that he doesn't want to do this.  It is a great haunted house and Ryan comes out all smiles and wants to do it again.  Love it.  A stop at the maze for Caleb, inside for more games and treats, and then it is time to go.  This has been a very busy day and I for one am ready for bed.

I don't think I am in the house for more than 15 minutes before I say goodnight and climb the stairs for bed.  Night all.