Saturday, September 2, 2017

DART Tripping Around the Metroplex

Since Dallas has decided to give itself a self-imposed gas crisis, my sweetie was unable to get gas on the way home Thursday.  As a result, we are spending the day exploring the metroplex via public transportation.  I love it when we do this as we never totally know where it will lead.  The only for sure part is to go say goodbye to the Australian animals at the zoo.  Otherwise, who knows?

At 6:45 a.m. we leave the house to walk the 1/2 mile down to White Rock Coffee, which also happens to be the bus stop.  The sky is crazy cool this morning.  Love it.

I realized that I have never spotlighted our favorite coffee shop.  I love this little place.  It has a great vibe (although not this early on a Saturday morning) and is very community oriented.  They roast the beans themselves and make all the sandwiches in house as well.  Each day there is a housemade pastry as well.  Oooooh, they are so yummy.

Good-bye Morning at the Zoo

We have just been informed that our Koala Walkabout area of the zoo is losing their animals due to highway construction near by.  This saddens me so very much but not like it does my sweet Mister.  He is so very, very unhappy.  The koalas, emus, wallabies, kangaroos, lorikeets and kookaburras are all bering relocated at other facilities.  The lorikeets are one of my grands absolute favorite parts of the zoo and that will be tough to explain the next time they visit.

We are traveling by DART this morning due to the self-created gas crisis in Dallas and that means we are there when the zoo opens.  Perfect.  We do stop by several exhibits on our way to the Walkabout but it is the main focus of our day and this post.

As we pass the flamingo pond, three of the four babies are spotted.  Too cute.  They have lost the initial white and are now grey.  At some point they will be pink like the adults due to their diet.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Oregon Vacation - Days 7 & 8 - Portland/Home

Dang.  This is our last day of fun as we fly home tomorrow.  As low key as we have kept this, time has still zipped by.  The one thing that ha happened, though, is that I think we both have fallen in love with this area.  We could live here and that's saying a lot because of all the places we have traveled, rarely do we have this desire.

Leaving the car behind, we are public transiting it today.  After catching a bus downtown, we make a return trip to Spella.  Yes, it is that good.  Now for a walk down the street and a quick stop at the Pioneer Mall for facility use before wandering about all day.  Yep, nature does call now and then.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Oregon Vacation - Day 6 - Coast

It's Coast Day!  Coffee first though and on the way I am reminded of the murals all over Portland and that I have not taken a single picture of them.  Well, let's rectify that.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Oregon Vacation - Day 5 - Portland/Oregon City

It's another beautiful day in Oregon.  We simply could not have requested better weather.  Since we were unable to get into the Japanese Gardens yesterday, that is where we are headed but wait - stop - hold up.  Coffee --- where is today's coffee spot?  How about the Dragonfly Coffee House.

I LOVE this place the minute we walk in.  It is full of cozy corners, cushiony sofas, and atmosphere up the wazoo.  Settling into a window nook (the place is PACKED), we order a coffee cake and pumpkin/apple/walnut muffin for breakfast.

Everything arrives, looks beautiful and is HUGE.  I am positive that we should have shared a muffin.  Oh my.  Let's just take our time and relax.  It's our vacation. (No, I still can't eat it all.)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Oregon Vacation - Day 4 - Portland

Hello there!  We slept in!  Yep, that is unheard of during a vacation together.  There is just so see and do, but my sweetheart (and myself if truth be told) need to take it easy this week.  This is a chance to push the reset button and, by golly, that is what we are going to do.

However, that being said, it is almost 10 and time to go.  Downtown is the destination and wandering for awhile is the agenda.  Come along and see what we do.

First stop is the Pine Street Market.  We are hoping for some breakfast in here but as we enter, it quickly becomes clear that this is not a market so much as a food court.  Drat.  At any rate, we DO  find a great little coffee shop with pastries and that will work too.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Oregon Vacation - Day 3 - Eclipse and Portland Arrival

Good morning ya'll.  Happy Eclipse Day.  We are on the road by 5 a.m. and eagerly watch the horizon for an appearance by the "star" of the day.  Oh, there she is.