Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!  I truly love this day and am pretty sure that it is my favorite holiday of all.  I mean - seriously - what could be better than a day devoted to love?  Whether it be for your sweetie, your parents, your children, or your very best friend.  I want everyone to be my valentine.

We don't go nuts in our house with gifts - ever.  It's just not what we do for each other.  BUT boxes of chocolate, twizzlers, a new back brush, and a pair of reading glasses to add to the stack of ones that are constantly being hunted for are perfect little items to surprise one another with.  Oh -- balloons and cards too.  Isn't this fun?

Mister has planned a lovely day out for the two of us.  We are off to Fort Worth to check out a few "new to us" breweries.

 I love these type of days -- relaxing and so fun to just visit together and see where the day takes us.

Our first stop is Rio Carlo Magnolia Brew Pub and we arrive just before the lunch crowd hits.  It's a fairly large place with good a lot of seating and some interesting decor.  I LOVE chalkboards in places.  Lots of easily changed information.

The next place on Mister's list doesn't open for a little more than an hour so as we are driving around the area, we spot a park that looks interesting.  It is below the Tarrant County Community College and right on the Trinity River.  It looks like it's time for a walk and some exploration.
What the heck is this tree?  It is absolutely loaded with small dark purple berries of some sort.  Incredible.  As we venture down the path, I spot what remains of an older building and am soon off to check it out.  What could it have been?

As Mister and I explore, it appears that someone has been using it for a home - I would use the word "shelter" but without a roof, I am not sure it qualifies.  There are articles of clothing and garbage piled in one room.  We don't disturb anything and are soon on our way.  I would love to know what the building was originally used for.  Must be time for some research.

Just below the building stand this sculpture.

And one more look back - so interesting.

Within moments we are at a very large bridge over the river.  As we wander next to it, there are openings to peek inside the structure.  Oh I wish I was still spry enough to climb up and see the view because this next picture shows where it leads.  Oh my --- love, love, love the reflection on the water today.
A little further down, we discover a spillway and realize that we will now have to backtrack as there is no place to cross the river -- well at least not within eyesight.

As we are walking back, my friend Lee Ann is at a fabric sale and is texting me with pictures of products.  Yes, some things are allowed to grab my attention even when out walking.  Apparently I am so involved in it that Mister has to look back and see what is taking me so long.  The sun doesn't help as I have a hard time seeing the screen and keep dashing into shadowy spots.

With that part finished and my selections made, I am back to the task at hand.  TURTLES!  Oh my.

The clock has ticked off over an hour now and it is time to depart for Martin House.  When we arrive, the line is down the street and we join the throngs.  They have a Pretzel Stout here that I absolutely adore and it will be hard for me to save it for last while I try the other offerings.  The location is great and I love the view of downtown Fort Worth.  It's a beautiful day and people are taking advantage of it by setting up outside and relaxing in the sunshine.

Lines are long, but move along pretty quick and everyone is kind to one another.  It's funny, but until today I didn't realize that "Martin House" brewery was named because of the purple martins that are so prevalent in our area.  Their "houses" are everywhere but I never put the two together until I saw the inside of the brewery.  My bad.

There is musical entertainment and we grab a spot on a bench across from them to listen and enjoy.  At one point, they take a break and I love what their chairs are covered with -- had to take a picture for my crocheting friends.  Pretty cool, huh?

It's time to move on.  There are still two spots on the list and one is a bit of a drive.  Let's get going.  As we leave the area -- oh, look at this.  Don't you just LOVE beautiful church buildings?  I know I do.  Ah, the architecture is just wonderful.

We arrive at The Bearded Eel brewery and are instantly at home.  Now, THIS is our kind of brewery.  Small, older clientele (you know, the ones who truly want to savor and taste the subtle differences as opposed to those who want "all you can drink for 10 bucks"), and the owners working and talking with us.  BJ and Becky opened this little gem about 4 months ago and are brewing some pretty dang good beers.

They also have a remarkable sense of humor once in the restroom, I had to return with a camera.  Yep, they've got it going on.

We stay for quite awhile and enjoy visiting with them as they share their story and their love for what they are embarking on.  Dang, I sure wish they were closer to us -- this could easily become our "Cheers" hangout.  Forty-five minutes is a bit though.

We have one last stop to make at the The Collective Brewing Project.  It's a nice space, but cold and not very welcoming.  After the last spot, this is a bit of a disappointment.  We grab a couple spots at the bar and order.  The prices are a bit high and they don't offer any samplers, which for someone like me who is wanting to TRY their beers just doesn't make sense.  Oh well.

We enjoy our beer, visit a wee bit with the dude behind the bar and decide to call it a night.  Let's get home, enjoy some yummy leftovers and cuddle.  As we drive into Dallas, the lights downtown are definitely playing along.  Everything is glowing with pink and white.  They seem to say, "Welcome home."  Thanks for spending our day with us and we'll catch ya later on.  Again, Happy Valentines Day to everyone.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Checking In With The Orchid

And then there were two -

Let The Birthday Season Begin!

The birthday season for Mister has begun.  This amazing cooler was delivered today filled with lobster, scallops, chowder and other goodies.  Oh yum, we are going to have a fun meal soon.  Thank you to Mister's Mom for this wonderful gift that I get to share.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lovin' Me Some Date Night

Thursdays!  Yep -- gotta love 'em.  It's Date Night and time for a break from everyday stuff.

A Sign of Spring!

The quince out back is blooming.  Each year that signals the beginning of spring to us.  Last year the beautiful blooms were frozen in a late storm.  Fingers crossed that we get to enjoy them this year.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Update on the Orchid

Oh isn't it so beautiful?  I cannot wait to see it when all buds are open.  What a treat in the middle of winter.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Good-bye My Friend

How do you say good-bye to someone who helped rescue you?  I can't quite figure that out right now as I am forced to do just that with my dear friend Jason.

I know that Jason was blessed with many friends and they are of the highest caliber with most of them being known through their love of Christ and meeting at church.  I, on the other hand, met Jason a totally different way and knew Jason in a unique way as a result of it.  I'm not saying that I am anything special, for I am realistic enough to know that is a falsehood, but my experiences with Jason are perhaps different than other's are.

When I arrived in Dallas, I was fighting cancer myself.  I was brought into the company Jason worked for as a consultant and within moments of meeting Jason, there was a spiritual bond that never left.  It was as though we already knew each other and our souls had reconnected.  From that day forward we spent the first half hour of our day at work just talking to each other.  We put aside the daily grind and shared what had happened in our lives the night before and asked each other for guidance often.  As I would drive to work, knowing he was there and that we would talk brightened the otherwise mundane task of it all.

He taught me so very much about looking out for those who cannot do the simple tasks that I take for granted each and every day.  As my sweetheart and I travelled the world, we learned to look at places through different eyes.  "Could Jason come here?" became our constant glance.  We were more aware of the difficulties we as a society place on those who do not walk on two legs.  It has enriched my life to be able to see those things and to have compassion for those who struggle.  Each time that we returned from a trip Jason would ask, "Could I go there?" and we would be able to answer honestly for we had truly been observant.  Something that might not have taken place without having him in our lives.

The compassion that he had towards me and my own suffering was immense.  I shared things with him that I never shared with anyone else for I knew he would "get it".  Over the past 8 years we have shared many times, good and bad, but the one thing that has been our constant companion is pain.  It is with a heavy heart that I say good-bye, but I am oh so thankful that he is no longer in pain.  What a wonderful thing that must be and even though it is a sin -- I envy him that part.

Oh Jason, thank you so much for our passionate discussions over many topics.  Thank you for the understanding you gave me on many things and the chance you gave for me to offer another perspective as well.  Thank you for making my world brighter just with your presence and giving me strength when I needed it.  Thank you for the moments in my home and the many memories we have made.  Thank you for being the humor needed in some of the awful situation we were placed in over the years and thank you for always believing in me.  I will love you forever and hope that I live my life in such a way that I am blessed to see you again.  I am trying my friend.

Good-bye and enjoy that walk that you have waited 20 years to take.  Come and visit in my dreams if you get a chance.  I love you.
