Friday, June 21, 2013

We Have Hyrum & Zyra - Days 5&6

It turns out that both Mister and I are now a little queasy with upset tummies.  Drat.  I was hoping that one quiet day would be all that was required, but I guess we will take it easy again today.  We make a quick run down to Kohl's and pick out a few new outfits and pajamas for the kids and I am now totally out of energy.

I go back to bed while Grandpa takes over with their project books.  Zyra has located his koala from the office and claimed it as her own so it is her constant companion now.

Grandpa takes the kids over to a park for awhile, but it doesn't last since the water in the park is on and other children are running from the water to the slides and swings getting everything wet and making it so our little ones can't play.  Bummer.

Oh well, back to the house and we will play in the yard a little.  Ugh, not much else to talk about today -- I just don't feel well.

Day 6

Life is much better today.  Mister and I are back on our game and decide to take the grands for a ride on the DART down to the zoo.  Yay!  There are few places I love more than our zoo.  After dropping the car at the White Rock Station, we hop on the train and zip down to our transfer at Mockingbird Station.

As we sit and wait for our connection, Hyrum and Zyra watch the tracks for the next train.  Don't they look content?   It doesn't last long and soon Hyrum is standing on the edge watching the approaching lights.  Is it ours?  Yep.  here we go.

All the way down, the only request was for the giraffes and once we arrive they want to make a beeline straight for those beautiful creatures.  Okay - we are on our way.  Hope the giraffes are ready for us.

They are!  Within minutes, we are decked out with food and happily extending hands to the long black tongues searching for their treats.  Oh the giggles and smiles of delight.  I love them.

We are soon out of food so must now move on to the other large animals on the savannah.  Zyra spots the cheetah and watches for awhile before we take up viewing places to see how many animals we can spot.  The Dallas Zoo is one of the few places that puts elephants and giraffes together in a natural setting.

The savannah is busy today and we are able to watch the activity while having a little snack break.

A trip to the zoo with little ones is not complete without a photo stop at the elephants.  I mean seriously -- who turns down an opportunity to climb on an elephant sized just for them?

From here we walk the Gorilla Trail and when we come upon the gorilla, oh my, Zyra just giggles and giggles at him.  He is laying up against a window and she finds it to be the funniest thing ever.  It is really getting hot, so time to head back home.  I love a membership - we can come and go anytime we wish.  Best deal ever.

As we are walking up to the DART station, our train pulls out.  That means we have a 15 minute wait for the next one.  The kids grab a couple of seats and drinks of water.  Look at those pink cheeks!  They are not sunburned, just oh so very warm.  The little ringlets around Zyra's face are from perspiration as well.  Not once did they complain about the heat though --- amazing.

Waiting 15 minutes doesn't seem like much, but boredom can set in for young people rather quickly.  Fortunately, Grandpa has a hat available to play with.  After only a few minutes, they are running and playing with the hat like it is the best toy on the planet.  We definitely spend too much money on toys.  Without a doubt.

Our train arrives and we have talked about it being the red train to Mockingbird Station.  They know that when we arrive there, we are watching for the blue train to White Rock Station.  It helps when they know what they are watching and listening for.

Once we are on the train, Hyrum really wants to stand for the first leg so I tell him that he cannot let go of the pole.  It is amazing how happy this has made him.

We arrive home and after lunch and quick naps, prepare for company.  Aunt Jen and cousins are driving up for the evening.  What a treat!  Aunt Cassie and Uncle Scott are coming over as well so it will be a full house.  Not a problem -- the more the merrier.

Uncle Scott has Legos again and ZYRA of all people is the one who wants to work on them the most.  Hyrum and Josh are playing together with a little help from Jake now and then.

Zyra is being very careful with building and locating which pieces Uncle Scott needs.  Once they have completed their people, well -- obviously strike a pose.  Or maybe not -- at least it is a picture though.

Jon is preparing for camp and needs a camera so Grandpa gets my old one ready for him to use.  I sure hope we get to see some pictures that he has taken.

I have to dredge up memories on how to operate different features on the camera, but soon we have it under control ready to go.

Times flies by quickly and Jen still has a 2 hours drive back home.  She does manage to take one quick ride with her brother-in-law though.  Fun times.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We Have Hyrum & Zyra - Days 3&4

Aunt Cassie arrived early for a play day with her niece and nephew.  We are going to the Children's Aquarium today and everyone is looking forward to it.  When we arrive at Fair Park, the first stop seems to always be the fountain and today is no different.  Kids and water are magnets for each other.

The Children's Aquarium is a new stop for Aunt Cassie as well so this should be a fun morning.    Grandpa tries to get a picture for Mom first thing, but for some reason getting both of them to look in the same place at the same time without a silly face seems a daunting task today.  Oh well, we will go for action shots I guess.

As we enter the venue, two daycamp buses pull up at the same time making us walk a little faster and aim for the back of the building right away.  This is like deja vu with Elena and Malea a few weeks ago.

Once our hands are washed, we are ready to play with the sting rays.  Zyra starts laughing instantly when she sees them, but Hyrum is very hesitant and really does not wish to touch them.  We talk about the rays for awhile, letting both of them know that everything is perfectly safe.  They are not going to get hurt in any way.

Hyrum finds another location on the side of the tank and asks us all to move over there.  We join him hoping that it will help encourage him to try putting his hands in the water. After a few minutes of talking with him, he is ready to give it a go.  I am going to let the pictures tell the story here.  They are way better than my words.

There is also a shark tank nearby and we take the kids over to check it out.  Best comment from Hyrum:  "I don't want to touch them Gammy."  I smile and assure him that it is not even an option.  I think he is very relieved to hear it.

It doesn't take long though and they are running back to the stingrays.  It is feeding time and we watch as the rays race around gathering the food that the keepers put in the tank while Grandpa purchases some food for us to hand feed them.

As soon as we walk back over to the tank, it is obvious that the rays know we have food.  They are VERY friendly and are popping their heads out of the water to see what we are doing.  Again, I will let the pictures show the sequence of events.  Yes, you can smile.

Even Gammy has to give it a try.  This is such fun.  We try and purchase some more food, but the keepers are giving the rays a food break so we decide it is a good time to see the rest of the aquarium.

After looking at several large tanks, we come to the touching tank and both of the grands are so fascinated with the various touchable animals.  Zyra reaches right in for the lobster, but it takes a few minutes for big brother.  He does touch most things though and the sea urchin with it's sticks gets eyebrows raised from him.  Awesome.

As we still have a complete side that we have not seen, we are off to the rest of the tanks.  Hyrum spots the octopus and lays in the window giving him a better look at it.  This is a rare treat as it is seldom out and in view.  Lucky us.

Silly me, I think we are finished at the aquarium, but after restroom breaks, the begging starts to go back to the rays again.  Who am I to say no?  Off we go.

This time, Hyrum wants to hand feed as well.  Yay!  Once the food is purchased, he reaches out for his turn and in no time has help reaching under the rays to their mouths.  It is so fun to watch the delight on their faces and hear their giggles as they spend time here.  I think the place has been a hit.

Finally, we are able to leave.  We start towards the car and in absolutely no time they have run to the fountain (with a little prompting from Aunt Cassie).  Ah heck -- 90 degrees out -- who can blame them?

Water and kids = pure fun.

Aunt Cassie tries to scare Hyrum and I think it works, BUT a few minutes later she tries to show him something and he is happy to get even.

Now that everyone is completely soaked, it is time to head back to the house for dry clothes, lunch, and naps.  We have determine that everyone needs one.

While I get lunch ready, Grandpa needs to wind the clock and always needs help with that.

After lunch, I get Zyra down for her nap and go looking for Hyrum.  I find him asleep on the sofa in the living room and snap a quick picture.

Unfortunately that is the end of our pleasant day.  When Hyrum awakens, he tells me that his stomach hurts and we head to the bathroom.  Within seconds, he is so very sick.  Oh, I feel so bad for him.  The rest of the day just becomes a blur as we get him in and out of the restroom and finally settled down for the night.  Ugh --- who will be next?

Day 4

We have decided to take today pretty easy and let Hyrum recover.  Toys are brought out and we play quietly until I remember that the blackberries need to be picked.  Zyra and I go out and pick a couple of bowls full while Grandpa (who is now feeling queasy as well) and Hyrum rest inside.

Aren't our berries oh so pretty?  I am hoping to make some jam with the next picking.

After a quiet morning, we venture out for just a short time to go down to the grocery store for medicine and to the post office to mail a couple things.  Our lovely new store, Gecko Hardware, is in the same plaza and I want to show the kids something inside.  We just pop in for a minute to see the baby chicks.  Oh goodness they are cute.  Trouble is -- they grow up and I am not ready for chickens - yet.

Once we are back at the house, Zyra and Grandpa cook dinner on the the grill.  Hyrum is finally hungry and has asked for a hamburger.  Yes Sir, coming right up.  Though it has been a quiet day, I have enjoyed the kids and our time with them.  Even sick, they are a sheer delight.