Monday, May 7, 2012

Miss Elena Is 3 and Meeting Miss Malea

Weekend number three and we are back in Montana.  It is another birthday weekend and this time in honor of Miss Elena who is unbelievably turning 4.  Where are the years going?

Our flight lands in Billings only a few minutes before Elena's party starts.  We pick up our car and make a mad dash to the Billings Gymnastics Studio where the party is being held.  Since Elena's new sister had just been born yesterday, Daddy and Aunt Amanda were running the show.  We hit the dirt running and lending hands wherever we could.  Our first sight of Elena was this one:  She was having great cousin time with Nora.

Soon the place was buzzing with cousins and friends running and playing everywhere.  It was "organized" chaos though as there actually was a teacher running the kids from one apparatus to another.  I took over with Caleb so that Amanda could help more and Mister ran around trying to take a ton of pictures so that Rhiana wouldn't feel that she had missed it all.

At one point the kids were all led in a song of "Tooty Ta" - again I wish I had a video.  They boys were   so cute and had me just giggling while watching them.  Such a funny song.

Oh look --- Raef can fly!  Although I cannot figure out why he looks like a monster coming down.  A few seconds later I glanced up and Amanda was barreling down the ramp and leapt into the pit.  I was definitely not fast enough to catch her in med-air, but did grab this shot.

As each person took their turn, some got out of the pit faster than others.  Zyra was content to stay in there for awhile and play peek-a-boo.  There were also lines forming at the zip-line and I was so impressed with well they all did.  Elena came flying past and was all smiles when she finished.

As I said earlier, I was trying to keep tabs on Master Caleb and was running out of ideas to keep him amused.  When all else fails -- get on their level and just let them maul and abuse you.  Works every time.

He was laughing so hard and all that did was make me laugh harder until I could barely hold him up.

Cousin time -- We are missing Caleb and have an extra friend in there, but here ia a rare moment of quiet time between events.

When the kids were finally worn out and cake and ice cream were finished, it was time for presents.  Kyle did such a good job running the show and Elena made an absolute haul.  I had no idea how we were going to get it all in the car but by splitting up kids and gifts, we left in 3 cars.  Another party at an end. Whew.

When we got home with Elena she wanted to play on the new swing that her daddy had built for her.  Don't ya just love the shorts and boots?  I know I do.

After naps and a change of clothes, it was time for Elena to go and meet her sister, Malea.  She was so excited to go, but I honestly think it was to see Mommy.  They are so close and being apart is hard for Elena.  I love these first moments as a whole family and was so glad to be a part of it.  So tender and amazing.  Goodness but how small she is compared to her big sister.

Grandpa got a quick hold in as well and almost looks as though she might break.  Well, I guess as small as she is that makes sense.  Welcome, Miss Malea, into this family that is so excited to have you.  You also are helping to even out the numbers -- something that is drastically needed.

We went down to Matt's for dinner and the cousins were able to play together for awhile.  They all get along so well.

Did I say they got along well?  Here is a shot from earlier in the day when there had been a bit of a falling out with the boys.  Grandpa watched the whole thing unfold and was trying so hard not to laugh as they were left to work it out.  This picture is truly worth a thousand words.

The adults hung out upstairs visiting and Matt reached boredom quickly, thus resorting to playing with toys and showing his creativity.  Everyone oooh and aaaah here.

The next day Elena wanted to take out her new kite that Grandpa and I had given her as a birthday present.  It was a pretty windy day and so the three of us walked over to a park near Matt's house and let her fly it.  She did pretty good for a first time and was actually willing to let others try too.  Purple shoes are the give away that it is her -- she was borrowing a jacket.

Back at the house Matt was supervising trampoline time after yesterdays skirmishes and since the boys were not exactly gentle -- he had divided the sexes as well.  Smart guy.

While the boys were jumping, the girls were on the deck playing with the new colored rice "sandbox" that Aunt Rhiana had made for Zyra for her birthday last week.  Are they not delightful together?

Girls turn on the tramp.  These little ladies get along so well and are so fun to have around.  I am so enjoying our weekend here - treasured moments everywhere.  It is so hard to try and remember them all.  The Hollywood Duo back on the deck.  Future starlets.

I have no idea what this conversation is about but just seeing Grandpa get up on the tramp with the kids was shocking enough for me.  He never ceases to surprise me.  I think the grands adore him as much as I do.  What fun.

Amanda has departed back to Cheyenne and we are going to take Elena back to her house for the night.  It's time to head back for the evening and some one on one time.  It is so special to get this time with her.  What a little sweetheart.

It is Monday and so we have to say good-bye again and head back to Dallas.  Hyrum and Zyra greet us on bikes and we have a hard time leaving.  Oh my, these little ones sure do tug at the heart strings.

Our final stop on the way to the airport is at the hospital to see Rhiana and Malea one last time. We don't know how long it will be before we get back this way and need to get a baby fix.  Is there anything more precious?


Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me and Miss Malea

What an incredible birthday present!  Miss Malea arrived today and although she is very tiny 4 lbs. 13 oz., she and Mommy are doing well.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Miss Zyra Turns 2 - Off to Montana

We are off to Montana for weekend number 2 of birthday celebrations.  This time the honor goes to Miss Zyra who is turning 3.  We are staying at Rhiana's home this trip and are here to help her finish getting ready for Miss Malea's arrival in a couple of weeks.  First up -- time with Miss Elena.  She takes us on a tour of the house and her room and is such a delight to be with.  She crawls into Grandpa's lap for a quick picture while they watch television together.

We brought her a few new dresses/skirts and so she went about trying them all on - of course pink was the predominant color.  She already loves clothes and is only getting ready to turn 4.  Such a little lady.

Rhiana at work in her pretty kitchen making a meal for everyone.  Doesn't she look great for being only two weeks from delivery?  Oh my -- I was never like this and am jealous.  I always looked like a tank when I was pregnant.

Our main task for today is to get the nursery finished.  It has already been painted, but things are just in a big pile everywhere.  You know what they say:  Many hands make light work.  The result is serene and Rhiana looks ready for baby.
We do get the walls finished too, but didn't manage to get another picture.  Drat.

The next day is all about Zyra and so Matt's home is our destination.  Oh my goodness!  I just stand back in awe when we walk in.  Becca has outdone herself and I bow down to her while wondering if my son has any air left in his body.  It is like being in a giant version of the Candyland game.  We are led down the path through the rooms by a very excited little girl.  I wonder why.  Ha ha.

Becca is still working to put the finishing touches on all the food before people start to arrive.  We take over with the kids so that she can finish up without interruptions.  Besides, we haven't been with them for a couple of months and want to play.  Knowing Becca, the house will be absolutely filled with people soon.  She should give lessons in entertaining.

As we go downstairs we find the balloon pit that Matt has made for the kids.  This is so cool and once again I realize that he has been blowing up balloons for days.  Hyrum, Elena, and Zyra jump in and I sit on the stairs watching the play.  What an absolutely great idea.

The party gets underway and people start arriving.  Soon the Portuguese is flowing madly and Mister and I move into picture taking and people watching mode.  We catch a quiet moment with Rhiana and Kyle on the sofa and visit for awhile.

Of course, the star of the show gives us many great opportunities.  Mister says she is the most photogenic person he has ever been able to shoot. She never disappoints.

Grabbing moments with the kids and making memories is what it is all about to us these days.  I am not sure if Hyrum is angry I am tickling him or starting to laugh.  He was definitely in a mood and I know I was trying to change it.  From the looks of it, I may be losing the battle.

One of my favorite things that take place during these times is the interaction between cousins.  I absolutely love to watch them together no matter the event.  I did not have a lot of cousins when I was growing up, but I do remember having good times with them.  I so want these kids to always be close.  At this point, the girls are sharing tastes of lollipops.

It's cake time.  Check out those lips and then search for the flame in the pic.  I LOVE it.

We have given Zyra a new little red Strider bike and she is anxious to get on and go for a ride.  Since Hyrum already has one, she knows what she is doing.  It only takes a few minutes and Hyrum has brought his out too to show what he can do.

The party ends with a song by Zyra.  She has taken a toy and turned it into a microphone.  Oh how I wish we had made a video of this.  She really gets into her music and with closed eyes sang us a lovely tune which delighted everyone.  What a little personality.

Mister and I wanted to treat everyone to dinner and so after suggestions by all, we went to Ciao Mambo's for dinner.  Elena was happy on Daddy's lap and as the dinner progressed, the girls patience at sitting ran out.  Mister made a little barricaded area so that they could get down and they played in front of the windows for quite awhile.

We went back over to Matt's and I adore watching my children interact with their children.  It is so heartwarming to me to see them teach with patience and love.  They are all amazing parents and are doing such a great job with my grands.  That is why the grands are such a joy to have come and stay with us.  The great parenting in addition to each child's own wonderful little personalities reminds me always that I am such a lucky old woman.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wyoming Birthday Time - Caleb is 1

It is birthday weekend number 1 out of 3 consecutive ones all requiring trips north.  First up is Cheyenne and Master Caleb's big day.  We fly into Denver to spend a few days with Amanda and the boys and discover that Caleb truly doesn't feel very well -- could be an interesting celebration.  The boys are all eager to share what has been happening in their lives and so a chat is a great way to start.

After a brief break to recuperate (we are old after all) from traveling, Mister takes the boys across the street to the playground to let off some steam and just be boys - both big and small.

I love playgrounds as they let kids just be at ease and provide some of the best photo shots.  The colors are always amazing and the smiles never end.  I wish I was still that limber and had ANY upper body strength left.  I know, I know that is a finger pointing at myself to get back to the gym.

Mister has a hard time letting go of the photographer part of him and so we always manage to get a few shots like this one -- I love them.

The boys soon leave to play with friends and isn't this just the best example of kids at play?  How many can you count in the tree?

Raef has a baseball game that afternoon and so Mister and Amanda take him while I stay and watch Caleb and Ryan.  Raef was all decked out from head to toe and was obviously having a great time while Mom looked on.

It was a beautiful afternoon and the boys and I played and played at home.  Well, if I am totally honest, Ryan and I played and Caleb slept.  We didn't have a camera handy though - which is sad since I am lacking pictures of Ryan.  Next trip I need to focus on him.

We took Amanda and the boys out to dinner and and spent the evening helping out in any way that we could.  Just sitting and talking was awesome and we enjoyed this time with her so very much.

As I was in the kitchen the next morning, I looked out the window and under the house next door was a rabbit home that had occupants.  These little guys kept hopping in and out to enjoy the sunshine.  Rabbits and antelope are in abundance here on the base in Cheyenne.

It is Caleb's birthday and he still doesn't feel very good.  He wants to be held all the time and Grandpa is ever so accommodating.  They are virtually inseparable.  The sad little face only goes away for short periods of time and Grandpa's white tee does not stay that way for long.   Mom and Dad give him a sandbox for his birthday and even that is hard to smile about.

There are moments though when his whole face lights up in delight and we are thrilled with each one.  He is such a busy little one year old and quickly starts filling his shoes with sand.  The problem is that the moments end quickly and soon he is unhappy again.  My my, look at that lip.  It makes me laugh every time I see it.

Amanda does her best to make the day special.  She has made decorations and cupcakes and we have all tried to play and keep his mood up.  He is such a little sweetheart and even as miserable as he is he continues to be loving.  The cuddles are nice and an occasional game keeps things upbeat.

Caleb's gift from us is a little slide to put on the front porch.  Once he figures it out, he absolutely loves it.  This smile made my day.

How sweet is that?

I love our trips up here for time with Amanda and ALL her boys.  We feel at home and are able to pitch in and help without feeling as though we are intruding.  I love to sit back and just watch the interactions and remember what it was like to have small ones of my own.  Those simple precious moments when the only thing that mattered was what we were doing.  Nothing around us even seemed to impact.  This next shot is one of those moments.  Mister let me play with the development of this picture and it touches my heart each time I look at it.

Amanda wants to brighten up the yard a little and so she and Mister put down mulch and cleaned up quite a few areas.  She goes off to the store and returns with flowers, pots, dirt, and a project.  The two of them get to work on it and a couple of hours later, the work is done and the front porch looks amazing.  Where is the picture Mister?  Hmmmn.  If you look in the background, the antelope that are forever around are hanging out in yards and (below) at the playground.

Our time here comes to an end but it has been wonderful.  Treasured moments indeed.  Even though our little guy didn't feel so wonderful, I think he had a special weekend.  I know I did.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pinewood Derby Preparation

Jen called with a loud "help"!  The boys Pinewood Derby was in just a few days and the cars were not finished so:  Grandpa to the Rescue.  We drove down for the day and while Mister and the boys worked, Jen and I got to just visit.  So nice.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tree Trimming Time

Each year we have to take a little time and trim the trees of branches that have gotten to long and are on the roof or ones that have died.  My job is to move the ladder and stack the branches for removal.  Oh and to hand tools now and then.  Misters job is to not fall out of the trees.