Monday, September 26, 2011

Grands All to Ourselves for a Week

We decided to steal two of our grands for a week of memory making here in Dallas.  I flew up to Denver and met Becca, Hyrum, and Zyra.  Becca flew back home alone and I returned to Dallas with two in tow.  I just knew that this was going to be such a fun week and was so excited for this opportunity.  First things first --- getting out the toys, feeding, and bathing.  Yes, WE had to get back into the routine.

Both of the grands adapted quickly to home with Gammy and Grandpa and we were soon working things out.  We learned rapidly that we needed to go to bed early as well for they were up and raring to go in the mornings.

We are constantly entertained by the activity and creativity that they exhibit.

As a sister and brother they truly take care of each other and seldom fight.  So very refreshing.

One afternoon, I had a "high tea" date with a girlfriend.  That is what we southern women do you know.  HA HA.  Mister helped me purchase a hat and even adorned it with a yellow butterfly for the day.  The tea was at the Dallas Arboretum and was absolutely lovely and delicious.  Jan and I had such a grand time visiting and sharing stories with each other.  When I returned, Grandpa had everything under control.  He had fed everyone and it was movie time.  If this isn't the cutest shot of sibling love, I'm not sure what is.

The next day we decided to just have a quiet day at home just playing and enjoying each other.  Miss Zyra is Mister's favorite person to photograph and it is no wonder why.  She just never takes a bad picture no matter what her mood is.

The racetrack was a big hit and even though Hyrum was not thrilled to share, he did so with grace and allowed his sister to be enchanted.

Somewhere along the way we started discovering favorite foods and made sure that we had plenty in stock at all times.  For Hyrum, small containers of yogurt were requested many times each day.  It is pretty hard to say no when they ask for something healthy as opposed to candy and chips.

We decided that a day at the Dallas Zoo was necessary and so off we went.  First things first -- hats were required and so after they had each selected one, we set them up in the wagon and away we went.

It was a hot, sunny day and we were worried that the hats would not stay on, but they never even tried to take them off.

One of the stops was at the Children's Zoo to play with the birds.  It is one of my favorite places to spend time.  As you can see, the birds are quite friendly.  We were all able to feed and be mesmerized by these wonderful creatures.

Hyrum was a little hesitant at first but soon got into the act and began feeding the cockatiels.  Zyra loved absolutely every minute of her time there and it shows on her face.

Grandpa spent a lot of time with each one making sure that they had plenty of chances to hold the birds and share their food.

Soon it was lunch time and so deli sandwiches and chips were required.  Hyrum was so excited when we also purchased soda as we do not have it very often at home.

Next stop is the Giants of the Savannah section to get up close and personal with some slightly larger animals.  The cheetah let Hyrum stand and watch for a long time before he got up and moved away.

Zyra was eager to move on to the next stop and impatient when her brother was taking so long.  She kept hollering to "come on."

Our next interactive experience is with the giraffes.  Grandpa purchases some lettuce for them and soon both of them are excitedly feeding away.  Check out the big black tongue.

Once we returned home, Zyra claimed the mini for awhile playing games.  Well, not really, but she sure tried much to her brothers dismay since it was keeping him from using it.

Our time with these two treasures was zooming by and we wanted to do so many things still.  Next stop -- make sure Hyrum gets to see some dinosaurs -- and so the Fort Worth Museum of Science and Nature was the plan for the following day.  When we arrived and Hyrum's eyes lit up and he exclaimed "dinosaurs" we knew we had been successful in our choice.  It didn't take long for them to start exploring and enjoying the museum.  In the picture below, they are sitting in a dinosaur footprint and we are talking about comparing their feet to it to see how big it is.

There were puzzles, paper airplanes, and giant Lite-Brites to have a good time with.

Zyra wore out first and climbed into her stroller for a break.  No such thing for Hyrum.

A little boy with all the curiosity and wonder of something he loves and plays with all the time.  Is there any greater joy than to watch his mind at work?

However, once he was in the car and traveling home, he could not hold on any longer.  I love the foot up as he slept.  Just too cute.

Once home again, Zyra wanted to play in the yard with the flowers and so the camera and I went out with her.  These shots are just lovely if I do say so myself.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Granpa had brought out the gears to play with and when I returned, he and Hyrum we able to show me a magnificent structure with motors, lights, and sounds that they had built.  This pic says it all.

I had found a Halloween costume to send home with Zyra and wanted to try it on her to make sure it fit first.  It was absolutely delightful and she played up the part perfectly.

We had told the kids that we wanted a picture day and that we needed them to just do what we asked and let us get some great shots.  They did everything we asked and the photo shoot went wonderful.  We went to the Dallas Arboretum for their fall pumpkin display and just let the kids have fun in addition to our set shots.  Enjoy these as much as we did.

As we wandered through the grounds, we found some little houses and Hyrum and Grandpa set up a few extra special shots.  I cannot believe how cooperative he was and I love and treasure these pictures.

Aunt Jenny and the cousins came up to play for a day and everyone was really excited for this time.  Five grandsons playing together is always a joy to see.  Five grandsons playing together nicely is something to be thankful for.

It is always fun when Jen's family comes up to visit and the house fills up to the brim.  We have to add tables to get everyone fed, but that is all part of the fun.

Hyrum and Josh had so much fun together.  They have only a few opportunities to be together each year and since they are only a month apart - get along famously.

Once everyone left for the day -- it was time to settle down and get ready for bed.  That means baths and story time.  I love this time of day with the kids.  It allows for cuddles and kisses.

The last day of our incredible week was spent at the park.  We searched out a park that had many different things to do.  The funny part was that these two really loved the swings the most and although they used the other items, it was swinging that they continued returning to.

I love the smiles and joy.  It simply makes my day to know that they have had fun.

This has been a wonderful week and we are sad to have to return them, but their parents are missing them.

Thanks for giving us such a fun week.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Texas State Fair - Fun For All

The Texas State Fair is such a BIG event and we are lucky that it is in Dallas.  Jen and crew drove up from Temple and so the day was packed with kids and fun.  Here are a few highlights of the day:

Josh held on for as long as he could and then that was it.  This is almost too cute for words.

Jen found comfort in a massage chair.  We were not sure we would get her back out of it.  I had to admit that it looked mighty nice.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Addison Oktoberfest

Each year we try and visit one Oktoberfest celebration.  I can remember going to these as a young girl in San Diego.  My family heritage is German and the parents and extended family would get together for a day of fun.  This year, we selected the Addison Oktoberfest and it was just like the ones I remembered.   Events were happening all over the grounds and included:  bier barrel rolling, dachshund races, yodeling, brau haus, tents with clothing, steins, and anything else you can imagine from Germany.  It is a blast!  We went to the brau haus for a great dinner and to watch the dancers.  What a nice night.