Thursday, October 8, 2009

Up North for Quick Trip

This was such a quick trip up and back - left Tuesday morning and was back Thursday morning. Managed to get all the work done at the new office and even had an evening with each family. While at Matts, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner, played with Hyrum, visited, and just relaxed for the evening. A rare treat. Hyrum enjoyed showing me his new trampoline and we had a great time together.

The next evening was with Kyle and Rhiana and Miss Elena. We had Elena at work with us during the day and I put the Wiggles on my laptop and put her in her Bumbo and she just sat and stared at the screen with fascination. After work, Rhiana and I went to the fabric store to get everything for Elena's fairy costume and then to dinner with Kyle as he got off work. While we were at the fabric store, the manager was talking with Elena and she just started laughing so hard and it went on for quite some time. Soon, the whole store was peeking around at us and listening to her and laughing themselves. It was so fun to watch.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Did we move to Seattle?

We have had rain everyday for three weeks now -- some days its just a sprinkle or two, but many days it is like this. Everything is so green and the lake is overflowing into the river. Mister would really like to see dry pavement so that he can ride his bike again. We know the state needs the moisture so try not to complain, but sure would enjoy a day of sunshine.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


A few weeks ago as I was boarding the airplane in Montana, someone walked up to me and said hi. It was an old friend that I hadn't seen in quite awhile and so we started talking. Strange as it may seem, our lives were so similar and she was now living in Texas as well. We were both shocked, but determined that we wanted to renew the friendship and go forward together. We got together for the Oktoberfest celebration and had a great time together. She had lived in Belgium when she was younger and hadn't been to an Oktoberfest since then so really enjoyed it. The bands were great as well as seeing the beautiful German dirndls and lederhosen. Children were racing barrels and getting their faces painted and the whole place was truly a festival atmosphere. Mister even danced a bit with me - so fun.

Friday, September 25, 2009


It was a beautiful day and we took advantage of it. The wind came up and Mister suggested a trip to Flag Pole Hill to play with the kites. Once again I proved my complete inability to maneuver a stunt kite without crashing it to the ground, but I had a great time watching Mister as he made it look oh so simple.

This to me is such fun --- but very hard. I will figure it out one of these times, but until then I am happy watching the master at work.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A night at the Monk

The Old Monk had a cool event for the opening of Oktoberfest and so we went to watch.  Even though I grew up in bars and attended several Oktoberfest events as a child, this was all new to me.  Franconia Brewery brought a cask that was 200 years old from Germany and filled it with their beer.  The brewmaster is 4th generation German and the owner of the pub is from Dublin, so Ireland and Germany combined to tap the keg the old fashioned way with a spigot and hammer.  It was all very fascinating and the smell of the old keg was pretty amazing -- nice oak smell, not at all like stale beer.  Mister was able to talk with the brewer for awhile and it seemed that we became the official photographers for the evening and some of Mister's shots will be posted on the website at the next update.  I enjoyed learning all about the process that is from my heritage --- oh to go to Germany sometime, what a thrill that would be.


The annual trek to Grapevine for the Friday People's Choice Wine Tasting event.  It's held in a huge tent and wineries from all over Texas come and participate.  It is the largest consumer judged competition in the United States and a ton of fun to attend.  Mister's sister and brother met us there and after the tasting, we wandered the festival grounds to see all the artists work and many activities that were also going on.  The weather was perfect --- nice and cool, unlike last year when we were dripping with sweat.  A good time was had by all and we look forward to next years event.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Birthday Time

We went to Arlington for the day to spend with family in celebration of Mister's sister getting another year older. Its always fun when it is someone else. I love getting together with family and catch up with everyone's busy lives and visit for awhile.