Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Little Bird and Nutria Watching

 Out, out --- out of the house.  A stop at White Rock Coffee nets us warmth and caffeine before we check in on our pelican friends.  The first stop nets us a big zero.  It's full of people with giant cameras just waiting for the perfect moment and watching a couple egrets and hundreds of cormorants.  Not my cup of tea.  I do spot a line of white making its way around the lake on the other side.  Back to the car only to find that they are further out than I though.  Drat.  They are on the move though and maybe they'll get a bit closer.  Mister finds a park bench and a quilt in the car (it's chilly out) and we settle in with our warm coffee and just enjoy what nature provides to us.  

See my pelican friends?

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Holiday Fountain Magic and Festivus for the Rest of Us

 It's Christmas Weekend so Mister and I are out and about a bit.  Today is the 22nd of December and since my sweetie took the afternoon off, we are heading downtown.  Come along for a walk and some pretty fountains, I hope.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Making Marshmallows

 Putting together packages for mailing is always a daunting project around here.  It means Chex Mix (done) and cookies (done) and gifts (almost done), etc.  It also means candy.  Today are marshmallows.  I know several people have asked for this recipe, so here ya go:


2 tsp. butter
3 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1 cup cold water, divided
2 cups sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. clear vanilla extract
Optional toppings:  melted chocolate, hot fudge and/or caramel ice cream topping.  Optional garnishes:   baking cocoa, confectioners' sugar, crushed candies, chopped nuts, colored sugars and/or sprinkles.

Here we go:  Line a 13 x 9 pan with foil and grease the foil with butter; set aside.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Relaxing Together - Garland, TX

 After a solid week of "getting things done" we have a chance to just relax.  The party was this morning and everything went well.  Now, as I walk back into the yard after saying good-bye to the last of my guests --- this beautiful light hits the trees out front.

Christmas Through the House 2023

 It's that time of year once again.  It's a lot of work, but I do so love how the house feels once it is all finished.  Come along and see how it turns out.

11/30 - time for the totes to come down from the attic and take over the house.

7th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

 It's time once again to start the preparations for this years Christmas Cookie and Ornament Exchange.  The end of October has arrived and I'm up in Montana.  Gwen has selected this years make and take and gifted them to all.  Today is the day to make the sample.  What do you think?

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Fun Day w/My Sweetie - Chimney Cakes

 Mister and I are taking a day --- getting out and re-centering before the next push.  Our first stop is at Vector, where there is a Small Business Saturday market.  Let's peek in.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Time w/Family

 It's the day before Thanksgiving.  The house is clean and I've met Jen in Grapevine to take a glass together.  Here is the LINK to the Vetro Glass post I did sharing all of our fun.  We have a great time and even wander Main Street in Grapevine for a bit.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Glass Blowing with Jen - Vetro Glass and Walking Grapevine

 A month ago or so I spotted an ad for a blown glass "make an ornament" class.  A quick call to Jen and I signed us both up --- today is our class.  It is at Vetro Glass in Grapevine, TX.  We check in at the studio and are quickly picking out glass colors and starting.  Each person has an individual instructor - Jen goes first.  She takes the rod and goes into the fire to collect some molten glass.  Then the glass is rolled into colored pieces of more glass.  We have both chosen a candy cane mixture of red and white.  At this point she still has her purse, but it is shortly taken away and placed in a drawer along with mine.  They are soooo good about allowing me to wander around near her and take pictures.  That makes the whole event even better.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Annual Autumn (Perhaps Winter) Journey to Montana - Week 3 - 2nd half and home

 All Saints Day - We are still in Montana and it's been a busy day.  I made a trip into town to run errands and managed to get in 10 stops in an hour.  Yep, woman on a mission.  First, I went to the lake to take a selfie in a hoodie, then stopped to have the oil changed in Mom's car, downtown to take another selfie in same hoodie, gas in the car, stop at drug store for my sister, up to liquor store for friends (honest), bank to put money in Mom's account for cleaning lady, post office to mail previously said hoodie to Wyoming, get mom's mail on the way home and one last stop to drop off purchase from drug store with my sister. I did it!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Annual Autumn (Perhaps Winter) Journey to Montana - Week 3 - 1st half

 The beginning of our 3rd week has us going into Kalispell to run some errands.  Home Depot and Costco fill the needs and apparently, my closet as well.  I grabbed two more shirts and a pair of gloves - both to stay here.  The two shirts I bought earlier were the exact same and I LOVE them so they will go home with me.  We got back to the house and Mister wasn't quite done being out of the house for a bit.  We went back into Bigfork and walked around to see the Scarecrow Contest.  Each business that participated had one out front.  Had we done this last week, they wouldn't be covered in snow, but it is what it is.  Right?  Walk along and enjoy the fun.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Annual Autumn (Perhaps Winter) Journey to Montana - Week 2

 As the second week begins, we have the opportunity to spend some time with Jill and her littles.  We are off to feed their cows. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Annual Autumn Journey to Montana - Week 1

 It is the 14th of October and there is an annular eclipse today, but we are on the way to the airport by 10 a.m.  Fortunately, our flight is not until 12:45 and our Lyft driver does an excellent job of getting us there quick.  That means --- hop on the Skylink and see what we can see.  Glasses on!

Obviously, it looks much cooler in person and I am trying to take a picture through my glasses on a moving vehicle, but I do get part of it.

Now, back to the flight --- off to the gate and away we go.  We have a plane change in Salt Lake City, but only 30 minutes to make the connection.  PLEASE let it be in the same terminal.

Same terminal, but all the way to the other end.  We made it and are on our way to Montana.

Getting close now -- we can see the Tamaracks.

Ooooh, the colors right now are gorgeous.  Yay!!!

And just like that -- the miracle of technology has moved us vertically across the United States.  It always amazes me.  Jill and Brock pick us up with one excited Greyson and one sleepy Avrielle.  I WISH I'd had my camera out as Greyson came running into my arms.  So sweet.  AUNTIE!!!!  We then went to Sacred Waters Brewery for some dinner and conversation - at which point, once again, no camera.  I  need to get my act together.  During dinner, Avrielle woke up and I am now sitting between then on the way down to Moms house.  This is look I am getting the whole way there.  So unsure.

On my other side --- not unsure.

A little bit of family time at mom's.

Yes, I had her giggling before they left.  Mission accomplished.

15th - Sunday morning and a yummy breakfast at Split Rock followed by a trip to Costco where I managed to purchase 5 new shirts a jacket, and a pair of shoes.  Woot woot.  Perfect fall clothing to leave here.  Perhaps a couple of the lighter shirts will go back and forth cos I really like them.  Then back to the house and I helped Mom with her fall decorations.  Some are so pretty that I took pictures to share.  I think I'm coveting.  

We finished the day at The Cellar with some music and pizza.  

View from The Cellar.

Crossing the bridge on the way home.  It was a nice day and I didn't even mention the multitude of other small things that took place.  The weekend is over, but the Texas Rangers are playing game 1 of the AL Championship tonight.  It is against the Houston Astros and in Houston --- we are watching.

Rangers WIN - 2-0.

16th - One of the things that happened late yesterday was Mister set up his office for work and discovered that his new computer didn't have as many USB ports as the previous one.  He put in an online order to Staples ready for pick up this morning and they open at 8.  I am out of the house by 7:30 and off to retrieve the hub.  Nature blesses my entire trip --- soak up the beauty with me.

Low fog in the valley is just gorgeous as well.

After retrieving my package, on the return trip I decide to stop before the Kalispell bridge and walk out to see the river and colors.

The other side of the bridge - I can get there on foot as there isn't a walkway on that side.

I wonder where this trail leads.  Perhaps an adventure awaits.

Not too much else went on today --- Ranger game in the evening and a second win for them.  5-4  Now they travel back to Dallas for games 3, 4, 5.  We'll see what happens.

17th -  It's a pretty lazy day.  Mister and I take a walk in the afternoon to collect Mom's mail and there is some beauty along the way to share.

This tree is LOADED  with apples.

It's time to get sewing going, however, that means that my sweet girl needs a spa appointment.  During this event, I discover a serious lack of a few supplies up here and Mister starts a list.  Shopping tomorrow, I guess.  We get it done, but next time it will be much easier.

Earlier, I had laid out pork chops for dinner, but decided I really didn't want to make them.  I am now craving a hamburger.  Searching the entire area - burgers here are sooooo crazy expensive.  We're talking $12 to $15 for just the burger.  That's nuts.  The only option that won't break the bank is DQ and I'm not thrilled, but okay.  We all get into the car and arrive.  As we're getting out of the car, Mister mentions Dilly bars and chocolate dipped cones and now I'm excited like a little girl.  Then the smashing comes down.  The lobby is not open.  WHAT???  I HATE take out cos the fries are ruined by the time you get home (remember, nothing is just a few houses away here -- it's a 10 minute drive) and ice cream melts.  Three rather unhappy people take their burgers home - no treats.  Not only did the store loose money on sales, but they likely lost our business and now I understand why Burgertown is always packed.  Their prices are reasonable as well, however, they are not open during the week in the off-season.  I'm seriously rethinking moving here just based on this alone.  How do retired people afford $12 burgers?  Okay, rant over.

Game three tonight -- Rangers lost - 8-5 Ugh

18th - Into town with Mom --- First stop is at the battery store to get Moms watches going again.  Then to Wal-mart, where I have a list from Mister (screwdriver, air, tote, candy, flat fix, hangers).  Yep, odd jobs around the house and some stuff to keep my machine running.  Chick-fil-A for lunch --- where this lovely robot is doing the work.  I have to admit, he's cute.  He says excuse me and everything.

The tire shop is next and since we have to wait a bit, we walk down to Michaels and check out the holiday decor.  I maanage to find ornaments for an upcoming party at my house and a couple of cute fall decorations as well.  Then, with studded snow tires on, we are ready to go.  Once back at the house, it's time to get the sewing going but I'm not up to much, so handwork it is.  Some embroidery finishes out the day while watching the Rangers lose once again - 10-3, a shellacking.  Apparently these teams can't win at home.  Series tied now 2-2

19th -Some sewing happened and I spotted this picture on Facebook and I LOVE IT so much.  So many ideas for the future.  My goal is an amazing studio and one way or another, I'll get it.

Mister and I went to Sip of Montana for a few minutes of "us time" and then picked up stuff to make hot dogs and watch the baseball game.  Game 5 and it's holding true - no win at home.  Lost again and shouldn't have - 5-4.  

20th - A computer day.  Emails, etc.  Worked on some pictures and blogging, but all in all, pretty laid back.  I'm not feeling top notch, so taking it slow.  This project popped up on Shabby Fabrics today -- yep, I ordered one.  How cute is this?

Mom and I went into get a few groceries - 

And then trimmed up the peonies for winter.

A visitor stopped by --- cute little buck.

Down to the Bonfire for dinner.

As we finish, the sun is just going down.  This is simply gorgeous.  I'm in love.  While Mister and Mom check us out, I wander down the street for some pics.  Sooooo worth it.

Heading back - 

And, yes, there is a fire out on the deck.  What a beautiful way to end week 1.  See ya next week.