Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 - A Year in Review

I'm 61 years old and looking back on another year of my life.  They certainly seem to go much faster than they did 50 years ago when I lived for Christmas and it took so very long to arrive each year.  I know the passage of time has remained the same, so why the perception of it flying by?  I'd love a bit of a slow down.  Please.

As Ellen would say, "Anyway . . . "  Let's get this post started.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Family Fun in Dallas w/Jen's

When we get to have time with family, I'm back to the old Momma, cleaning, shopping, planning everything around meals.  It's who I am and what I do.  Jen's family is arriving this afternoon and staying until Sunday around noon - all 7 of them.  Bekah is not coming, but their exchange student from the Netherlands is.  I am excited and a bit stressed to get everything done in time, but by 1, the house is clean, dinner is prepped, bread is rising, we are showered and dressed and heading to the zoo to meet up for some fun.

It's a great day out and Jen's first request is the hippos as she has not seen them yet.  A quick look at the schedule shows the keeper talk at 2:30 and it's 2:00 now, however, the okapi talk is at 2:15 and right next to the hippos.  Walking at a brisk pace with few stops gets us there to enjoy and learn.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas at Jen's

Merry Christmas to one and all!!!  I hope the day finds you enjoying the love of family or friends.  If not, are you doing something you enjoy?  Find the peace and joy of this time of year, no matter your belief.  I, too, have difficulty at this time of year as my family is spread all over the place.  I have daughter in Ecuador today, one in the Bahamas, one in Utah, and one here in Texas, in Abilene --- a son in Montana rounds it out.  That makes it very hard to come together and share in this time.  The love holds it all together no matter what.  I am up bright and early (think 4:45 a.m.) enjoying the calm of the day and watching a Christmas movie.  Mister wakes and we are moving units to get dressed, share stocking gifts, and hit the road to Abilene for the day.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve - Just Us Two

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again:  The holidays are hard when I am so far from my family.  I do the best I can and stay incredibly busy so that it won't take me down as much.  This year, I decided to use a lot of that "busy time" baking cookies and we have been going around town dropping them off at places in which we feel "at home."  Mister is working today, but manages to get a short break to visit the coffee shop and drop off a tray of goodies.  While there, we spot this amazing mug.  Too fun.

The last two trays still need to go out and Mister has been released from work (at 2:00 p.m.).  Let's get going!  Both stops are completed before dark, leaving us with enough time to drive over to Addison for the Vitruvian Light Display.  It's a beautiful night, just a tad chilly, but perfect for walking.  Come along and share in the calm, glory of it all and Merry Christmas Eve to you and yours.  (It gets progressively darker as we walk - pictures at the end are my favorites.)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Houston - Zoo, Cistern, and a Brewery

Good Morning!!!  I am awake and ready to go.  I'm not sure what's going on with me these days, but 6:15 appears to be the wake-up internal clock.  I THINK my body just decided to ignore the time change.  For the next few months, I'll be getting an earlier start.  Whatever the reason, we are dressed, out of the room, and having breakfast by 7:30.  The drive to the zoo takes about 35 minutes and we give it 45 to be there when it opens at 9.  Those 10 minutes allow us to wander around the park for a few minutes and enjoy the area.  It's really nice down here.  Check out the rainbow in the fountain.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Houston - Antiquing, Christmas Party, and Friends

I just can't sleep anymore!  We are going to Houston today to share in the Christmas spirit with friends and I think I must be excited.  A little bit of time online, some quick packing, and we are out the door by 8 a.m.  Even with a stop for coffee, I can see trouble ahead.  The party doesn't start until 1 and we are definitely going to be there before that.  As we get closer, Mister suggests an antique mall and, lo and behold, one appears right along the interstate.  If you click on this Antique LINK, you can share in the items that caught my attention.  I will share one here, though.  When Mister and I first started working on the tree we now love, we bought a LOT of these icicles.  Our tree is adorned with them.  The price was around $5 for 50, I believe.  This shop is trying to sell them as "antiques" for $1.00 each.  Hmmmmn.  Anyone interested in mine for about $150-$200 dollars?  They do look amazing on the tree.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jen's Graduation!! and Family Soccer

My daughter, Jen, has been working towards today for several years now.  She is a mother of five and works full-time as a science/math teacher at a private school AND helps with the curriculum development there.  Finding time to earn a Master's degree --- well, I am in awe and would not miss this for anything.  After helping Jen iron her gown, she left to join the other graduates while we collected everyone from school and followed.

I drove over to Abilene this morning and my granddaughter arrived shortly after me.  Ummmm -- apparently the shoe closet is in the trunk of her car.  I admit, it probably works as well as anything else.

Monday, December 9, 2019

My "New" Cheers Bar --- So Much Fun!

I've been at a Christmas party all afternoon and my sweet man has been wandering the city alone.  When he retrieves me, he asks if I have any other requirements.  Nope, I'm all his and he says to locate a place called Guitars and Growlers, which is supposedly close to us.  It is -- and we are soon on our way.

From the minute we walk in, I love it.  Seriously.  There are times when the vibe is just perfect and this is one of those.  Every single employee spoke with us and introduced themselves.  A group was setting up for an event and the band was just getting going.  Live local music takes the stage here several nights a week.  We select a couple of beer and something for Mister to eat (I snacked like a crazy woman at the party).  Then to just settle in and enjoy.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Year 3 of the Girlfriends Christmas Party

For the third time, I have been invited to the Girlfriend's Christmas Party.  For Suzanne, who started this event, it is year 34.  Wow, but so cool.  It is at Ann's house this year and she has the room decorated beautifully.  Just look at these wonderful Santa's

Saturday, December 7, 2019

3rd Annual Ornament & Cookie Exchange

Another year is almost gone and that means my Annual Ornament and Cookie Exchange is coming up quick.  So many decisions to make and lots to prepare.  So . . . . first up, I need to make a prototype of the ornament.

Taking an online tutorial (I'm typing this in November) more than once --- Mister says he could make the dang thing since he's listened to it so many times -- prepares me and I'm soon cutting fabrics for the sample.  Precious moments are spent in front of the computer, listening once again as I go and after a bit -- I have a sample.  I'ts not perfect, but I think I can teach it.  (The online tutorial was free in exchange for an email address so I'm not violating any copyright laws.)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Zoo Lights!!

I so love Thursdays as my sweetie usually treats me to great date nights.  Tonight we are attending the Adults-Only Dallas Zoo Lights.  We saw these a couple of years ago with family, but think they have enlarged it and even if not, it's just plain romantic to stroll among the lights.

Upon our arrival, we walk the tunnel -- which is now decorated as Zoodio 54 with extreme strobe lights set to music.  The color change almost constantly as you walk through.  Upon exiting, there is a new display!  These penguins are so cute.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

For the first time EVER -- Mister and I are home alone for Thanksgiving.  A debate ensued as to what we should do, but the thought of no leftovers won out.  We are cooking a complete dinner just for the two of us.  Our turkey weighs 14 pounds and it looks amazing as I write this.  A wine is selected from the cooler and since it's 10 years old, I believe it's time.  This winery used to be in Deep Ellum here in Dallas but now has a great location in Hye, TX and still uses only Texas grapes.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fun in Dallas - Part 2 - DMA

Our day just keeps going and getting better.  Now, we are at the Dallas Museum of Art for a new exhibit to enjoy.  It is called speechless:  different by design.  per the DMA we can "explore the many ways in which we connect to the world around us through our senses in an exhibition of multi-sensory, interactive, and immersive experiences for visitors of all backgrounds and abilities."  Mister is given a bag full of extra items to help us out along the way.  The first exhibit is "sound of the earth chapter 2" by Yuri Suzuki.  We laid our ears up against the ball and depending on where you stood, different sounds were heard.  Each panel was unique and pleasant.

Fun in Dallas - Part 1 - Zoo and Deep Ellum

My sweetheart is still officially on vacation and after a day cleaning up the yard yesterday, we are out of the house this morning.  It's a beautiful day and we'er going walking --- first at the zoo.  The hippos are out and enjoying the morning too.  What a great beginning.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day Six - Back in Texas and Heading Home

With the decision being made to arrive back home today, we adjust our route according to a few things spotted on Atlas Obscura.  Off to Zavalla, TX we go, only to discover that I didn't do my research well enough and with the rain, it was a bad plan.  At any rate, I locate a quilt shop to check out and Mister agrees.  Locating it is a story all by itself and you can check it out in this Spotlight Post all about Ross Fabric and Crafts.  It's worth a lookie, especially if you sew.

From there the road takes us to Lufkin, TX and we have not stopped at a single antique shop on this trip, so now seems like a great time.  Again, it deserves a post of its own, so click this link
Antique Fun to see all that we did.  As we are driving through downtown, Mister spots a building with a "quilt" pattern on it.  How fun.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day Five - Opelousas to Jasper, TX

Leaving Opelousas this morning, the day is once again COLD.  That's okay -- a car with seat warmers and a great attitude are all that we require.  And coffee.  Brew and Scoop - a coffee and ice cream spot - is today's winner.  The order goes in and while we wait, a group of people sitting and chatting have me chuckling to myself.  I'm not passing judgement here -- at all --- I just found it humorous that a mixed group (meaning men and women) were sitting and loudly discussing breast feeding pros and cons.  Even Mister can't keep from smiling.  The coffee is good - personally, I think it was better than yesterdays, but I'm still refining my palate.

Going southwest, about an hour later, we are in Crowley and we stop to walk around a bit.  A beautiful church stands on one corner and we find ourselves making that the first place to explore.  Saint Michael The Archangel Catholic Church was established in 1897.  It is of Italian Renaissance architecture and cost about $40,000 to construct.  The current renovation, which was completed in 2015, cost approximately $2.8 million.  Goodness.  (Two cameras, two developers - I have brightened all my pictures to show detail -- Mister's show incredible atmosphere)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day Four - South of Opelousas

It's another grand day in Louisiana.  A bit chillier than I would like, but I hear it is that way back home too.  Apparently the South is being hit with crazy cold temperatures for this time of year.  We'll just make it work --- it's all about attitude, ya know.

Last night at dinner, Lacey gave us a recommendation for coffee this morning.  That is first up on the agenda is Java Square Cafe, housed in an old bank building.  One of the reviews we read said, "Perfect little off beaten coffee shop. . . used to be an old bank . . .they have precious seating in the vault . . walls laced with  nostalgia settled in downtown Opelousas among street murals and oak trees."  Yep, spot on.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day Three - Natchitoches to Opelousas

Good Morning Natchitoches!!!  Did you hear that as Robin Williams said it?  At any rate, we are packed up and ready to depart this wonderful city.  I truly to love it here and could easily see living in the area.  Yep, I like it that much.  Our view on the river this morning is interesting.  It appears that a large "lily pad" type event is taking place, but moving quickly and by the time we get out our cameras, it is almost too late.  Can you see it drifting away?  At one time the whole area was covered.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day Two - Natchitoches Area P.M.

Welcome Back to the afternoon!  Hahaha --- we've had so much fun already and this day is going to keep going.  It is our "Plantation Day."  When we left Oakland, we followed the park ranger (for lack of a better title) over to Magnolia Plantation.  The Park Service does not own the "Big House" here but other parts are remarkably well preserved.  One of the first things we notice as we park is the row with many slave cabins still standing.  We start at the plantation store, by getting a map of the area and are soon off and exploring.  The store itself is not open for viewing like the one at Oakland was.  Here it is used as an admin area.

Louisiana Trip - Day Two - Natchitoches Area A.M.

Good Morning!!!  We have a beautiful sunrise view on the water today and LOTS planned.  I've had to divide today into two posts due to that.  Even still, grab a cuppa as this baby is LONG, but amazing.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Louisiana Trip - Day One - Texas to Natchitoches

Autumn almost always means a little getaway for my sweet Mister and I.  This year we have decided to do a little road trip into Louisiana (kind of a last minute, spur of the moment idea) and have booked an AirBNB for the first couple of nights in Natchitoches.  In order to keep this account real, I need to share the confirmation email we received upon booking:

"Hello folks, welcome to Louisiana. Let me manage expectations a bit- I need to update Airbnb page. The approach road is full of potholes. Somehow related to Louisiana politics so that’s part of the tourist experience.
The house water smells like well water does. It is true, I can’t deny it.
The dogs bark at the pig when she comes in the doggie door, and when they hear something upstairs in your apartment (normally the swinging door into bathroom). This should last just an annoying moment or two.
Your apartment is reached via outside staircase. The motion lights are not yet lined up optimally so a flashlight is at foot of stairs. Nights are bright in the moonlight, but this week we have dark, star-filled mornings.
Oh yes, in fact the shower has only one temperature. I can adjust that. The heat control for air is on your wall.
I will leave your key on the table.
I’ll be at our flea market until 2 pm tomorrow. It is located at 121 Miller Drive, one mile from house.
You are welcome to come to the house anytime tomorrow. No need to wait for official check in time.
Lastly, I am the token white at a black full-gospel church across the street. As in fish-net stockings, big hats, best wigs, disco lights, and lots of dancing. The preacher is a prophet. Do you remember in Oh Brother Where Art Thou, the blind railman who prophesied the cow on the roof of the cotton house? He’s like that. Anyway, a fun 3-4hour service on Sunday and you are invited."

It appears that fun times are headed our way --- good thing we are always up for an adventure.  As we drive away, one quick look at the colors surrounding our home.  Now, let's get going.  Fun lies ahead.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Denton with my Sweetheart

My sweetheart wants to get out of the house a bit and has plans to play near Denton this morning.  His hopes for a place to sit around Lake Lewisville at Willow Grove Park don't come to fruition, but we are able to walk around a bit and enjoy the surroundings.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Days 7-10

27th - People are leaving today and I'm holding onto each moment that I can.  Grandmother, Mother, Daughter/Granddaughter/Great Granddaughter talks are the BEST!  I love moments when this happens.  Four generations just being together.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mom's 80th Birthday Trip - Day 6 - Party Time

Today is the celebration of my mother's 80th birthday, which technically doesn't take place until the 30th, but a Saturday event just works better.  Naturally, we have a bit of snow to help out.  As I go out to the living room, Mom is outside waiting for Bailey and I snap this picture.  It's dang cold out there and Bailey photo bombs (literally) my picture.