Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Off to Cheyenne - Days 8 - 9

Monday - Early morning with 5 kids but all were great.  Grandpa made french toast for breakfast, complete with fresh strawberries and powdered sugar.  Yep, we are grandparents!

At one point, I have to tell you that I simply cracked up at Ryan and Raef as they literally licked their plates clean.  They had absolutely no idea that I was holding a camera.  Awesome.

Malea was just great until she realized that her hands were dirty -- then, oh my goodness, let's get them washed now!.

They all played wonderfully all morning.

A cracker/cheese/meat lunch and then Malea just couldn't make it any longer and fell asleep in my arms on the sofa.  I really hated to put her down, but knew she would sleep better if left alone.  Rhiana arrives after her massage to pick up the girls and the house seems oh so quiet after she is gone.  I have really enjoyed the time with both her and my incredible granddaughters.

While we are sitting on the sofa, everyone gets cookies and after a short time, I notice that there is something between Raef's toes.  He reaches down and puts in in his mouth.  Yep, both Mister and I crack up.  He then looks up at us and says, "tastes like lemon."  Oh goodness -- I laughed so hard.

 We spend the afternoon making sure everything was done in the house before Trent and Amanda arrive back.  Yes, there is also time for fun and games.  I catch Mister having fun at Ryan's expense.

Amanda and Trent arrive back and we visit for awhile to hear their stories of Vegas.  We get the kids fed before Amanda, Mister, and I go out to Freedom's Edge Brewery for a sampler and then to Steamboat Steakhouse for dinner -- just the three of us as Trent is still not feeling well..  While we are at dinner, we are informed that Ryan has lost his tooth with some help from Dad.  Yay!

It is time to head home, but Amanda has told me that she doesn't have any pictures of the two of us so Mister takes a quick one.  I absolutely love how it turns out.

Back at the house, we quickly get ready for bed as we are leaving in the morning.  Rhiana is picking us up around 7:30 in the morning for our drive to Denver.  This has been so much fun.

Tuesday - We are homeward bound today.  My poor daughter is huddled in the bathroom with the flu.  I cannot tell you how much I hate leaving her this way.  After we are packed, we help get the boys off to school and Raef so touches my heart when he says, "Can't you stay for another couple of weeks?"  Oh my -- what a sweetheart.  I guess that means we did okay this week.

We are able to get a picture of Ryan sans tooth and the note from the tooth fairy.  He is one lucky boy with his $5.00.

Rhiana arrives and we are off to Denver while Amanda lays miserable in the upstairs bathroom for the day.  So sad.  My thoughts are with her and wish so desperately that we could stay and help.  Mister and I even checked flights to see if we could call Cassie and work something out with Jet Blue.  Nope -- we are stuck and heading home.  My heart is breaking.

We arrive at the airport with plenty of time to wander around and check out areas we have not been to before.  We actually find several of the "conspiracy" areas.

There are galleries and murals everywhere.  After an hour of wandering, we head for security and our gate.  It is time to go home and I am ready.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this trip and my time with grands.  I am so blessed to have these moments and treasure them way more than my children realize.  I can't wait for the next opportunity -- which it turns out will be in just a few days.  Jen needs help and we are on our way down there next weekend.

Once we board the plane and are in the air, I ask for a Pepsi.  Check out my can.

I am in America, right?  Wonder where this American flight was before arriving in Denver.

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