Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Off to Cheyenne - Days 1-3

Monday - Our adventure of planes, trains, and automobiles begins.  We start with a taxi to the DART station and then travel to Union Station where we transfer to the TRE.

Near the airport, we leave the train and bus to the remote parking where we get another bus to the terminal.  Now for a plane and guess what -- flight delays and de-icing.  I just sit and happily crochet away. Trent picks us up, not to Amanda's until after 7. She has pocket sandwiches and salad waiting for us. We all sit down to a late dinner. Chat until we are all too tired, off to bed.

Tuesday - rising early and getting kids off to the bus stop.  We have a gift for Caleb, but he is most definitely not in the mood for fun.  His cold is getting him down and although he does allow us to put it on his back and take a picture, he is obviously not happy about it all.  He and Grandpa claim the sofa while Mom gets ready for work and then we drop her off after getting our base passes.

A quick stop at the store with Caleb gets us a few things we need for dinner and a couple of craft supplies that will be necessary this week.  As we are walking into the store, Caleb says that "Grandpa is my buddy," causing me to smile and giggle.  How sweet.  Next stop is the donut shop where we actually get a bit of a smile.  He is pretty jacked and definitely wants a white one with sprinkles.

From there, we head back to the house and play for awhile.  Mister leaves to pick up the boys and take them to have their teeth cleaned by Mom.  What a treat!

Caleb and I played for awhile and watched Cars.  While the movie was playing, I crocheted a bit but Caleb could not resist helping.  He would take the yarn ball to the other end of the coffee table and then roll it back to me until I used it all up and then repeat the sequence.  He says "yip" for yes and I laugh each time I hear it.  I know that without a doubt Mister and I will be saying this for weeks to come at home.  I work with him to take some medicine for his cough and soon his eyes are drooping and the cough has stopped.

It is his nap time and I put together a small sewing area to use for the next few days while he sleeps.  I have brought a few things to work on and hope to use nap time to accomplish a few things.  (Check out the February Quilt Update posting to see what I do get finished.)

 After Caleb wakes, we snuggle and soon the boys are home from school and Ryan cuddles with Caleb.  He so doesn't feel good.  I worked on homemade chicken nuggets and mac and cheese muffins until Amanda and Trent get home from work.  The remainder of the evening is spent with them getting ready for their trip and Grandpa doing homework with the boys.  It has been a long day and we are ready for bed quite early.

Wednesday - Trent and Amanda leave and we get the boys off to school after playing with puzzles.

Both Mister and I watch as they head for the bus stop and the paths that they take tell a ton about their personalities.  While Raef takes the plowed road, Ryan simply goes cross country though the snow.  Too funny.

Caleb is still sick and so not creating much activity.  He watches lots of movies, plays with the marbles for a little while and a takes a very long nap.  Poor guy.

 Dinner is turkey tacos which are eagerly eaten and then homework is completed.  We have a spelling test to work on along with reading and math.  Once that is finished, Raef and I make heart-shaped sugar cookies for his Valentines Day party at school tomorrow.  I make the dough while he is doing his homework and then it is all up to him to roll and cut out the cookies to get them baked.

As he works, he is whistling the whole time.  I ask him if he has just learned how to whistle and he nods yes.  It is all new to him.  Mister and I smile and hope that he improves as he does the same thing over and over and over again.  Oh -- and off tune.  BUT --- he is learning and that is something as I know many adults who cannot whistle.

Soon, Grandpa can't take it anymore and has to help Raef with the cookies.  So does Caleb.  It rapidly becomes a group effort and Raef comments that he thought he was doing this with Gammy.  Hmmmm.

I take over again and Grandpa goes to help Ryan make a paper airplane and soon he is out in the kitchen showing it to me.  Busy, busy house.  Check out this grin --- boy are there some teeth ready to come out.

Our finished product.  We have to have 30 for class and the rest are for us -- not too many left after the class ones.  

BUT --- definitely enough for little boys to eat.  We end the night with fresh baked cookies.  What a great ending.  Mister took the last of the dough and just make one big odd shaped cookie.  Guess which one Caleb grabbed?

It's bed time and we are ALL ready.  See ya tomorrow.

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