Friday, February 14, 2014

Off to Cheyenne - Days 4 - 5

Thursday -  And I am sick.  Ugh.  Caleb is being such a sweetheart and quietly playing while I lay on the sofa like a blob.  Grandpa is taking as shower and I think I keep falling asleep as I wake to Caleb touching my face and asking if I am okay.  He is feeling much better today -- of course.  Mister is off to school to deliver juice and cookies for two Valentines Day parties -- I so wanted to go.

He misses Ryan's party but stays in art class with him and helps the teacher cut fabric strips. Isn't that perfect?  How many husbands can confidently say that they know exactly what they are doing cutting fabric strips with a rotary cutter?  I love it.

He also helps with decorating the cookies at Raef's party and then brings the boys home.

What an awesome Grandpa to fill in when Gammy has literally fallen apart.  I am so thankful for him and his willingness to pick up the pieces when I drop them.  Thanks Mister, for being my rock.

Meanwhile, I have fed Caleb lunch and put him down for a nap.  I did the exact same thing -- went to bed.  I didn't get up again the rest of the day.  Major ugh.

Grandpa handled everything with ease -- of course.  Caleb is feeling better and is playing with his brothers in addition to helping Grandpa in the kitchen.  It was a spaghetti night and ice cream for a treat.  I slept through it all, just waking for a short time to get some food and then right back to bed.  I cannot believe how tired I am.

Friday - Valentines Day!  No school today, boys up at 6 a.m. but Mister sends them back to bed. I finally get out of bed after 17 hours.  I feel much better and am ready to take on the world.  The boys gift Grandpa and I with a card and some oh so wonderful chocolate bars and they are very excited to give them to us.

Treats all around then --- Mom and Dad have left goodies, Grandma send cards, and I have cards and candy too.  Yep -- great way to start the day.

Naturally, Mister has remembered me as well.  Smiles everywhere today.

I got busy in the kitchen and made heart pancakes for breakfast.  Just a little touch of fun.

Our plan for the day is to get everyone dressed and out the door to go see Aunt Rhiana and the girls. I am excited to see her little apartment and have time with my granddaughters.  I have missed them since our time together in the fall.  When we first arrive, Malea clings to Mommy and doesn't really want anything to do with us.  After a short time, though, she is running and playing with everyone else and we are no longer the enemies.  We deliver Valentine gifts for the girls and also one for Rhiana from Kasey.  Her day is made.

Elena, on the other hand, is happy to see us and full of stories and fun.  She is just one smile after another.

I get a card game going with my grands and have oh so much fun playing Old Maid.  The boys are pretty good sports about playing with "princess" cards.

While we play, Mister and Rhiana visit for awhile and Malea plays quietly nearby.  Caleb has found a movie is is happily ensconced on the sofa.

Rhiana mentions lunch and the decision is made to go to Five Guys at the mall.  Burgers and fries all around.  After our meal, we take the kids to the play area in the mall for some good old cousin play time.  We get to sit and visit for awhile and they just climb and play together beautifully.  Yay!

While at the play area, Caleb somehow cuts his finger and naturally we don't have a bandaid around.  We decide to wash it out and cover it with a wet wipe from Rhiana's bag.  As long as he can't see it, perhaps we will make it.

It is time to head home as we are already late for naps.  Caleb is put down for a short sleep (the cut is totally forgotten) and I get the dough made for dinner.  We are making heart-shaped pizzas for dinner.   Once the dough has raised, the boys get to start creating their own personal pizzas.  We start with the sauce and use a brush to paint it on.  Next we have cheese, olives, and pepperoni.  Decisions, decisions.

The entire time that Raef and Ryan work on their pizzas, Caleb is saying "my turn, my turn".

Once the boys finish, yes it is indeed his turn and we work together to get his pizza finished.  He is very serious about the whole thing and wants it to be just perfect.

Once everyone is finished, into the oven they go.  When they come out -- oh they smell and look so very good.

It is definitely time to eat.

After dinner, Caleb once again realizes that he has a hurt finger.  Too cute.  NOW he needs a bandaid and there is no stopping him.  Nurse Gammy to the rescue.

The evening ends with a Wii dance game for the boys and Mister.  I gotta tell ya -- this was major cute but I missed snapping a picture of Mister dancing too.

We get Caleb into bed and have time for a few games of Crazy Eights (with Gammy) and War (with Grandpa).  This has been a fun day.

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