Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reunion Time - First Stop Cheyenne

It is that time again!  Every two years we gather as a complete family and spend a few days together laughing, eating, shooting, eating, etc.  I look forward to it each time as I love having all my family in one place  -- so very nice.

Yesterday, Mister picked up a rental car as we have elected to drive to avoid a stand-by disaster over a holiday weekend.  Cassie and Scott are riding with us and so at a wonderful 3:30 a.m. we are loaded and pulling out of the driveway.  Yay??  Ugh, back to sleep for 3 of us.  Mister drives the first 4 hours before turning over the wheel to me so that he can sleep for awhile.  Scott and Cass takes their turns as well and with only one short stop in Colorado Springs for a Buffalo Wild Wings lunch break, we manage to arrive at the base in Cheyenne around the same time Amanda gets home from work.  Time to check-in and relax for the evening.  I need it -- not a good hip trip for me.

As we pull up to Amanda's house, we are met out front by Caleb.  He waves and gives us all a great smile.  A quick walk through the house finds Ryan watching a show and Raef playing on the computer.  Where is Dad?  Oh so sad, he is in bed sick.  As bad as we feel for him, we tell him to stay put - no one else wants to be sick.  Dang.

Poor little Caleb -- he got sunburned pretty bad and his little face is still healing.  However, he is in great spirits and is eager as always to share treats with us.

Ryan and Grandpa cuddle up for awhile to finish watching his show while us girls talk in the kitchen about what to do for dinner.  Once the show is over, it is time to take Uncle Scott downstairs to the Lego table - oh yeah.

The decision is finally made to make a run to Chipotle for take-out.  Sounds great -- no work and no leftovers for Amanda to deal with while getting ready to leave town.  You can tell that Caleb is getting the royal treatment tonight -- he gets his dinner on the sofa.  Guilt at work Mom?

  After dinner, Mister and I head over to the little hotel to drug me (yep, need it tonight) and prepare for another drive tomorrow.  Night.  (Oh and an apology for the shadowy pictures -- my fault)

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