Thursday, July 4, 2013

Reunion Day 2 - Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!  I just want to take a moment to look around and be thankful for this great country.  Even with all of its issues, it is still a great place to live and I reflect with gratitude towards all who made it possible.  

I gotta say -- it is one beautiful morning in the mountains outside Cody, Wy.  Little people are up and moving everywhere as breakfast is prepared and enjoyed.

It seems as though my arms are happiest when they are full of little people.  We learn so much from them on how to be a better person, how to be nice, and how to just love.  We lose track of that and somehow think the adults are the only ones doing the teaching.  I can remember Nana telling me once to look through the other's eyes - even the tiny ones and see what they are telling me.  I can only hope to become 1/10th of the great woman she was.

Malea had asked for me to pick her up and so I naturally agree.  Within moments Elena wants to know if there is room for her too --- well, of course.  The little personality within Elena is so tender and loving -- she makes me feel like the best Gammy in the world -- because she tells me I am.  Oh and also -- I am beautiful!  Great to be told.

It is time to get moving -- enough with the cuddling.  We have people to dress and places to go.  Once we are all presentable, the cars are loaded for the caravan into Cody.  The town is packed for the annual Independence Day parade and the atmosphere is indeed very festive.  Upon arrival, I call Matt to find out where he is as he has just arrived from Billings.  What would we do without cell phones to work out logistics?  And in the same breath, are they a crutch?  I grew up without them -- somehow we survived, but even now I have  to wonder how.  I know we planned and organized well, but things happen at the last minute sometimes and how did my parents work that out?  Hmm.  Earth to Lady . . . .  oh yes, where was I?

The parade gets started with the presentation of the colors and I am astounded by the silence that comes over the crowd.  Amazing.

There are outfitters, clowns, bands, dancers, etc.  But the best part is always the throwing of the candy.  And the race is on.

Waiting for more.

It seems that after a short time the oldest and the youngest have given up on the festivities.  However, the candy grabbing continues for everyone else.  With so many boys out there though, Elena can't run fast enough to snag some treats herself.  The boys are great at sharing, but she wants to pick some up herself.  I go out with her for a little corralling of candy to help her out.  Smiles.  Zyra manages to hold her own though -- difference of having a brother?

The parade is so long that even the kids tire of collecting candy after awhile.  Fortunately, the parade ends about that time and we all break into little groups deciding what to do for lunch.  The humorous part is that unbelievably every single person winds up at the same place.  Interesting.

After lunch it is time to return to the house for some relaxing, game playing, sports, and just plain fun.  This is perhaps my favorite part of reunions.  Watching John and Jen teach archery skills, Matt give a private soccer lesson to Bekah, Matt and Trent shooting BB guns with the little ones, and an impromptu baseball game allows me to learn and share with others in the family in the best way possible.  Love it.

Yep, I played catcher and the batter had to retrieve their own hits.

Yep, it is a hit.  I still got it although Ryan looks a little worried for me here.  Maybe the pitcher went easy on me?

This scene is so cool to watch.  The patience that Matt and Trent have is incredible.  It makes it a perfect experience for all.

Meanwhile indoors, visiting and perhaps the most interesting game of Old Maid that I have ever watched.  Too many cards to hold calls for just laying down the hand and trying to hide it from others.  Not exactly working, but they have a fine game anyway.

I am trying to think of a game we can all play when I remember one from years past.  I gather plastic cups and form people into a circle.  Within no time, we have a lot of noise and laughter to go along with out Rump-de-dump chant.  This is truly fun and to play with another generation is kinda special to me as well.  Ryan and I work together as he learns and there are smiles all around as we crush cups trying to keep up.

When the game is over, fear not, the cups find another purpose.  Matt works with Zyra on her stacking skills and she is pretty dang happy with the result.

It seems that every year one special  moment between Matt and Zyra gets captured on camera and I love them.  I even have one framed and sitting in a place of honor in our home.  This is another great one.

As dusk falls on the mountain, it is time to head back into town for the fireworks display.  We bundle little ones up in the back and on top of vehicles to keep warm and watch the show.  We are just along the highway, but can see well enough and the oohs and aahs from the kids deem it a success.  I will always remember Elena saying, "that's a pretty one" after each explosion.  Too cute.  Perfect end to a great day.

After returning to the house, everyone is off to sleep except me.  Now there is a surprise.  I am sitting out on the sofa when I hear someone fall down the stairs -- and then Malea's scream.  Crap -- Rhiana comes around the corner and explains that both of them went down together with Malea hitting her head.  As we are working at getting her calmed down, people start appearing from all areas of the house to see if everything is okay.  Several of us sit up with them for an hour or so and then work our way back to bed.  I think Rhiana is in for a long night.  Thankfully, both she and Malea are okay.  Yucky end to a great day.

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