Friday, July 26, 2013

Jon and Jake - Days 3,4,5 - Bekah Arrives

Yesterday I was able to check the Discovery Gardens Butterfly House off my list and today we are hitting another one.  We are off to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Fort Worth.  It is one of only two locations in the United States where the currency is printed.  It is an amazing 750,000 sq. ft. facility with a great self-guided tour in addition to a wonderful visitor center with hands on activities.  We are able to watch the staff and machines work and follow the process from start to finish.  Cameras are forbidden - we can't even take our cell phones in -- so we have no pictures, but we were able to see the brand new, first run 100 dollar bills that are coming out and learn about the increased security measures in them to help prevent forgery.  The entire process is fascinating and the boys get the chance to try and make their own money by drawing their design and then printing it.  They also each receive a packet containing $150 in shredded money.  I am so glad we did this -- I learned so very much.

Since we are in Fort Worth, a stop at the Science and Nature Museum seems a good idea.  It is only 2 hours before closing, but the boys are able to check out quite a few things and find a few that they love.

The bed of nails is always a big hit.  I didn't get a picture of Mister trying it, but he did it laying on his side and asked me to quickly put the nails back down.  Apparently it really hurts that way.

The various rooms work with light, energy, and building in addition to many others.  The Keva planks impress me so much that I think they would make great gifts.  There are even adults sitting and playing with them and some of the structures are incredible.  From planks that are perfect to plastic cups that are far from it, the boys built and built.

Watching the boys work with the cups reminded us of Zyra up at the reunion.  They are equally as proud of their structure as she was of hers.
 Unfortunately, the two hours passed very rapidly and we were soon just about the only people left in the building.  Time to go.

Since it is a weekday, we are now in prime traffic time so opt to make a stop for dinner before starting the drive home.  Zekes Fish and Chips it is.  Jacob is not thrilled, but is able to find something he likes as well and we are soon on our way with full bellies and much lighter traffic.

Once we are back at the house, it is time for our nightly dessert creation.  Tonight we are doing Hot Chocolate Trifle Cups and the chores are quickly split up to get them done as soon as possible.

These are oh so quick to make and very, very yummy.  I think the whole process took us less than a half an hour -- and that is with wandering minds and bodies.  A sweet treat and then bed.  I'm beat again.

After a couple of very busy days, we having a quieter day at the house lounging around reading books and playing games.  We have done very well at minimizing technology but I do allow them a little bit of each day to play Farmville.  It has been quite awhile since I played and am amazed at all the new changes.  They each work in their own way, with Jacob wanting to farm and Jon wanting to organize.  I find it interesting to see their personalities shine through.  (Oh, and Mom -- I did NOT bring up the game -- they did.)  Netflix comes to the rescue with the new Hobbit movie and we settle in for the afternoon to watch it.  As Mister starts to get dinner ready -- it is cocktail hour.  The boys are treated to Shirley Temples (yep that is definitely a blast to my past) and love every bit of them.  After dinner -- showers are taken, jammies on and then back to the kitchen.

Tonight's dessert is a puff pastry napoleon - simple and yet elegant while able to be customized to each person's tastes.

They turn out beautiful, don't you think?  Some have bananas, some peaches, some strawberries.  It is perfect and everyone walks away happy.  Bed time.

It is our last day together and are meeting in Hillsboro for the halfway switch later this afternoon.  I ask the boys for a little bit of their time to take pictures and they agree.  It starts to pour rain as we are on our way to the Arboretum.  Dang.  It is time to punt so we rearrange the day and go down to Farmer's Market which Jacob has requested.  Mister works with them for a few pictures in the sheds before we wander and taste.  Some turn out quite good --- here ya go.

Now it is time to snack.  The best part of Farmer's Market is the samples and checking out the artwork on the various shops.

From here, we decide to make a quick detour down to Deep Ellum and see if we can get some other pictures.  The rain has let up a little and we can get out from under cover.  The light is still not the best, but let's see what we can get.

Love this impish look.

It's not complete without a picture of me trying to give directions.  Would any scene be imaginable otherwise?  Gotta use each moment as a teaching one --- usually against their will.  Here we are talking about the mosaic and the glass panels that are built in.  What we are supposed to be doing is figuring out a pose while Mister waits with the camera.  Oh well.

We need to get on the road so home for lunch and to finish laundry and pack up.  I have loved having them both this week and cannot wait to do it again.  They have had the back house all to themselves and loved the privacy and little bit of freedom that it allowed.  It had the added bonus of being quiet and allowing for sleeping in when desired -- and apparently it was very desirable.

Let's get this show on the road.  Within moments of hitting the interstate -- this is what I see in the back seat.  Perhaps we wore them out more than I thought.  Also, the blankets fascinate me -- I am dying and have the a/c blasting.  Hmmm -- perhaps that is why the blankets.  I guess not everyone is 55 and hot all the time.

We arrive at the outlets a little before Jen and after roaming through the stores a little, find some benches to crash on until she arrives.

It doesn't take long and we have returned them to their mother and stolen another grand.  We now have Bekah for a few days.  It has been a couple of years since we have had her stay at the house with us and I am looking forward to it.

Time to turn this car around and get back to Dallas.  As we get close to town, I am starving and we decide to make a dinner stop at my favorite taco stop -- Velvet Taco.

Everything they have is wonderful and even Bekah declares the corn to be the best she has ever had.

Once home, we get her settled into the back house and then sit back and I watch the Hobbit with Bekah before we have to return it.  (I only got to see 1/2 of it with the boys, so this time I saw the whole thing -- yay.)  Let's call it a day.

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