Friday, July 5, 2013

Reunion Day 3 - Big Horn Valley

Breakfast with my grands.  Who could ask for anything better?  Well, it would be fun if the other five were here at the same time, but seven looks pretty cool and a few were even paying attention to what Grandpa was doing.

Today the sky is a little bit ominous.  We are not sure whether we can do a swimming activity or not but after a great deal of discussion, we decide to give it a try.  During the discussion, Mister and Zyra are busy playing with the horses.  Oh my, we really need to get this little girl on a horse.  Mister and I saw a place yesterday that gave rides -- we should try and get down there if we get a chance.

Other than the weather, we appear to have some sort of flu going through the house.  Drat.  We have had 3 successful gatherings without anyone getting really sick, I guess we are due, but it still sucks.  Scott and Amanda were down all night -- or perhaps I should say up all night.  Scott and Cass decide to stay home so he can recover a bit more and so they are keeping Malea for the day.  How fun for them. 

The rest of us (including a weak by still smiling Amanda) are off to the Big Horn Mountains for some swimming and cliff diving.  No, Mister and I are not cliff diving, but I am looking forward to watching others do so.  We arrive at the lake and set up a great location where we can make lunch and keep an eye on the kids at the same time.  After a good dousing with mosquito repellant, we are set.

Within moments the water is being enjoyed by everyone 12 and under plus a few brave adults
(Matt and Trent).  It must be very warm water because absolutely no complaints of being cold are heard.  Awesome.

Mister and I set up a couple of chairs and sit back to enjoy the show AND the incredible scenery around us.  The colors are vivid and once again we just are taken to a peaceful place.  Wonderful!

With a little bit of lunch in everyone, the activity in the water picks up and soon more people head down to the water to enjoy its refreshment and play with the kids.

Even Mister winds up down at the water for awhile.

We all look down toward the water and notice that Caleb is coming back to shore, but with another group of people.  He hasn't a clue that they are not his family, but they have realized it and are starting to look around wondering who he belongs to.  As we are laughing and watching, we let them know that he is ours and he spots us and turns direction to joins us.  A few minutes later, the neighboring group of people realizes that they know us -- the Rice family is having a reunion here also.  How fun to reconnect and say hi.

I look over at Matt and he has managed to corral his entire family in one spot and I love the way they are sitting so ask them to look at me real quick for a picture.  Love it.  Wish I could catch moments like this with all the families, but know that that is a pipe dream.  (Mister, why didn't you edit out the person in the back?  hahaha)

Uh oh, the sky is starting to look rough and we anticipate another storm.

  We quickly clean up camp and decide to drive up to the cliffs on the off chance that the storm is going a different direction and perhaps it will move quickly so that everyone can still dive.  Mister provides a temporary dressing room for wet little boys to change before getting in the car.  We are leaving the RV here temporarily, so all the cars are filled with various members of Jen's family.  After Jon, Jen, and Louis climb in with us, we are off in search of an adventure.

As we are driving, the lightning is getting closer and more frequent, pretty much eliminating any chance of diving, much to the dismay of many, including the older kids.  Too bad.   Time to turn around.  I feel bad for the kids, the adults, and myself in missing the opportunity to watch something that Rhiana and Matt have talked about often.

Once we return to the lake, we pick up the RV (which now has most of the kids in it --- of course, it is an hour drive back and wouldn't you rather watch a movie?).

In the brief moment of reloading, Caleb and his dump truck make a quick escape.  As I am returning from the restroom, I spot Mister taking this picture and just stand and giggle at the whole scene.  He has no fear and we have no idea where he is heading.

Back at the house, dinner is underway and Mister takes his spot outside being the BBQ chicken king.  I am so hungry tonight --- and it tastes wonderful with a fresh salad to go along with it.

After dinner, the siblings sit down for a chat and Mister catches this moment.  It is so rare to find all five of them in the same spot at once unless it is on purpose for a picture.  I love that the faces all look like they are enjoying each other --- warms my heart to see.

Mister heads to bed and I stay up and visit with Jen, Matt, Cassie, and Bekah for awhile.  It is a nice talk I love every minute of it.  Soon though, my eyes are drooping and it is time to head to sleep -- night all.

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