Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Day At Hawaiian Falls

At the beginning of summer, when I was scheduling time with grands, Jen and I decided to set aside a day to play at Hawaiian Falls.  Today is the day.  Yay!  Mister and I gather our sunscreen, towels, and courage in order to be on our way.  Here we go.

Everyone meets at the gate before opening so that we can get a good place to set up as "home base."  Within moments of arriving, people are off in all directions - each one calling out for us to "come with me."  Divide and conquer is the only sane method and soon the slides are full of activity.  As my hips are a bit dicey today, I am going to take it fairly easy and play photographer most of the time.  I walk around the corner from our table and catch Jen and Jared just as they are about to take on a dang straight drop at the Hawaiian Halfpipe.  At least they have a raft and thus will keep the snuggies away.  Jared tells me that "Mom screamed in my ear the whole time and the lifeguard actually asked if she was okay."  I am sure she would deny that to the hilt.  Grandpa takes Josh to the Kona Kooler Lazy River and after they make one round, Josh wants everyone to go with him.  Well alrighty then.

A short while later, everyone decides that they needed to compete??  As a result everyone goes to the Pineapple Express slides together and line up 4 at a time.  The funny part is that in both races, people do not start together.  Oh I hear lots of excuses about sticking to the slide and not hearing the start, but really people, it's a slide.

Jon convinces Grandpa to take him down the Torpedo and I cannot help but tag along to take pictures and watch.  I remember going down those years ago and wish I still could, but I would like to walk tomorrow.  Yep, those splashes are them.  Not one of my better photography efforts.

From there, the boys talk me into spending time with them at Waikiki Beach, the wave pool.  I am okay with it, but make the mistake of going all the way up to the front before getting into my tube and so am hanging on for dear life when the waves start up.  The boys think it is grand fun to keep pushing me closer and closer to the front while I start to panic.  Oh my, they think I am so funny.

After holding on to the tube for at least 1/2 an hour, I know for a fact that my arms are going to be killing me tomorrow.  Ugh.

As the temperatures start to rise, we decide to call it a day and put some food into everyone before Jen heads back home.  Babe's Chicken House is just around the corner and I have been craving fried chicken making it a no brainer.  Yay.

We only have a short wait and then the goodies start to arrive.

Josh, red cheeks and all, digs right into the salad as if he is starving.  I kinda feel the same way.  Babe's is great because it comes complete with entertainment.  The kids all join in for a nice round of the Hokey Pokey.  Good family fun.  Love this place.

It is time for Jen to head south so good-byes are said, including Jon and Jake who are staying with us for a few days.  Once they are on the road, we load up our charges and head home to make dessert and crash.  I get a kick out of Jake as he watches his shells bake.  Science can be fun sometimes.  They have a great time shaping and filling their treats -- after we enjoy these it is definitely time for some shut eye.

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