Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Reunion Day 1 - Travel to Cody/Get Settled

Good morning!  We wake to Jen calling and saying she is almost to Cheyenne if any of the kids want to travel in the RV with her.  Unfortunately, we are at the hotel and as of last night Amanda was not sure when they would be leaving today since Trent was not feeling well.  But, after a great suggestion from Mister, I call her back and ask if she will pick me up instead so that I can stretch out a little after yesterdays drive.  Yay -- it works and I am soon on my way.

Mister checks out of the hotel and drives back to Amanda's to pick up Scott and Cass for the drive to Cody.  He is able to have some time with the kids before leaving as they play while Mom and Dad get packed.

Ryan helps keep Caleb out of the way for Mom --- great big brother huh?

Grandpa was letting Ryan work with the camera and this is the picture he took of his brother.  Awesome isn't it?

We arrive in Cody and stop to pick up Jen's rental car.  She and I drive it up to the rental house.  It is truly at the top of a mountain (or at least it feels that way) with the most amazing view.  The only drawback is that the road is incredibly steep and her RV is not going to make it up.  She drops a couple of the boys and me at the house and heads back down to gather others and supplies.  We are the first people here, so get a chance to explore the house.  It is great, but seriously the view I mentioned before cannot be overstated.  I am content to simply stand on the deck and admire its beauty.

The house starts filling up, activity is everywhere, and dinner is underway once everyone has located a sleeping spot.  Whew.  the cousins are reconnecting and already enjoying each other -- absolutely love watching this part.

There is a pond out front and it quickly becomes a magnet for the kids.  I have to laugh at Elena and her "boys" as she is having such a good time with all of them.  With Malea being so young and Bekah a teenager, the boys is what she's got.  It doesn't slow her down even a little.

Rhiana is the organizer this year and she gets the supplies out for us to get started in the kitchen.  Tonight is a Chicken Alfredo with homemade sauce -- yummy.

Many hands make light work, right?

Apparently Mister has decided his hands need a rest though ---- he is kicked back on the deck just enjoying the atmosphere and visiting with Scott.  It IS a beautiful night.

Once dinner is served, the kids settle down and apparently start to strip.  Elena does not wish to have her shirt anymore -- now perhaps that is good since it could get stained, but I personally think she is just much happier without the bother of clothes at the moment.

As Caleb waits for his food, we play cars and are having races on the table.  Naughty Gammy --- she would never allow this at home.  Cars belong on the floor, right?

After dinner Elena and I find a few minutes for a game of "Fish" -- it is getting late though and as we near the end of the game she looks at me and suddenly says, "I am really tired Gammy.  I want to go to bed."  Well, alrighty then.  When a 4-year old says that, it must be true.

I think we all are --- it doesn't take long and the house shuts down for the night.  It has been a long couple of days.

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