Saturday, September 12, 2020

Vacation in Montana - Days 7,8

We are winding down and today is our last full day of time here in Montana.  It has been amazing and I have enjoyed every bit down to the last minute.  There really isn't anything too active on the agenda for today --- just time together.  Soaking it all up.

We DO have plans for dinner to meet up in downtown Bigfork at the pub and share some food and last minute memory making.

Several generations gathering together is always amazing and tonight is spot on.  Brock and Jill have brought Greyson, We have Mom with us and Sis/Joe fill the bucket.  We also have a couple of Joe's extended family hanging out too --- I believe it is Ron and Holly.

Greyson just isn't that excited about the gathering --- kind of par for the course with littles.  It's all good though --- we'll just shuffle through people taking turns with him.

Gotta take the trio pic --- it's a must each time we are together.

And --- my beautiful niece as well - 

My turn and the sun is going down.

It's so pretty from up here --- and to top it all off, we didn't know this rooftop patio even existed.

Random family pictures - love that Mom is giggling.

Thanks to my sweetie for remembering to take a few pictures like these

It was such fun --- wonderful last evening.  Now, back to the house for Bailey fun.  Heading to bed and we'll see what the morning brings (yep, this post is still going).

9/12  Rising early once again, I am able to complete some more work on my last quiet book page.  It's not quite finished, but I'm close and can work on the plane too.  Mister and I round everything up and pack/clean the room we are staying in.  Laundry is going and it's kind of a busy morning.  We are driving Sis' car into Kalispell, following her and Joe as they have to drop off a truck to have the tires changed.  A lunch stop is planned, before dropping us at the airport.

Several visits have come and gone without a stop at Sacred Waters Brewing, right near the airport.  Today is the day.  Right next to the brewery is Glacier Sun Winery and they have received a shipment of cans.  I can't help but laugh at the type on the delivery sheet.  Too funny.

There is also a wonderful produce/food shop called The Apple Barrel.  It is a local food market and the outside definitely makes one want to go inside.  Maybe after lunch, but for now -- just look at this goodness.  If I lived here, I would be making homemade applesauce to can.  Oh so yummy.

And the melons and pumpkins/squash bins are delightful as well.  Oh, I am so ready for fall.  It just may be pumpkin/squash soup when we return home.

However, right now -- we're hungry - so lunch - here we come.

What's behind me?  Well, look at these.  So very cool.  The blue one just arrived.

The brewery has a restaurant attached call Fork in the River and that is where the food lies.  Thus, that is where we are going.

Behind the brewery is a wonderful patio area.  Yes, lunch will be outside today.

Now, for something to drink with lunch.  I am in heaven as they have a Coffee Stout just calling my name.   This place is really good sized and with the patio out back, no wonder it is packed with cars every time we drive by.  If the beer is good --- well . . . .AND IT IS!!  Oooooh, must return on another trip.

Lunch is yummy.  Time with Sis and Joe is wonderful.  I wish I had it more often.  I do miss them both so much and these short visits don't allow for much sister time.  

After lunch, a wander through the winery and food store commences.  They are all connected through a walkway inside.  I'm really not interested in the wine right now as I can't take it on the plane, but the store beckons me inside.  Autumn is in full glory and the decor is just so country that my heart is crazy happy.

Oh for the love of cucumbers --- which reminds me that I just made a jar of pickles right before we came up here -- they're gonna be ready when I get home.  I can't buy them that reasonably in Dallas though.

Dang -- gotta go.  Out the door for a few more pictures.

LOOK at the size of these cabbages!!!!

And that's it.  We are off to the airport and starting our journey home.  It's United this time and they are not as good about COVID as Delta was.  It is what it is.  We are packed in tight and I'm just gonna wear my mask, skip refreshments, and hand stitch my way to Denver. 

The layover in Denver is not too long and we are soon off to Dallas - this time with a bit more room, but not much.  We have three seats to the two of us.  With all the smoke from the fires on the West Coast, this is the best sunset we get.   (post still going)

Hello Dallas.  (still not done . . . )  It's good to see ya.

We opt for a late night stop at Vector before going home.  It's not a work day tomorrow and perhaps we can unwind from traveling.  (Two pictures and you're at the end of this post.)  It was a great vacation time and we are already looking at flights back up.

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