Saturday, September 19, 2020

2020 Autumn at the Arboretum - Opening Morning

My sweetie has snagged us early entry into the Dallas Arboretum on the first day of Autumn at the Arboretum.  It is dark when we leave home and just barely light as we enter the beauty of the gardens.  We are basically the only people around right now and that is AMAZING.  It makes for wonderful pictures and I'll just let you enjoy them as we did --- little commentary here and there.

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!!  THIS is my favorite time of year.  I know you've heard me say that time and time before, but it's just that true.  Love the feel in the air, the colors of the season, the sense that one is more rooted to nature.  It makes me think of family, friends, and great food.  

Ooooh, the sun is trying to share in our day.

I take a selfie -- and then am crazy shocked when my sweetie offers to take another one with me.  Woah.

I LIKE it!!!

The Pumpkin Village is up and oh so pretty.  You cannot enter the houses this year (likely due to COVID) but walking around is wonderful as well.

The star below this house makes my heart happy.

My sweetie doing his thing (I have not seen any of his pictures yet)

Closer in on that star!  Look at all the different gourds.

Horse and Buggy -- Cinderella style.

Such variety in this house.  Love it.

This house has  a river forming from inside the house????  

It goes under a bridge and comes out like this - 

Showing the varieties!!!

I LOVE these warted pumpkins!!!  What a great picture.

Yes, there are other things in the gardens at this time of year too.  Here are some azaleas still blooming and covered with morning dew.

One purple loner in a sea of orange and green.

A hidden nook we don't stop in often.

I tried --- not a great picture but the water droplets on this rose were lovely.

Peek through the arch and see all the roses blooming.

The white garden ---- simply enchanting.

Another hidden alcove - we don't often see this fountain.

Another leave trying to soak up the sun.

In the grotto - 

New to me ---- the seeds of a magnolia tree.

We are getting closer to the gardens opening -- spotting others here and there.

Along the shade grove - 

Water on a web - 

Mister helping out others that want a group picture -- 

Pomegranate trees!!!

Our first thought was a lime tree.  We were wrong -- this is a mandarin orange tree.  I want one.  Mister and I are trying to decide if we can do this huge pot thing too.

Several times throughout the morning, my sweetie set up spots for us to try and take a new picture together.  I'm not sure any of them really work (for one thing, I didn't dress right or touch my hair up even a little bit), but we have them.

so many chins - hahahaha.  Well, that's it for our morning as the gates are open and humanity is heading our way.  Thanks for coming along.

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