Sunday, September 27, 2020

Autumn in the House/Porch

 Each year as September comes to a close, my heart starts being lifted up.  I absolutely love October and the signal that Autumn is here.  I always have.  Perhaps it's because I'm a redhead and they are "my colors" -- who knows.  At any rate, it means the scarecrows came down and the house took on a new look.  Want to see?  I love the warmth it provide and the happiness I feel as I walk through.  It will stay this way, with perhaps some Halloween added in and then removed, right up until the house turns red and white for Christmas -- I love that too.  Such a happy place to be.

DMA Morning

 My sweetheart has snagged passes to the DMA this morning and after picking up coffee at White Rock, we are downtown just a week bit early.  Like 40 minutes too early.  Might as well walk around a bit.  One end of Klyde Warren Park has been finished and we have not checked it out in a long time.  Walking along the path, I love what they have done at this end.  It's the perfect city park.  I do like the buildings all around and the little nooks and crannies to sit in.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Quick Trip to Abilene for the Weekend

 Impromptu trips are always fun.  We unexpectedly were invited to Abilene for the evening and decided to "just do it."  Leaving Dallas around 12:15 put us into Abilene earlier than we had told Jen.  Lunch was desired and I discovered that there were new breweries there that we had not explored.  Down to the SoDA district we went.

This is the South Downtown Abilene district and is currently undergoing a cool rejuvenation.  The spot we have stopped at has the most interesting signage on the corner and we are trying, with the help of Google, to figure out just what it used to be.  Apparently the Matera Paper Plant building used to be on this location and this is all that is left -- the vault.  The SoDA recently placed their sign here and it lights up after dark.  Sockdolager Brewing has been built on the location after the Matera building burned.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

2020 Autumn at the Arboretum - Opening Morning

My sweetie has snagged us early entry into the Dallas Arboretum on the first day of Autumn at the Arboretum.  It is dark when we leave home and just barely light as we enter the beauty of the gardens.  We are basically the only people around right now and that is AMAZING.  It makes for wonderful pictures and I'll just let you enjoy them as we did --- little commentary here and there.

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!!  THIS is my favorite time of year.  I know you've heard me say that time and time before, but it's just that true.  Love the feel in the air, the colors of the season, the sense that one is more rooted to nature.  It makes me think of family, friends, and great food.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Last Day of Vacation -- Out and About - Zoo and Breweries

Well, dang it anyway.  Mister's last day of vacation time is here and he definitely DOES NOT wish to spend it sitting in the house.  We have early entries into the Dallas Zoo and are taking advantage of the cooler weather.  As we approach the Hippo Outpost, this sweet tortoise is out saying howdy and I am laughing at her while she tries to somehow either hide behind this piece of wood or turn it over.  Either way, she just keeps pushing on it with her head tucked in.  She's just dang cute.  I would stay all day, but for the safety of the animals, we can't get as close as usual.

Onto the hippos, who are already in the water.  Dang tortoise.  As I stand at the water's edge watching these two river elephants lay in the water, my eyes are drawn to the flowers right in front of me and the giant bumblebee that is working them diligently.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Westlake Brewing -- A New Gem to Us

It's a recuperation day from traveling yesterday.  You know - one of those, "Do I REALLY want to even get dressed?" days.  It works fairly well, but around 1 in the afternoon, Mister decides that he doesn't want to waste his entire vacation day.

I mention that there is a brewery down in Deep Ellum that we have not been to yet and off we go.  Westlake Brewing sits right on Commerce Street and ya can't miss it.

There is a large RED grain tank on the patio:

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Vacation in Montana - Days 7,8

We are winding down and today is our last full day of time here in Montana.  It has been amazing and I have enjoyed every bit down to the last minute.  There really isn't anything too active on the agenda for today --- just time together.  Soaking it all up.

We DO have plans for dinner to meet up in downtown Bigfork at the pub and share some food and last minute memory making.

Several generations gathering together is always amazing and tonight is spot on.  Brock and Jill have brought Greyson, We have Mom with us and Sis/Joe fill the bucket.  We also have a couple of Joe's extended family hanging out too --- I believe it is Ron and Holly.

Greyson just isn't that excited about the gathering --- kind of par for the course with littles.  It's all good though --- we'll just shuffle through people taking turns with him.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Vacation in Montana - Day 6

Mister and I have decided to take a day trip today.  We are off to the north-western part of the state for a bit.  Well, more north-western than we already are.  Libby and Eureka are the destinations and since I was only in Libby a couple of times when I was a teen and have never been to Eureka, it'll be new to both of us.

A quick detour in Bigfork for coffee is made and we are soon on our way. 

Along the route is the Thompson Lakes (yes, it's plural) area and a quick stop for a breathe and chance to just enjoy beauty.  That's what this drive is all about today.  I have a chance to work on a reflection photo --- not too bad.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Vacation in Montana - Days 4, 5

Good day - Good morning - Good Life.  A storm came in yesterday and dropped the temperatures remarkably.  It is a jacket day.  After a good breakfast and chat, Mister and I want to get out and stretch our legs just a bit.  It's wonderful to be back in Montana and we both wish to explore a little today.  Let's see what we can find.

Swan Lake is the destination and the scenery is wonderful.  Along the way, we see a sign to "view wildlife" and since I have no idea what it is, decide to check it out.  It turns out to the be Swan River National Wildlife Refuge and has paths and platforms for viewing nature in a magnificent way.  I'm sure that any other time of year, the bird life would be abundant, but it's a chilly September morning and many of them are on their way south.  Peek at the beauty we did see and let your heart soar as ours did.

Down the path we go - 

Oh my --- it is just beautiful.  I also want to share that I didn't touch these landscape photos even one bit --- the camera saw how it really is for a change.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Vacation in Montana - Days 1, 2, 3

Finally!!!  After 5 months of craziness, we are going to Montana.   About 3 days ago, Mister suggested that perhaps flying would be better.  A 27-hour drive each way with only 8 days available seems challenging at best.  We took a quick peek and were shocked at the prices.  Just a little over $200 each round trip and that's with 3 days notice.  Goodness, we should have looked a couple of weeks ago.  I jumped on and booked flights instantly.  Is it risky?  Yep.  Are we going to be careful?  Yep.  Is it time?  Absolutely.  Six a.m. flight means that we are at the gate and it's only about 5:15.  While I scroll Facebook, Mister takes a nap.  He's preparing for one very long day while I am in the excited stage and couldn't possibly sleep.  We are flying Delta on the way up and United back home again so we will have the opportunity to see how each airline handles the current situation.  The boarding begins and the plane is a 2 -3 seating, with us having the 2 side.  Does that make sense?  I forgot to take a picture.  Away we go.