Saturday, July 30, 2016

Buttars Summer Camp - Days 8 & 9

It's Friday and that means Grandpa still has to work but takes time to walk down to the coffee shop with us first.  Woot, woot.  The boys have waited so that they could go to the coffee shop with the old man.  For some reason, that is always on the list to do.  Let's get walking.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Buttars Summer Camp - Day 7

Day 7!  Where has this week gone?  We are planning a neighborhood day.  Do you know what that means?  Well, for us -- it means that all activities will take place within the neighborhood.  Of course, that does mean that I have to somehow get them out of bed and moving.

The have all managed to congregate in one bed this morning.  It does happen to be the bed with the technical device nearby, but that can't be the reason, right?

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Buttars Summer Camp - Days 4, 5 & 6

25th -  We have a super big agenda for today and that means I need to get in gear and start things up.  It's a SEW DAY!  The boys are eager to make their pajama pants and I absolutely love their enthusiasm.

Once everything is cut out and I have my sweet little Featherweight all set up to go, it's time to put these pants together.  Caleb is up first and he just does oh so well.  His pants have sharks all over them and he is one giant smile.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Buttars Summer Camp - Days 1, 2, & 3

22nd  -  I am outta here and off to Denver to pick up the boys.  My flight goes slick and we meet up with Trent and Amanda who are in a hurry to get to an event they planned.  Okay, we have some time before our flight as it has been delayed.  Let's go get some lunch.

After lunch, we still have more time to kill.  The moving walkways help relieve things a bit.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK - Days 8, 9, 10

13th -  Grandpa has taken the day off to play with us.  How fun is that?  We have determined that it's a good day to hit up the Perot Museum and Klyde Warren Park.  Perhaps a stop at the Dallas Museum of Art while we're down here.  Who knows?

We park at the DMA and walk first thing to the Perot.

Heading downstairs is always fun as the steps play music.  It's good for the heart to try and go up and down, backwards and forwards and try to pick out a tune.  Of course, this only works when it's not crowded, like today.

The main attraction downstairs is a race track where one or two people can race each other and another object.  I say object because it could be a famous runner or a land/water creature that is super fast.  They get to pick.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Making Biscotti

 I am attending a tea party tomorrow and have offered to make the "sweets" for it.  In this house, biscotti is usually made by my sweetheart, but he is just too dang busy right now to take the time required.  And baby, these take time.  So, in between sewing lessons with my grands and playing games, I am attempting something new.  I should get kudos because I even managed to take pictures along the way so that I could share with ya'll.  Enjoy -

Living with my sweetheart has indeed taught me about "mise en place" or locating everything I need and making sure it is ready to go.  This recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of ground aniseed and I don't have that, BUT I do have whole star anise.  It's a simple matter of putting it in the spice grinder we keep just for these occasions.

Reading a little further down I notice that I need 1 cup of whole almonds, toasted, and coarsely chopped.  Okay -- oven on and let's get these roasted.

This can be done quite easily.  Heat oven to 300 degrees and place the almonds on a baking sheet in a single layer.  Place in center rack on oven for 15-20 minutes or until they are a darker golden color.

Peach Update

Ooooh Oooooh Oooooh --- My peaches are coming along nicely.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK - Days 6 and 7

11th -  Monday morning means that Grandpa is back at work and we are on our own again.  After starting out the morning with poached eggs (which Zyra LOVED), we are off to the school playground to get the wiggles out.  My big job here is to take pictures, which I do happily.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK - Days 3, 4 and 5

8th -  Jen, Jared and Josh are in town to spend the day so that the cousins get a chance to play together.  I love these opportunities for the kids.  It makes my heart happy to see them spend time with one another.

Grandpa is home today too and that makes it extra nice.  He's actually working from  home but finishes up early.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK --- Travel and Days 1 & 2

Bekah has been working for Uncle Matt up in Montana for the past month and is returning home today.  She is bringing Hyrum and Zyra back with her for some Gammy and Grandpa time.  Jen and I are off to the airport to pick all three up and Grandpa is following in another car.

Well, dang.  We get stuck in traffic and Grandpa manages to escape via an exit so he is on his way to meet the plane.  We'll get there sometime.

By the time we get there, they are all at baggage waiting for cases.  Hugs all around and then good-byes to Bekah and Jen as they continue on their way to Abilene.  With our new charges in hand, it's time to head into  Dallas.  First stop?  The grocery store and they get to pick out what they want.  It's time for summer camp to begin.

Once we get home, a quick dinner goes into their bellies and then it's bedtime.  Yep, it was a late afternoon flight so the day is pretty much shot.  Let's get some good sleep and be ready for adventures tomorrow.