Saturday, October 4, 2014

White Rock Walking

The storm is behind us and although many in our area still do not have power, we do.  It is a beautiful day out and so instead of focusing on the damage, I want to walk by the lake and enjoy the beauty of our world.  After stopping at White Rock Coffee and discovering a line out the door (OMG), we move on to Green Spot and find a line about half as long.  What is up -- first cool day of fall and everyone needs coffee?  Oh wait --- many of these people still do not have power and most likely do not have a gas stove.  I get it --- they NEED some coffee.  Once we have our drinks, it is off to the lake for us.  We no sooner get out of the car and start walking before I notice the butterflies everywhere.  And I do mean EVERYWHERE.  The sky is dotted with them but I am unable to catch a picture of them in flight.  It appears that we are lucky enough this morning to be right in the middle of the Monarch butterfly migration.  How cool is this?

The lake is doing it's job today.  It is soothing my soul and helping to ground me again.  This is where I come when I feel myself slipping away a bit.  I think I'll practice a bit of photography here today - Mister is not in the mood so all the pictures are actually mine.  Fun.

My friend is out today.

As are the white pelicans.

Peek-a-boo.  Yes, I gave Mister the camera and actually asked for a picture.  How rare is that?  Check out the size of this tree and here is what is on the other side.  I could fit in that space.

We are walking an entirely new route for me and much to my delight we stumble upon this serene area.  It kind of reminds me of the swamps in Louisiana.  Peaceful, non-buggy, and no smell.  Just gorgeous.

It led us to a stream coming from the lake.  Or is is going into the lake?  I think the latter.

What a cool place.  Right in the middle of the city and yet hardly anyone is nearby.

Mister is always more interested in the wildlife.  He is bird watching at all times and discovers a beautiful cardinal sitting right above us.

A victim of the storm, BUT from the looks of this poor tree, it was time.

We come to another view of the marshy area.

It is time to turn around and begin our trek back to the car.  As we are walking, Mister spots several ant mounds and slightly moves the dirt on the top.  Oh my --- these ants are now in motion and at top speed.  I should have used the video instead of a still shot.

Mister points for me to look up and this is what we spot overhead.  Hmmmm.  I wonder if there is an airshow nearby.

The boats are out as we climb back up to a view of the lake.  This is on my bucket list still.  I know I was married on a large "sailboat" but I think it was more of a catamaran.  To go sailing on a small boat has not yet been experience by me and how silly is that.  I grew up on a lake for heavens sake.

One last look at my butterfly friends.  They have truly made my day.  Enchanting, simply enchanting and magical.  I feel lucky to have been a part of it.  Ah, nature.

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