Sunday, October 5, 2014

Another Soccer Morning

We have the chance for another family day of soccer and do not wish to pass it up.  We are meeting Jen and family in Arlington for one game before visiting Mister's brother for his birthday.  That pretty much fills up the day.

When we arrive at the field, the absolute first thing we see is John running up to show us that he lost a tooth - and a big one at that.  He is pretty excited about the whole thing.

We arrive a bit late so need to get set up as the game is starting within moments.  We take up residency under one of the awnings and the boys quickly let it be known that they have absolutely no intention in watching their sister play.  In fact, the one in the background with the blanket over his head is Jared.  (Note:  he stays this way almost then entire game.)  Mister climbs up on the bleacher behind me with Louis and I settle in next to Jen to visit and watch.  Mister has the camera and takes advantage of "special" moments.

Josh is super excited -- can't you tell?

Let the game begin:  Bekah looks on as the game gets underway.  Her turn comes soon though and she is soon in the thick of things.  I love watching her -- it certainly takes me back in time.  As I've said before, U19's are so much fun to watch since they actually have figured out the game and know what they are doing most of the time.

Exciting moments get us up out of our chairs even.  Otherwise, we are pretty dang comfy watching the game, visiting, and checking out the monarch butterflies that are streaming past on their way to Mexico.  I think the ones over here lost their buddies that we saw at the lake yesterday.  (Don't these boys look like they are having the time of their life?  Goodness.)

Half time - it's a pretty close game and getting quite hot out.  Why oh why are these girls not meeting under the awning?  Hello Coach.

What a great opportunity for some one on one time with Jen.  An it's a great hair day to boot.  Don't ya think?  Back to the game.

After the game, we all go for some lunch together before Mister and I have to leave for the next event and the rest of the family now has to travel to Fort Worth for their second game.  Yuck.  It has been fun though and I love these moments and the ability to be a part of them.

See ya next trip.

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