Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Texas Grandsons - Days 9&10

16th - We are back out to the studio this morning so that a quilt top can get finished.  He knows that with each seam, the sewing time is getting shorter and shorter while the quilt gets larger.  Soon, it is finished!  He is so excited and I am pretty proud of him as well.

Back to the studio and we find the perfect backing and Jon is soon busily sewing away making a back to fit his quilt - it is obviously too big but that is not a problem.

That is enough sewing for one day and we are back to work on the puzzle.  It is coming along well and should be finished soon.  Yep, it's a quilting one and I haven't decided yet if I want to save and frame it for the studio.  Decisions, decisions.

After a short time, Mister decides that the car needs a bath and he and Jon are soon at it.  Actually, getting wet does not sound all that bad today.  It could be quite refreshing.

We finish out the day with cocktails (Shirley Temple), an annoyed look, and some Legos while watching Dr. Who.  What more could he ask for?

We are running out of days -- tomorrow must work on quilt some more or it won't be finished in time.

17th - Mister is off to help his mom today so as soon as breakfast is over Jon and I walk down to the store in the hopes of finding a "perm" kit for his hair.  We are very unsuccessful though and return home empty handed.  Instead, we get to work on making his quilt sandwich and putting it on the frame for tying.  He wants more of a comforter feel so we use 3 layers of polyester batting to get the "fluff" he is asking for.

My baby frames are not quite large enough so we go out to the garage and grab two longer sides and then attach canvas to them with a staple gun.  The next step is for Jon to pin his back to the frame on opposite sides.

Once that is accomplished, we use the two longer boards from my baby frames and build a square in the den, using chairs and clamps.  We finish pinning the back on and then put the batting on top, ending with the quilt top and pinning it on as well.

It is now time for a lesson in tying and soon we are busy making knots everywhere.  Mister returns and we are almost finished and able to take the quilt off the frame.  We can walk again instead of crawling everywhere.

There are a few "fixes" to make where the yarn bunched up underneath and Jon sets to work on those while Mister makes sure that all the staples we put into the frames are solid and will not snag anything.  Jon and I make a second trip to the store for dinner.  Salmon!  Doesn't that sound good?  I sure think so.

When we get home, Mister tells us that there might be enough wind for flying kites so we hurry, grab the kites, and head for Flag Pole Hill.  Please let it work.  In no time, Grandpa has the kite on it's way up and doing a few tricks.

Jon's turn

Once the wind dies down, we return home for a wonderful dinner and then settle in to watch "Back to the Future" -- apparently Jon has not seen it and doesn't get our jokes about it.  Time to educate him.

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