Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Texas Grandsons - Days 3&4

10th - It is a beautiful day in Dallas and we are off to the zoo.  I really love it when we get the chance to spend time here with the grands and they get to pick exactly what we see and do.  Josh wants monkeys so we make the primates our first stop, passing the beautiful flamingos along the way.  It turns out that they have eggs!  One of the keepers stops and explains to us that they usually switch out the eggs for a "dummy" egg and keep the real ones in an incubator until it is time to hatch in order to protect it as even the zoo has wild predators.  This egg, however, was freshly laid and is the real thing.

We continue on and Josh gets to see his monkeys.  Not sure this shot shows much interest in him though.  He was trying to place his feet a little more solid.  We had fun watching the baby colobus along with his older brother --- just like my grandchildren --- bugging each other, pulling tails, etc.  Too funny.

Just down the path from the primates is the koala walkabout so Grandpa convinces Josh that we need to go there.  The koalas are both awake and moving (which is very odd) so Mister stays and watches for quite awhile as I take Josh to see the kangaroos.

We stop in to feed the lorikeets - but for some reason they are not very hungry today.  A couple finally decide that perhaps a drink sounds nice and gradually come to camp on me.  I love parrots and always have.  I think if I lived alone, I would have them everywhere.  Yes, the crazy bird lady.  I remember YEARS ago having cockatiels and loving them - keeping their cage open at times for them to just come and go.  Ah yes, youth.

Our next stop is the Reptile house -- it is so funny to me how different and unique each child's requests are for animals.  Josh has absolutely no interest in the other side of the zoo and Elena needs to head there first thing.  I spot a tortoise and feel the need for a picture.  How often does that happen?  Well if we are taking pictures, better get one of Josh as well.  Yes!  It is a good one of him.  Perhaps the one for the frame?  Time will tell.
As we exit the reptile building, we discover a new area at the zoo.  It is the cheetah encounter and so we go over to watch and I love it.  What a great cat and oh soooo fast.

Josh has decided that his legs are tired so we are finished for today.  I think perhaps a nap when we get home and he agrees.  Oh my, he really is tired.  After naps, Grandpa and Josh get to work having a little science fun.  Making goo!  I think this little kit has been a hit with everyone and we still have supplies left.  Hopefully enough for two more visits with young ones.

It seems like a good evening to walk down to Tony's for dinner.  I love that we have the ability to do this.  It is a great evening and although we try hard to get Josh to eat pizza the way the "New Yorkers" do, he wants nothing to do with it.  No folding for him.  A quick walk back home and it is quiet time -- a movie and bed.

11th - We are gaining another grandson today and getting a friend of his as well.  First up, after breakfast we are on our way to Denton to pick up Jon and Braden from swim camp.  Mister and I get up a little early and put a roast in the crock pot so that dinner is handled and we can just enjoy the day.  We arrive on campus, locate the pool and settle in to watch the races and awards presentation.

Each of the four strokes will be swam and for their practice runs they are told to work on one that they are trying to perfect.  Jon chooses back stroke.  Soon, the racing begins and I am impressed with Jon.  He does very well, averaging third in most races.  Very decent.  Here are Jon and Braden side by side preparing for the race to start.

Time for butterfly - watch the video as it is Jon's favorite race.

A little freestyle action:

And some breast stroke.  He nails them all.

After the races, the boys come and sit with us until the awards presentation.  I love visiting about their week and hearing their stories.  I somehow sense, though, that they are a bit tired of each other.  Just like siblings -- too much time together and each needs some space.

Once the awards are given out, it is time to drive back to Dallas.  We get some lunch and relax for a bit.

Now what to do?  The older boys want to go to the mall.  Well, we haven't been to Northpark in awhile so I guess a walk around will do us all some good.  Braden shares that he has never really been to a large mall and is looking forward to it.  Well alrighty then.

Josh asks to have his picture taken and I am taking him up on those opportunities.  This one is not too bad either.

First stop:  You guessed it -- The Lego store.  It doesn't take long and these boys are quickly checking everything out and playing with anything they can get their hands on.

From there, the Apple store is a must stop as well.  Boys and their toys!

As we round the corner to another section of the complex, we discover an exhibit that is actually quite fascinating.  From the outside it looks like a row of water towers, but when you wander underneath and look up, it is a study in mirrors.  The boys love them.

After the mall, we make a stop down at the lake to see if the parrots are out.    They are nesting so not flying as much and a little harder to see this time but we do manage to spot quite a few.

Continuing our walk down to the water, we stop off at the old pump house and take a few pictures of Josh again.  He is the one we don't have any from last summer, so I am trying to get a few this time.  He plays along well but we are losing light rapidly.

The lake is busy and again, it doesn't take the boys long to move around and secure their own spots to enjoy.

Grandpa looks pretty relaxed doesn't he?

One last attempt

After a dinner of our yummy pot roast -- oh it is good --- I want ice cream so we venture off to Sonic but are soon chased away by mosquitos and finish our treats at home.  It has been a full day and I am beat.  Time for down time.

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