Sunday, May 5, 2013

Montana Time - Zyra 3rd Bday Party - Day Four

Crawling out of bed after two little ones awaken us, we are up and running.  There is a party to finish preparing for ya know.  Miss Zyra has requested a "My Little Pony" party and mom is doing all she can to meet that request.  She even had a pony coming over to play, but it got sick and had to cancel -- so sad.  Matt gives some space as he takes the kids and dogs to the river for awhile.  Grandpa gets to work putting Zyra's gift together and I march upstairs to help Becca as much as I can.

She is already hard at work putting out all the treats she has prepared ahead of time and finishing the cake.

I think it turns out great and that her ideas were perfect.  I really could learn a thing or two from her in having tons of materials available to work with.  She just starts pulling items from her cabinet and soon we have a finished product that will be perfect for the party.  Back into the fridge it goes since it has a whipped cream frosting.

Everything is finished and it is time to get dressed.  Becca discovers that the security tag on her new top was not removed and so while she finishes with the kids, Mister and I make a quick run into town to have it taken off.  We are back in 1/2 an hour and things are all go again.  Everything looks amazing and Matt is still zooming around finishing things.  He has been a whirlwind today -- everywhere we looked, he was busy.  Not sure where all that energy came from after a late night last night.  Whew.

It is party time --- complete with a chocolate fountain.

When the pony plans fell apart, a store run was made and this giant ball purchased.  It is great!  The kids crawl around inside and are pushed around tumbling all over the place.  It is also an instant hit along with the trampoline, especially for the boys who are still girlied out from yesterday.  Are you wondering what I see as Mister is taking this picture of me taking a picture?  Look.

The two smallest soon locate places to play that are not quite as busy where they won't get trampled by the older kids.

It always surprises me that they can just find things to amuse themselves and soon we are looking for them.  I also wish I could do this squat for more than a couple of minutes.  Ah, youth.  We never truly realize what we have until it is gone -- even something as simple as squatting.

The older boys have retreated downstairs to the video games and pop up occasionally for a run in the ball or a jump on the tramp.  I think I am running low on energy as I sit down often and miss some of the side activities.

Soon it is candle time.  Becca lites the candles and Zyra promptly blows them out before we can even get the first note out to sing.  We start over and Matt has to hold her back while we sing both the American and Brazilian versions of "Happy Birthday to You".  At last she gets to blow out her candles and have a piece of cake.

Becca has also cooked up a storm as usual and the food is delicious.  I am totally stuffed and wanting to just sit and visit.  My niece, Jill, and her husband, Brock, are here for the event and so we are able to sit out on the patio for a quick visit before it is time to move into the living room to open gifts.  Zyra is so cute with the cards -- she loves them and wants to open each one.  She then stands and reads them -- at least what she thinks they say.  Goodness -- so cute.

Grandpa had found a gift for Zyra several months ago and stored it out back until this trip.  Yep, we checked the box on the plane and brought it with us.

We watch as she takes all the furniture from her gift bag and Daddy keeps asking her what she is going to do with it.  Once she finds the house, it doesn't take long to put everything inside.  Yay Grandpa.

The party breaks up shortly after that and while I am outside saying good-bye to Amanda and kids, Matt has armed the kids with wooden skewers from the table and let them go to down on the balloons.  They make very short work of this task and soon the arch is gone.

It has been a great day and after the mess is cleaned up, we sit down and breathe for a few minutes while Matt goes from room to room organizing the house again.  He reminds me so much of myself as he counts pieces to games and toys and puts everything back in it's proper place.

As I snuggle with Zyra after the party and have her try on the outfit I made her, Grandpa snaps this oh so cute picture of us.  Love it.

Where is Hyrum in all of this???  Well, he went downstairs with a friend and was seldom seen today.  Crowds are just not his thing --- also reminds me of his dad.  Well, if he follows true to form, he will one day be Mister Gladhander just like Daddy.

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